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Old 09-27-2010, 11:02 AM   #1
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New guy with a 72 Super

Just wanted to introduce myself. I have NEVER owned a truck, and have never owned a pre-80's vehicle, but I picked up a 1972 C20 LWB 2WD on Satrurday.

I have been into older Mercedes Diesels for a while, so this is my first Chevy also.

It seems like you guys have a real nice place here on the web.

I was having a little buyers remorse yesterday, as I think maybe a paid a little too much for my new acquisition and yesterday it completely died while driving (no lights....nothing) to further my dread. The front suspension is going to need some major work also.

It came with a stack of receipts. "Big Blue" has been into the shop on 4 swperate occassions for starter/charging system related issues. As of now, the alternator is overcharging the battery. 13.7 volts at rest. The alternator pulley looks bent at there was squealing and loping/ almost bogging when at idle when it was running. Somehow it made the drive 30 miles to my house Saturday night.

I know we all like to see pics, so here is "Big Blue". I bought the truck as a project for my 7-year old son and I. I want it to become a daily driver. It supposedly has a 454 in it, but I cannot find the numbers on the block. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions, but I need to get it running first. will have to wait till I get home from work. The craigslist ad may still be up.

Wish me luck....hope I'm not in WAAYYY over my head with this one.
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Old 09-27-2010, 11:24 AM   #2
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Welcome to the site, and congrats....from the pic it looks like a real nice one, and good price too
_69 SWB_

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Old 09-27-2010, 11:24 AM   #3
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

welcome!! i think you got a good deal. you and your son will have fun.
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Old 09-27-2010, 11:49 AM   #4
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Welcome to the site! It looks like a clean truck and like mentioned above, a good price for what you got. The clean body is a major plus, as the most time consuming and expensive part of maintenance or restoration is bodywork. Mechanical work is a snap because these old vehicles are easy to work on. You'll have everything ironed out in no time.
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Old 09-27-2010, 06:31 PM   #5
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Thanks for the welcome, and thanks for the vote of confidence with the purchase. The last Mercedes diesel I bought looked like crud, but was mechanically solid when it was done. I sold it for a big loss to help fund this truck purchase, so I realize the importance of a fairly nice slate to start with. I think the files are too big to upload here, so HERE is a link to some more pictures of the truck.


Last edited by 1stimer; 09-27-2010 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 09-27-2010, 07:11 PM   #6
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Talking Re: New guy with a 72 Super

I think you got one heck of a deal. Looks really straight and not must rust at all.

These trucks are really simple to work on. When I bought mine there were lots of issues with electrical and I also was worried that I paid to much for it. But after going through all the electrical grounds and following the wireing harness around repairing "weak" sections most of the problems went away.

If you want a project truck for your boy and you I recommend selling that truck to me and I can help you find a real project truck....

Just kidding, nice find and hope to see more about your truck and see you around the site.
72' Custom10 4wd 350: Daily Driver
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Old 09-27-2010, 07:22 PM   #7
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

a note on your starter issue some headers run too close to the starter maybe its overheating the starter that's a common problem many add heat shields see if it has one.
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Old 09-27-2010, 08:27 PM   #8
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

dude, that is really cool how your gonna build it with your son! thats AWESOME! Maybe I can do the same ONE DAY lol

congrats, more pics?

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Old 09-27-2010, 08:48 PM   #9
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Check the link on post #5 for the 13 pictures that I have oldblue.

Also, "build" is not a word I would use you to describe my intent with this truck for my son and I, especially after seeing some of the true "build" threads on here. MY mechanical abilities are limited to basic maintenance I'm afraid, but I am hoping to learn more. For instance, I've never done any suspension work besides shocks. That's why this electrical issue already has me dead in my tracks. I'm going to go take a look with a wiring diagram and see if I can see anything over by the fusible links on the passenger side. Am I on the right track???

I did read about the heat with the headers and problems with the starter. Thanks for the reminder. I'm still trying to find where and what everything is under the hood. I ordered a shop manual which should be here soon. Is the assembly manual worth getting as well??

Last edited by 1stimer; 09-27-2010 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:08 PM   #10
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

It's nice to have this information for myself in one place, so I hope it's ok to list this here. I'll also cop to the fact that I paid the full asking price for the vehicle. So far Im in $2500.

Other receipts show a kragen alternator from 3/'09 -- looks like I can replace that for free?

Battery from walmart from 3/09 as well. Replaceable?

Brake pads and shoes and master cylinder from autozone 6/09.

$500 in brake work with a rebuilt booster from 6/09. "customer couldn't bleed"

$945 from Loftis Motorsports -- Gears / Bearings from 8/09.

$200 from Loftis Motorsports -- Flush trans and filter 12/09.

$570 Edelbrock carb from Truckin Stuff 1/10.

$170 D.E HSG 4347 housing and bracket support ---- notes say "There is still align problem with flywheel". 5/10.

$180 Headlights non-op - replaced dimmer switch and bulbs. 7/10.

Various oil changes and misc.

Last edited by 1stimer; 09-27-2010 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 09-27-2010, 09:36 PM   #11
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Sounds like a really good deal and a great starting point. Check the voltage regulator if it's still a factory setup. It might be causing the charging issues. It's a square box on either the fender or radiator support.
Looking for a 67-72 swb or blazer project in or around VA.
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Old 09-27-2010, 10:52 PM   #12
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Originally Posted by 292farmer View Post
a note on your starter issue some headers run too close to the starter maybe its overheating the starter that's a common problem many add heat shields see if it has one.
I had the same issues with my 402BB and starter. Looks like a really nice truck for $2500. O yes and from Ohio!
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.

67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.

1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc

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Old 09-27-2010, 11:27 PM   #13
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

No need for buyers remorse, you didn't get hurt at all. Matter of fact, I'd call that a steal with a new 454! Of course its going to pass everything but a gas station, but it'll be fun!

And I think you are right, all the stuff with receipts you should be able to warranty out and get for free, or a minimum. And welcome to the board!
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Old 09-28-2010, 12:21 AM   #14
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Dude you got a great deal mine was that much and Im in the process of getting a new engine and I had to get a new bed. Awesome truck man good score.
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Old 10-09-2010, 11:18 PM   #15
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Had the truck for 1 day, and it completely shut off while driving to pick up some food about a mile from my house. I had it towed to a local shop here in Pasadena. The truck has been in several times for starting issues as evidenced by reciepts, and a quick look at the wiring made me realize I'm in over my head. I need to get to a point where it runs and drives, and then learn how to tackle things as they come up. The mechanic said the wiring was really "mickey moused" together, with wires having several shoddy splices in them. They have spent (4) hours so far. I'm hoping for the best and realizing quickly that I better learn how to fix this thing myself, or it's going to bury me. I did order and have received the Chevy service manual, and will be reading up while I am waiting.

Issues that need to be tackled besides the wiring/charging system are:

1. Squeaking belt/pulley

2. Loping idle

3. SLOPPY suspension----the truck was all over the road when I drove it home from picking it up. Looks like a new steering box has been installed, too.

4. Heat into the cab. It was hot when I drove it back, but the heat from the engine into the cab seemed extreme.

5. The huge hole in the side of the bed where a previously installed aux tank must have been mounted.

6. Climate control/blower motor/vent ducting. -- not operational.

7. Gear selector lever??? - Shows you what gear you are in on the column---mine is non-existent--can this be added to an existing steering column?

8. Steering wheel travels up and down like the tilt is in adjust mode, but never gets set.

That's all I can think of from my short time spent with her.

I know most of you guys are DIY'ers, but this may take me a long time to tackle this stuff. This thread may help some new or limited DIY guys.

Any thoughts on these problem areas are more than welcome, and thanks again for the warm welcome.

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Old 10-10-2010, 05:35 AM   #16
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Welcome to the Club!
If you don't need this as a daily driver quickly, take your time and learn about your new toy. You have a great platform to start with and you got a great deal on the purchase price as well! There are lots of suggestions and helpful people here that can give you all kinds of great pointers.

Take care,

'69 GMC 2500 Longhorn
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Old 10-10-2010, 03:03 PM   #17
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Originally Posted by 1stimer View Post
Had the truck for 1 day, and it completely shut off while driving to pick up some food about a mile from my house. I had it towed to a local shop here in Pasadena. The truck has been in several times for starting issues as evidenced by reciepts, and a quick look at the wiring made me realize I'm in over my head. I need to get to a point where it runs and drives, and then learn how to tackle things as they come up. The mechanic said the wiring was really "mickey moused" together, with wires having several shoddy splices in them. They have spent (4) hours so far. I'm hoping for the best and realizing quickly that I better learn how to fix this thing myself, or it's going to bury me. I did order and have received the Chevy service manual, and will be reading up while I am waiting.

Issues that need to be tackled besides the wiring/charging system are:

1. Squeaking belt/pulley
Check alignment of the pulleys after looking at the condition of the belt
2. Loping idle
Could be just a cam causing it or try to bump up the idle speed a little
3. SLOPPY suspension----the truck was all over the road when I drove it home from picking it up. Looks like a new steering box has been installed, too.
Look at the tie rod ends and ball joints...if they are worn it can be like that and be a safety issue also...
4. Heat into the cab. It was hot when I drove it back, but the heat from the engine into the cab seemed extreme.
Were the cowl vents closed inside on the kick panels? Or any firewall insulation still there?
5. The huge hole in the side of the bed where a previously installed aux tank must have been mounted.
Know any friends with a welder
6. Climate control/blower motor/vent ducting. -- not operational.
Might have something to do with the heat...
7. Gear selector lever??? - Shows you what gear you are in on the column---mine is non-existent--can this be added to an existing steering column?
Screws onto the you see the two screw holes?
8. Steering wheel travels up and down like the tilt is in adjust mode, but never gets set.
Sounds like time for a rebuild
That's all I can think of from my short time spent with her.

I know most of you guys are DIY'ers, but this may take me a long time to tackle this stuff. This thread may help some new or limited DIY guys.

Any thoughts on these problem areas are more than welcome, and thanks again for the warm welcome.

Hope a couple answers help
Looking for a 67-72 swb or blazer project in or around VA.
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:52 PM   #18
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Originally Posted by VA72C10 View Post
Hope a couple answers help
Thank you very much! I want my truck back so I can start tackling these issues. Any other thoughts are more than welcome.
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Old 10-18-2010, 08:49 PM   #19
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Ok. Got the truck back today. I just wanted it a place where I could drive it and get to know it a little better and then learn to fix a few things at a time. He replaced and repaired some of the wiring and put in a new alternator and bracket. Things he recommended being replaced are:

1. Spark Plug Wires.... said they weren't designed for headers (could melt them)

2. Upper Ball Joint and control arm bushings

3. Headers redone gaskets/bolts.....said there is a leak at the exhaust manifold

When I got it to home and parked it and came back outside it was leaking radiator fluid.

I'm still thinking I bit off more than I can chew, but I'm going to give it a go. There's a lot more than the stuff he listed, but that's where I'm at. I can't afford to pay a mechanic to fix everything. I'm embarrassed to say what I had to pay for the work he DID do.

Wish me luck....researching bushings and ball joints right now. Doesn't sound easy for a novice like me. I do have a friend who is a little more knowledgeable than me, but not by much.
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Old 10-19-2010, 12:13 AM   #20
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Welcome to the board! Looks like a good start to a great project! I think that its cool that you and your son are gonna build this, my dad and I rebuilt the original motor in my truck when I was about 12, I still have great memories of that. I am in the process of finding an el camino for me and my 8 year old son to start working on (that is his car/truck of choice). Good luck, and just keep asking questions on here when you run into problems and we'll get you through it!
68 3/4 ton (Project)-350 Small Block, .030 over, 10:1 comp, 3998993 heads, C3BX edelbrock intake, comp cams XE268, Holley 670 SA, long tube headers, dual flow 40's, E-fan, Alum rad, currently under the knife getting shortened and bagged build thread
41 3/4 ton (wife's)-flatbed, fully restored to original
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Old 10-19-2010, 09:13 AM   #21
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

WELCOME..Good luck with your truck.

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Old 10-19-2010, 10:01 AM   #22
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Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Welcome! and don't regret, a thing these trucks and this forum are great.

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