LoL, dunno what I'm trying to say with the topic. I haven't even SAT in my truck in like 2's just been sitting outback doing nothing. Lately, while looking at it, it seems that I'm liking the 3/5 drop more and more...and not wanting to drop it anymore. Hopefully, in the next week or so, the temps will stay cool and I can find some time to get under it and swap out that flexplate, as well as get the Carb Metering PLATE kit and put some #68 jets in the back of the carb, and hopefully get it retuned down to WOT Air/Fuel Ratio of around 12.5:1 (instead of 11.5:1

So...that's why you guys haven't been reading much posts from me lately...too busy trying to get my vette back, and getting ready to go back to work/school next month. (Registering for classes and such)