Hey every. I have a 71 Blazer stock sus. etc. 31's. Its time to get it lifted 'cept i dont have the space/tools/manpower-(enuff friends availibe @ once with the know how etc etc)...i forget the other excuses. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a good 4x4;suspension; shop(that will lift my truck)????
I live right near SANTA ROSA.CA, and have a few suggestions from people but i'm still wondering if any of you experts are in the knonw...i'm sure some of ya must be....hopefully around these parts at least..... All i want is a small lift - i think. 2-3-, maybe4"s?! I would at some point like 33's and still be able to flex it a little
Suggestions for any like i said shops, and companys making the kits i'd need....TC etc...that are good i'm always greatly thankfull for.