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Old 02-11-2004, 07:29 AM   #1
lost wages
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got answers?

ok, this truck is almost ready to start and i need to button up a few things before i fire it up.
1. my radiator is a 4 core with the tranny cooler in it, i dont want to run the lines from the radiator to the transmission just to keep the engine compartment clean and simple, beings as this is a fair weather vehicle, will i be ok to plug the radiator fittings and just run a aftermarket cooler near the trans? what do you suggest?
2. going to run electric fans, what do you think of the module that old air has for these trucks? any other ideas?
3. do i need to run a steel line from the intake to the vacuum modulator on the tranny or will rubber be ok?
4. for right now i will have no heat or ac in the truck, do i need a hose from the intake to the water pump or can i put plugs in them?
5. why isnt this truck done yet?
there is more but ill start there, any more hints or ideas on what i need to do before i start this thing for the first time would be appreciated. thanks all.
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Old 02-11-2004, 07:58 AM   #2
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Here is my opinion. and you know what they say about them!
1. you need the AT line into the rad. it is to keep the trans as warm as it is cool. If you cool a trans to much you will eat it in short order.
2. Haven't seen the setup you are talking about but electric fans are a good addon. I would still run the factory fan though.
3.The steel line is to keep it from sagging and touching something it shouldn't.
4. The small hose between the intake and water pump is a recirculator to keep the engine even in temp I would keep it. Early chevys didn't use them like the old 283. your choice but a small braided hose looks nice there.
5. They are never done you will always find something to change.
good luck, Dave.
" opinions are like a$$holes everyone has one and they all stink"
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Old 02-11-2004, 08:10 AM   #3
Longhorn Man
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I agree with pretty much everything dwaite said.
But I would like to add to #3.
Some times, esp after the vac hose gets old, the hose can colapse and cause funny shifting.
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