Anyone use a aftermarket shortbed bedside patch panel?
I'm going to give my welding another patch in another go at it, I really messed this one up and it would take more bondo than I think would be acceptable. I warped the panel to where aound the welded area is curved in from getting the metal to hot. I was wondering if anyone used a aftermarket repair panel and if you have pictures of your repair could you post them. Wondering if the panel fit right in place, wondered if the deminsions were the same or would I be better off with a patch from a old panel. I did repair the fender arch, I need to finish it up and put a skim coat of bondo on it. I have a little bit more welding time under my belt and hope to make it look nice this time around.
Last edited by sduckworth13; 12-09-2012 at 01:01 AM.