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Old 03-09-2007, 01:09 AM   #1
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Timing Instructions

Can someone please help me? I am getting my mustang Monday (maybe earlier!) and to sell this truck, I've got to pass emissions. I know that the timing is off, and I'm running way rich on Hydrocarbons. I'm going to go get a timing light, and I have no idea how to use the thing. I know you connect red to the + terminal, ground it, and I know during the process you point it at the crankshaft pulley. Oh, and it strobes a light. That's about all I know. Can someone please give me a good specific writeup on how to do this? I heard something about turning the dizzy? I dunno. Any help is much appreciated.

Car is an 85 C10, 305V8, all stock. Thanks
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Old 03-09-2007, 01:28 AM   #2
The Crazy Machanic
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Re: Timing Instructions

ok the timing light also connects to spark plug number one but the time light instruction should tell you that.

Next to your crank you should see a marker on the time chain cover it should have 3 pioint +1(advance) 0 center and -1 (retarted) when the light flashes that when the spark plug for piston number one fires. When the light flashes you will be looking at that maker, there should be a grove cut into the harmonic balancer so when it passes it will tell you if you are advance or retarted.

If it not to bad off all you will have to do is lossen the bolt under the distributor and turn it on way or the other which ever direction will make it at 0. (so this will require two people) Also if you have points and not hei do not touch the distributor when car is on you will be shocked (i learned the hard way), hei doesnt do that.

If ur timing is really bad off(you will have to remove the distributor and turn it so it on position one. To know it on the up strock, it sould be on the marker zero. Unscrew spark plug to piston number one insert a flat head screw driver if u hit a wal and it start to slide up ur at top dead center. Now to put the distributor in correctly you must line up the oil pump shaft with a flat head (a long one) it goes down into the motor and hit a shaft and u spin it tell it pointing number one on distributor then ut point the rotor cap at possion 1 the go back one wire point cause when it goes in it will turn and slide into point one. )

Also if this isnt clear autozone sell a book for our trucks it give detailed instruction and pictures to help u along the way.

Hope this helps

Last edited by Srubydo1986; 03-09-2007 at 01:34 AM.
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