sssoooo, I guess I went too low.
So I finally got around to doing my front disc brake conversion along with some drop spindles. I got the spindles off of craigslist and the guy said they were "2 drop spindles but they looked like more to me. Anyway I put it all together and the tires only have like a "1/2 of clearance. I tried to take it around the block and it was hitting getting out of the driveway. I have the stock springs that came from the 78 donor. I'm thinking of putting those in and maybe taking a coil or half a coil off. Right now it has the stock springs with one and a half coils cut plus whatever the drop spindles are. I think it may have dropped the truck "3 so I guess they're "3 drop spindles. My other option is putting the stock 78 spindles on. What do y'all think I should do?
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BaBaBooey BaBaBooey