Decisions, decisions...
I just found out that I'll be moving pretty soon, so my '67 project that I picked up a week ago will probably have to find a new home soon - not for sure yet. (I'm still trying to figure out if I can use it on a flatbed to haul other stuff) Despite my move, I still spent the day sanding, primering and scrounging junkyards for the stuff I need (I got the suspension parts I needed, thanks anyway guys). However, on my way home I spied this nice little '72 lined up with a row of farm equipment like it is for sale. I called the guy and he wants $2000 for it. It's a '72 Super Cheyenne w/ factory buckets & console. The only drawback is that the 350 has a broken cam, or so he says. I'd really like to go tow it home, but my 8 month pregnant wife doesn't want any more non running projects around. This is kinda stupid but I'm going to poll y'all to help me sway her decision. Thanks....
'99 Chevy 3/4 Burb 4x4
'98 Chevy 1/2 Short Bed 4x4
Former 67 & 72 owner
Wanted: 1972 10 or 20 4X4, V8 4spd