Plug Fouling, Warranty Question
I put a GM crate 350 in my truck back in December. I've been tracking down problems (namely replacing the Holley Throttle Body with a good ole Edelbrock 1406) and came across a fouled plug. I took it out and cleaned it, only to have it foul again. It gets caked with burnt oil.
My question is: For a warranty claim (it's supposed to be 12 months) is there anything I should have done regarding cylinder three? Something in the break in process that I missed? The engines are supposed to be sealed units, so I can't think of anything I could have done to cause this. I want to get my ducks in a row before I call Jegs, I'm sure it's going to be a fight.
It's not that I am apathetic, I just don't care.
If your life is a joke, it appears death will be your punchline.