Yes another gas tank problem. I ordered a stock replacement tank (in cab) from Brother’s back in July. UPS delivered it while we weren’t home, didn’t notice anything wrong until we went to install it and they’d tweaked the filler neck big time. That’s when we realized the box had a huge gash in it. Brothers took care of us and replaced it, only their tanks were out of stock until just this last week. Ugh. We’ve waited since the end of July to get this truck running and what showed up yesterday evening?! Another damaged tank. Same issue, the filler neck is sorta buckled/shoved in because the box was obviously dropped on its end. Then again, I have no idea what this thing looks like without having been dropped of the UPS truck.
It’s not as bad as the first one, but my concern is whether or not this will cause the neck to be too short/the way wrong angle. What is your expert opinion.

The easy way to find out is to try throwing it in the truck, but I really don’t know that Brothers would appreciate me trying that and then returning it.