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Old 01-14-2009, 07:54 PM   #1
short step
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GM alt wires

What are the wires on a 89 alt for 2 red , brn & brn/w

Last edited by short step; 01-14-2009 at 07:54 PM.
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:28 PM   #2
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Re: GM alt wires

Name:  CSAltConversion.jpg
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This should be the alternator you are referring to called a CS style. The diagram is showing how to convert one to the older chevy trucks. When you ask what wires go where by color it can be deceiving because different models used different color wires. Below is the terminals and where the wires go from them.

"P" Terminal (Phase Connection) - This terminal sends a signal to a relay, frequency sensing tachometer, or computer indicating alternator speed. This terminal may not be used - this is normal.

"L" Terminal (Charge Light) - This terminal is fed from the ignition through the charge light on the dash. This connection turns the alternator "on". Without a signal to turn "on", the alternator will not charge. However the "I" terminal may be used to turn this alternator "on", as described, instead of the "L" terminal. Please note that if there is a connection on the "I" terminal there will be NO connection on the "L" terminal.

"I" Terminal (Ignition) - This terminal is fed directly from the ignition switch to turn the alternator "on". Without a signal to turn the alternator "on", the alternator will not charge. However the "L" terminal may be used to turn this alternator "on", as described, instead of the "I" terminal. Please note that if there is a connection on the "L" terminal there will be NO connection on the "I" terminal. If there is a connection on the "L" terminal AND the "I" Terminal THEN the "I" terminal is NOT an "I" terminal but an "F" terminal (confused yet??).

"F" Terminal (Field Monitor) - This terminal sends a signal to the computer telling it how much field current is flowing (therefore the computer knows how hard the alternator is working). This terminal is not always used AND can only be used if the alternator is turned on by the "L" terminal.

"S" Terminal (Battery Sense Connection) - This terminal is larger than the others and provides the alternator with a precise battery voltage reading however, this connection may not used. When not used, the alternator will automatically sense battery voltage at the battery post.

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Old 01-14-2009, 10:41 PM   #3
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Re: GM alt wires

confused as heck. i will save this as i am not too far from having to do this.

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Old 01-15-2009, 02:05 AM   #4
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Re: GM alt wires

There is another way to wire it with out using the stock GM wiring at all. I'll take pics of how mine is wired, but we didn't use the stork wiring harness and voltage regulator on mine. The cab get's it's power off a fuse block that's on my batt. and the alt is wired up differently..

I'll grab pics friday/saturday.
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