I was setting the idle mixture on my truck today and was connecting my engine analyzer up to the battery. The analyzer is one I bought way back in the 70's made by Sun. Anyway, I had connected the positive lead to the battery and was reaching down to straighten out some of the leads when I guess I accidentally pulled the positive lead over enough to touch the radiator support. The battery in my truck has the positive lead right next to the radiator support (about 2 inches). All of a sudden I hear all this popping and cracking, smoke all over the place and I look over and can see the positive lead of the analyzer welding itself to the radiator support

. About that time one of the small ground wires catches on fire RIGHT NEXT TO THE BATTERY! I thinks to myself, oh sheet

! I reach over and try to disconnect the analyzer lead and couldn't get it off. I had to rear back and smack the devil out of it to knock it off the battery and support where it had firmly welded itself. Didn't wind up doing any damage that I could tell, but it sure scared the hell out of me. I'm going tomorrow to see if I can find another battery that has the positive post on the other side toward the firewall and away from the metal radiator support. Live and learn....never to old.