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Old 03-14-2011, 01:45 AM   #1
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I hope I am not in the wrong place for this.

So, here goes, first post.

I am transplanting a GMC 305 V6 engine that had a Powerglide behind it, into a Chevy 1 ton truck, that had a 292 inline 6 in it, with compound low 4 speed. The engine has the GMC to Chevy bell housing adapter, the ring gear and triangular flex plate.

I would think I need the correct flywheel for this setup, but have seen nothing about what is what, and suppliers for the flywheel. Is it one piece, ring gear and flywheel, or, does it piggy back onto the ring gear as the triangular auto flex plate does??

And, where to get a used one??

The truck this V6 is going into,is a 1963 Chevy 1 ton flatbed. Should be fun when it's finished.

Sorry of this is in the wrong place.

Thanks for any info.

Last edited by scotts62; 03-14-2011 at 06:31 AM. Reason: WTB
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Old 03-14-2011, 02:05 AM   #2
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Re: New to the boards

First off, Welcome to the forum. Lot of guys here with good knowledge. I am sure some of the GMC guys can lead ya in the right direction as to what ya need for a 305 v6 transplant. As for posting problems if you posting want adds you have to be a supporting member or they will be removed if you can even get the post up. It actually worth the small donation to become a supporting member. Not sure why I haven't done it yet but I get my head full of stuff and something has to get pushed out.... Anyway hope someone leads ya in the right direction.
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Old 03-14-2011, 06:34 AM   #3
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Re: New to the boards

Rannos is correct about the supporting membership, its a good deal if you are searching for parts or want to post in the classifieds to get rid of some.

You can do that here if you choose to do so.

the site.

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Old 03-14-2011, 08:46 AM   #4
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Re: New to the boards

Everything you want to know about the GMC V6

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IG duallyjams

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Old 03-14-2011, 11:59 AM   #5
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Re: New to the boards

Welcome! You are probably one of the few that actually take out an inline and replace it with the V-6 on this board. But I support ya

Dually jams is right about the GMC website. They are awesome and strictly love the V-6. I know there are a couple guys on here that have an auto behind their V-6 so hopefully they'll chime in here.

Good luck!
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:05 PM   #6
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Re: New to the boards

Welcome, Best site ever!!!! Lots of great knowledge here! Interesting project, any pictures?
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Old 03-14-2011, 11:42 PM   #7
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Re: New to the boards

Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I apologize again for not knowing what was required to post a want ad, my complete ignorance.

I have visited the 6066 site link, found pictures of what I already have, and none for the stick flywheels. I did see a series pf pictures that were of an oil pan gasket change, and one of them had a picture of a flywheel from the engine side, and it appears that the 'wheel is conventional, not special. There is a person on another site that e/mailed me, and possibly, has a 'wheel.

Although I have over 40 years in the automotive and motorcycle industries, my specialty in auto now is small body electronic ignition systems. I have extensive knowledge in them, all sorts, so, please ask if you have ignition system questions, I will be happy to answer them honestly.

Thanks again.
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Old 03-15-2011, 12:43 AM   #8
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Re: New to the boards

Welcome to the forum

I wouldn't think it would be too difficult to find a flywheel for the 305 V-6. I'm sure someone will post up that can help you out.
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Old 03-15-2011, 07:31 AM   #9
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Re: New to the boards

On the link i gave you go into the forum for all question it is free to join.Gmc made two different adapters for a auto for the V6.Check out craigs list as I have seen some on there. here is a link for a after market one .

63 GMC V6 4speed carryall
65 chevy swb bbw V8 auto
68 K20 327/4 speed, buddy buckets
2002 GMC CC Dually Duramax

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IG duallyjams

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Old 03-15-2011, 03:59 PM   #10
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Re: New to the boards

Thank you for the link, but I have already contacted this, ahem..."person", with very adverse results. Because I "disturbed him with my flywheel questions" I was bombarded with his insults and flames. It seems he thinks everyone should be fully informed about what HE does, before contacting him. All I asked of him was if he had any information, and/or a stick shift flywheel for the V6. Evidently, I was supposed to know before hand, that all he did was automatic transmission adapters/kits.

I own a business that does electronic (HEI) small body distributor conversions, and I would never treat a customer as this fellow did myself, by e/mail, over the telephone, nor in person. Even if I don't agree with a person, treating them like I was, just doesn't cut it.

I do have more information for those on the boards that might need it. I measured the triangular flex plate a few minutes ago, and found:

The center register that centers the plate to the ring gear bell/crankshaft flange diameter is 2.750 inches

The bolt pattern, as measured across two bolt holes, 180 degrees opposed, is 3.975 inches, center to center of the bolt holes

The bolt holes are .527/.528 diameter

I hope this info is of help for someone in the future doing research/parts chasing for these items.

If anyone needs them, I can remove the parts form the rear of the V6 engine, and take pictures, then e/mail them to a real e/mail address. I have NO idea as to how to post pictures on boards, though, please excuse my extreme ignorance in that matter.

Another note, the truck this engine came out of still has the small bolt pattern for the flex plate, along with the new Chevy small block in it. For those that have the factory stock GMC to Chevy adapter, and are installing a small/big block Chevy V8 in place of the GMC V6, all Gary and I did was to use it on the small block, and bolt the GMC Powerglide converter right to it. I will try to get info on just which flex plate we used, and post here in the future. The flex plate we used seemed to have three distinctive bolt patterns, the triangular, and two larger ones for three different converter bolt patterns.

Last edited by HEI451; 03-15-2011 at 04:00 PM.
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:26 PM   #11
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Re: New to the boards

go onto their forum and ask and it will not cost you anything to ask. they are usually pretty good in helping, esp if you are putting a 305 into a chev. make clear what you want to do with the trans. I am not clear if you want too use the p/g or use the 4speed, so make that clear
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:59 PM   #12
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Re: New to the boards

Simple, I did go ask there, got NO response.

I have a GMC 305 V6 "big block" that was in front of a factory stock Chevy bell housing pattern Powerglide that came new in that GMC pickup, which used the factory GMC V6 to Chevy bell housing adapter, ring gear and flex plate, of which I still have all those automatic parts.

I am installing this V6 into an early (1963) Chevy 1 ton truck, that has a granny low 4 speed in it, was behind the blown up 292. The factory GMC to Chevy bell housing adapter will work, and so will the GMC ring gear, and from what I am seeing, all I will need to do now, without any further hassles, is to machine the 292 flywheel for center register to the crank, and drill the correct bolt pattern, and piggy back the Chevy flywheel to the GMC ring gear, and use the Chevy 11 inch clutch.

The Chevy flywheel is neutral balanced, as is the V6 flywheel, from what I have been told, so, no balance issues. It is simple machining, new register, new bolt holes, and bolt the whole thing together. In the measurements between the 292 block and flywheel, there is 1/2 inch clearance from the bell housing to flywheel, and, with the same Chevy flywheel cut to fit the GMC ring gear, that distance goes to 9/26ths inch, so, virtually NO difference, NO revision of anything in the Chevy clutch, nor linkage.

In my research for this flywheel project, I found a lot of dual bolt pattern flywheels are available, so, re-drilling this Chevy flywheel shouldn't be a problem/issue. Looks like literally lathe work, with the gap on my lathe removed to clear the flywheel diameter, and drilling the bolt holes on my drill press.

It looks as the only other issue as far as mounting the GMC engine into the Chevy chassis is, the driver side motor mount pedestal will need to be moved to the correct position on the frame, and drill 3 new holes for same, and the V6 will drop directly into the Chevy chassis, clean. Doesn't even look like the oil pan needs changes, either.

I am still looking for any info on the stock flywheel, and finding one, if possible, but, this is a very tight budget project, so, I'm the beggar here. With this info, I would like to add it to this site, so if there is someone in the future that is crazy enough, like me. to try it, they have then info.

Last edited by HEI451; 03-15-2011 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 03-15-2011, 05:18 PM   #13
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Re: New to the boards

why did you not just say simply that you wanted to put the 4 spd behind the 305 eng .
you need a 305 bellhousing, flywheel and clutch setup. the chevy clutch is different than a chev one. the trans will bolt up.
you need to change the passenger side frame tower(eng. mount) as that 292 is the oddball one of the whole bunch and only works for a 292
you can more than likely find a scrap 305-351 for next to nothing and will have the whole b/housing, flywheel, clutch assy and ball stud for the z-bar
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Old 03-15-2011, 05:27 PM   #14
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the v6 has an adaptor to put the p/glide behind it. that doesn't that you can put a chev bellhousing on there. the v6 has it's own bellhousing to take that sm320 4 spd trans.
now if you go to that 6066gmc forum and tell them that you have an a/t adaptor for the v6 you will more than likely get everything that you need plus a little cash

they would also require your flywheel-flexplate setup also if you haven't already buggered it up

Last edited by padresag; 03-15-2011 at 05:30 PM.
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Old 03-15-2011, 09:51 PM   #15
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Re: New to the boards

I DID say that was what I was doing, more than once.

I just got done moving the driver side motor mount pedestal, and the engine will sit there just fine. Since I am a fabricator, if I need to change more, I will do so.

As far as the flywheel, its only 1/8th inch different than what the Chevy had between the back of the block and the flywheel, so, using the Chevy 4 speed bell as I am, all the parts will sit in the same place as they did behind the 292, direct fit.

The only things that needed changing were the inner register on the flywheel so it'd fit the GMC crank, and the bolt circle on the flywheel, so it'll piggy back bolt onto the GMC ring gear.

From what I have learned today, to put the engine in any other way, would require a dedicated GMC V6 bell housing, and flywheel, and, special mount pedestals. This way, it all bolts together with a little machine work to the Chevy flywheel, and mnoving only the driver side pedestal forward.

And, I DID ask at the 6066 site, got NO response. Made it very clear that I was installing a GMC 305 V6 in place of a 292, and that it was going from the Powerglide and GMC/Chevy adapter, to granny low 4 speed, and got no answers.

I should have done what I always usually do, just go ahead and figure it all out for myself.

Thanks for all the answers and help, I really do appreciate it.
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Old 03-15-2011, 10:09 PM   #16
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Re: New to the boards

Welcome to the site HEI, we`ll help yu anyway we the way HEI451 sounds like HEI conversion for a big block Mopar...?
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Old 03-15-2011, 11:53 PM   #17
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I don't advertise on boards, but, I do that conversion, and others.
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Old 03-15-2011, 11:57 PM   #18
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by the way when did you ask the gmc group?
the passenger side frame tower is shorter than the one that is supposed to there.
I think that you are going through a lot of work for something that is just a bolt in if you have the right parts. What I was saying above is that you can trade that automatic adaptor or sell it for a decent price(they are in demand) and get the proper parts. what happens if you sell that thing and the next owner has a problem; he wil be pulling his hair out trying to figure out what is there and I have seen that before . or doesn't it matter
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Old 03-16-2011, 02:08 AM   #19
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Re: New to the boards

I am a collector, own 339 Japanese motorcycles, street, dirt, road race, vintage, and 126 muscle cars, and there is no chance I will sell this truck. Besides, if I sold it here, it'd end up back here with me for any and all service/repair, so, no problems.

If the pedestals need changing, I am quite capable of altering them, correctly, I do that kind of work for EVERYONE here, on all sorts of stuff. I built the motor mounts for the truck this engine came out of, from scratch, when we did the Chevy small block V8 conversion into it. I have a V8 Vega outside, all aluminum Rover 4.6 big bore/stroker, 5 speed, did the mounts and all other fabrication myself. I also did most of the motor mount work for the S10/S15 V8 engine conversions that JTR offers. I am also simultaneously doing a Ford 302W EFI engine and 5 speed conversion to my across the street neighbor's early 4 wheel drive Ford Ranger.

These days, a person has to have "projects".

Tomorrow, flywheel alteration, and, building the adapter for one of my small-body HEI's into this 305 V6. Should be a great day for doing stuff.
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Old 03-16-2011, 02:30 AM   #20
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Re: New to the boards

LOL you have a lot of projects. I just got a 63 GMC with the 305 and 4 speed. So the HEI part interest me. Thanks and welcome to the forum.
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Old 03-16-2011, 02:40 AM   #21
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Re: New to the boards

Originally Posted by HEI451 View Post
I hope I am not in the wrong place for this.

So, here goes, first post.

I am transplanting a GMC 305 V6 engine that had a Powerglide behind it, into a Chevy 1 ton truck, that had a 292 inline 6 in it, with compound low 4 speed. The engine has the GMC to Chevy bell housing adapter, the ring gear and triangular flex plate.

I would think I need the correct flywheel for this setup, but have seen nothing about what is what, and suppliers for the flywheel. Is it one piece, ring gear and flywheel, or, does it piggy back onto the ring gear as the triangular auto flex plate does??

And, where to get a used one??

The truck this V6 is going into,is a 1963 Chevy 1 ton flatbed. Should be fun when it's finished.

Sorry of this is in the wrong place.

Thanks for any info.
sorry that I bothered you, but you were the one asking the question. I did reply to you to what was required in a stock content what. you seem to know it all already , so I don't really know why you were asking. very confusing.
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Old 03-16-2011, 03:11 AM   #22
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Re: New to the boards

Ron, thanks for the info, it is appreciated. I found that the Chevy flywheel fit in the same position, after getting modified, on the V6 with the PG adapter, as it does in the 292 application, so, simple mods get me there. I really do want to know about the stock V6 stick flywheels, I believe they require the GMC bell housings to work. I'd like ot do a short picture package for the board on this, so everyone can see what is what with what.

Keep "bothering me", it is the only way I learn and progress.

Neto, that small-body HEI ignition conversion stuff is what I do in life, used to do it close to you in Merced two decades ago, then, So. Cal., and now, Northern Nevada.
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Old 03-16-2011, 08:24 AM   #23
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Re: New to the boards

So post some pics of your conversion.
BTW I have a allison adapter for a V6 and I will be doing a NV4500 conversion this summer.

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68 K20 327/4 speed, buddy buckets
2002 GMC CC Dually Duramax

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IG duallyjams

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Old 03-16-2011, 06:52 PM   #24
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Re: New to the boards

Flywheel is modified, bolted on, just got done with the machining. The distance from the rear of the block bell housing flange now, is 1/16th of an inch different from that when same flywhjeel was on the back of the 292, so, should be all joy and fit as it did with the Chevy engine in place.

Next is to make an adapter for the pilot 'bushing" which will be a double sealed and shielded ball bearing.

I also pulled the distributor out, and will build an adapter, and do one of my small-body HEI's from a small block Buick point type distributor core. It looks like the adapter can be made from the post area of a broken Olds distributor body I have here, just machine work. Gear will be rotated on the shaft and new pin holes drilled.

This is gonna be a fun truck to waste precious fossil fuels in.
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Old 03-17-2011, 01:22 AM   #25
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Re: New to the boards

Where can someone see the distributor work that you do?
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