Bed Caps for 72 Short Bed Step Side
I'd like to purchase bed caps to protect the top rails of my bed. I step on the top of the bed rails when I load my quad and this scratches them up. I'd like some in aluminum diamond plate. I've seen the plastic, self-adhesive ones sold by JC Whitney, but I'd like something more sturdy.
LMC Sells them for fleet sides, but not for step sides. (I called them and asked them if they were the proper width and profile for a step side, and they said there were. I figured on trimming the ends to fit. I ordered them and they weren't even close!). I've also seen smooth metal ones that rap around the top, but these were made for painting and just wouldn't look right.
I suppose I could just buy two strips of flat aluminum daimond plate and fasten them on, but they woudn't wrap around the radius.
Does anyone know where i could purchase aluminum bed caps for my truck? Has anyone used the self-adhesive plastic ones and can advise me as to how well they worked.
Thanks, all!