Well, here is the low down. I have my 86 GMC. It has a 305, and headers. Also, my truck used to be a 4.3L. Well, I bought 2 universal cats, and 2 turbo mufflers. Should be cool, right? WRONG.

It is against the law to run a true dual exhaust on a vechile that was only a single, becuase of the cat situation. If the truck only had one cat, you can't have 2. None of the shops around here will touch it.

Now, one guy would do it "after hours" for a reasonable fee, but my problem is if it would have to go in for emmisions, and they fail it for it, I will have to get another system put on it. Have to pay for it twice.

Now they will also be willing to make a "Y" pipe after the headders, and make it a single system. But to do so, it's a little expensive. Or should I get factory manifolds and get a factory system? Also, it is technecly against the law to have a v8 in place of a v6, but they are pretty leanlent about that, at least they were with my 69. As long as the v8 passes the 6 cylinder specs. Should I get the duals, and take the chance? Should i get some $$$ together and have them make a "y" pipe and run a single system? I feel as if i am between a rock and a hard place. Any ideas? Thanks. BTW, I live in IL.