1989 Chevy 3500 Crewcab Diesel (smog)
Question for everyone. I have an 89 Chevy crewcab diesel 4x4 that needs restoring. I also have the opportunity to buy another 89 crewcab 4x4 that is in way better condition, but it is a gas truck. If I was to buy the better one and swap frames, would that be sufficent to pass it off as a diesel titled truck? Let me re-phrase it another way, I want to keep the diesel title with the better truck.
Does California consider a vehicle based off of the frame or the cab or body? Will I have any trouble registering it if the frame VIN doesn't match the body's VIN? I'm under the impression that California titles it's vehicles off of the frame's VIN and not the body, so therefore if I swap frames I would still have the diesel, right?
Hope I didn't confuse everyone.
Thanks, Joe