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Old 02-23-2008, 08:50 AM   #1
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People who try to buy your truck

I was just wondering what people do when they ask you if your truck's for sale and you tell them it's not for sale. A few years ago after I had bought my 63 Chevy C10 some guy came up to me at work about a month or so after I had it and asked me what I wanted for it. I nicely told the guy it wasn't for sale and he was like, "Ah come on." After I told him again it wasn't for sale he started getting mad because I wouldn't sell it to him then he asked me with a tone, "Well then why are you driving it to work if you ain't gonna sell it?" I paused for a couple seconds and was just like, "Umm, because it's my daily driver and I like it." A couple months after that I had another guy walk up to me at work and asked if it was for sale and I told him no. He told me he'd give me $5,000 for it and I still said no. Then he told me, "I bet you if I took the money out and showed it to you I bet you'd sell it then." When he said that I was thinking, "I bet you I want", but instead of being rude with him I just politely told him no again. So what kind of stories have you guys got about people trying to buy your truck?
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Old 02-23-2008, 08:59 AM   #2
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I sold a truck about 12 years ago that was nice. It was a '68. Price $1300. As is. Buyer took it to shop and said that it needed $75 worth of upper control arm bushing work to be correct. He said would I sell truck for $1225 and I said NO $1300. He drove away in it. My Bad. I should have kept it. Yeah , I should have kept a lot of stuff that I threw away and threw away a bunch of stuff I kept.
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Old 02-23-2008, 09:03 AM   #3
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

People who ask aren't serious is how I always have been tought. I think the saying goes is " If you have to ask you can't afford it."
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Old 02-23-2008, 09:32 AM   #4
hotrod 80
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I had the rally sport ( 68 ) on the trailer the other day getting paint estimates . Every stop sign or light i was at people were asking , " how much ya want for it ?" . My answer , " i'd take $15,000 delivered to your house " that stops all the people who are thinking your not in tune with the market . I had the Luv at the race track the other day and went to the semi finals , People were really checking it out as i was loadiing up . A guy walks up and ask , "whatcu want for it" I just said "not for sell" . The guy says $5K , I say "
"not for sell ". The guy says 6K , I say "not for sell ". The guy says 7K , I say "not for sale ". He says 7500 , I said it is "not for sale , but you make me another offer and i'm gonna take it and then what you gonna do ". He walked off . I guess there all looking for a deal . My favorite is " if it where mine i'd do (blank) to it ". If you wanted one bad enough you would be at home working on yours and building it your style , not dogging my truck done my style . Sorry for the rant . Most of the people you run across are nice and just have a story to tell about a part of life that connects them to our trucks .
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Old 02-23-2008, 09:59 AM   #5
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I work at a car dealership and so people see my truck sitting there and immediately think it's a vehicle for sale on the lot even though it has a GA tag on it and there are no window stickers in it. Plus, I park in the back away from the cars that are for sale but people still think it's for sale. For the first few months after I got the truck people just kept coming on the lot to ask about it or calling wanting to know if it was for sale. I still get people driving up every now and then asking about it but I think most people know by now. What gets me the most though is when someone walks up and puts their hands all over the glass trying to look in even though the glass is not tinted so it's easy to see into it, and there are those people who for some reason think it's gonna be unlocked so they grab the handle and start trying to pull open the door like a mad man. I had one guy beat on the hood with his fist a couple times (guess he wanted to see if it was metal and not fiberglass), I was like, "Woah woah woah dude, what the heck are you doing?"
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Old 02-23-2008, 10:06 AM   #6
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I'll try not to stray to far , but the hood opening thing really gets me a Chevy luv hood opens from the rear and has a remote latch inside . It never fails someone will see me reach in and grab the lever for the hood and as i walk over to open it start bashing the hood with there fist like it's stuck . I have dents on the crown of the hood from this . I have to tell them everytime " do you fell better now that you've dented the hood " as I open it by the windsheild .
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Old 03-14-2016, 10:10 PM   #7
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by hotrod 80 View Post
I had the rally sport ( 68 ) on the trailer the other day getting paint estimates . Every stop sign or light i was at people were asking , " how much ya want for it ?" . My answer , " i'd take $15,000 delivered to your house " that stops all the people who are thinking your not in tune with the market . I had the Luv at the race track the other day and went to the semi finals , People were really checking it out as i was loadiing up . A guy walks up and ask , "whatcu want for it" I just said "not for sell" . The guy says $5K , I say "
"not for sell ". The guy says 6K , I say "not for sell ". The guy says 7K , I say "not for sale ". He says 7500 , I said it is "not for sale , but you make me another offer and i'm gonna take it and then what you gonna do ". He walked off . I guess there all looking for a deal . My favorite is " if it where mine i'd do (blank) to it ". If you wanted one bad enough you would be at home working on yours and building it your style , not dogging my truck done my style . Sorry for the rant . Most of the people you run across are nice and just have a story to tell about a part of life that connects them to our trucks .
Were you the one on Street Outlaws with the Luv tonight?
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Old 02-23-2008, 09:12 AM   #8
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I'm trying to sell a 77 motor home right now runs good and everything works. I'm only asking 2000 which is a very fair price. about two hours ago a guy comes by and I start it. It has a small exhaust leak that goes away once its warm. He wants me to knock off 500 for the leak. 15 dollar part and an hour of my time. Some people just have to try to get a better deal
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Old 02-23-2008, 09:22 AM   #9
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i
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Old 02-23-2008, 09:31 AM   #10
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Although I regularly get asked to sell my '69 C/10 and my '67 C-30 dually, but I absolutely get harrassed about my ramp truck. I can't even stop and get gas without getting hounded about it. I know its more about the price of scrap right now than the fact its a '67-72 truck, but I literally get asked a couple of times a day if I'm out in it. I have NOT FOR HIRE decals on it, and I joked with my wife just last week that I was going to go have ...AND NOT FOR SALE EITHER!!! made up and put under them!
'67 C-30 Dually Pickup 6.2 Turbo Diesel, NP435
‘72 C-10 SWB , 350 4bbl, TH350
'69 C-10 SWB , 250 L6, 3 OTT
'69 GMC C3500, dump truck, 351 V6, NP435
'84 M1009 CUCV Military Blazer

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Last edited by 67_C-30; 02-23-2008 at 09:34 AM.
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:26 AM   #11
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by 67_C-30 View Post
Although I regularly get asked to sell my '69 C/10 and my '67 C-30 dually, but I absolutely get harrassed about my ramp truck. I can't even stop and get gas without getting hounded about it. I know its more about the price of scrap right now than the fact its a '67-72 truck, but I literally get asked a couple of times a day if I'm out in it. I have NOT FOR HIRE decals on it, and I joked with my wife just last week that I was going to go have ...AND NOT FOR SALE EITHER!!! made up and put under them!
Remind me in a couple of months when I get my vinyl cutter, and I will make you a set!
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:50 AM   #12
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by pissonNOS View Post
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i
I dont know....theres some idiots out there with more money than sense, just ask the guy who paid 9k for my 95 Camaro.
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Old 02-23-2008, 10:55 PM   #13
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by pissonNOS View Post
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i
That's what I do. Tell'em some price you know they'll never pay. This happned this past summer:

Beautiful summer afternoon, I'm waxing Pair-A-Dice in the driveway, when truck pulls up.
Guy on passenger side (Wifey's Driving) says: "Hi, I'm looking for a truck to give to my 16 year old Son, you wanna sell it"?
I said: "16!!??" After being insulted by this, I thought about it for a split second and said: "Sure, I'll even give you a one time only special price, hows that sound"?
He says: "Okay"
"$30,000.00 Cash"

He goes: "WHAT!!??" "You're F'in crazy, ain't no body gonna give you that much". Wifey goes: "what's it made of, GOLD"?

I said (Smiling of course): "No, it's made of MY Blood, MY Sweat, MY Tears and MY MONEY!" "If you want it that bad, then that's what it's gonna take to get it".

They drove off, he was cusin out the window. I just stood there smiled and waved.

I get asked all the time if I want to sell it and I always give them the same answer: $30,000.00 Cash and it's yours. Can't imagine why no one has taken me up on it?
1968 SWB.
GMPP 350/350 Turbo Trans, Edelbrock Performer & Carb. Hedman Hedders, Hooker Aerochambers Mufflers. Tuff Stuff Alternators.

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Old 02-24-2008, 01:24 AM   #14
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by 96blazr View Post
Guy on passenger side (Wifey's Driving) says: "Hi, I'm looking for a truck to give to my 16 year old Son, you wanna sell it"?
I said: "16!!??" After being insulted by this

I said (Smiling of course): "No, it's made of MY Blood, MY Sweat, MY Tears and MY MONEY!" "If you want it that bad, then that's what it's gonna take to get it".

They drove off, he was cusin out the window. I just stood there smiled and waved.

What is so insulting about some kids parents trying to buy their kid a nice old truck for his first ride? I would think that would be pretty flattering in a way that they stopped and asked you.

No offense but i'm surprised you havent walked out to see a rock in your windshield yet.

As for my "how much ya want for 'er stories" I dont really have any but I always get a kick out of when people ask me about my bronco or scout or old jeep lol. I always thought the body lines on a blazer were pretty distinct but apparently I was wrong
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Old 02-25-2008, 11:18 PM   #15
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by iliveintn View Post
What is so insulting about some kids parents trying to buy their kid a nice old truck for his first ride? I would think that would be pretty flattering in a way that they stopped and asked you.
If you have to ask that question, then I rest my case: Equals= No clue

Originally Posted by iliveintn View Post
No offense but i'm surprised you havent walked out to see a rock in your windshield yet.
Well, since it stays in a locked garage and yours, obviously doesn't, 'Nuff said.

But thanks for sharing and have a nice day.
1968 SWB.
GMPP 350/350 Turbo Trans, Edelbrock Performer & Carb. Hedman Hedders, Hooker Aerochambers Mufflers. Tuff Stuff Alternators.

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Old 02-24-2008, 12:40 AM   #16
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by pissonNOS View Post
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i
Be careful. Someday, one of those guys that somebody mentioned with more money than brains will come along and take you up on your offer, and you'll wish you had the truck instead of the money.

Money can;t buy the time and love you put into something. You can only put more time and love into another.

I had a guy offer me $20k cash for mine the first week I had it out of the shop. I was cruising down the strip in Gatlinburg, TN, and he (and his company with him) was dressed well enough to say that he had access to the money. I had to say no before I could think.

I have never given someone a price on it. If they ever wanted it bad enough, then they would have the truck, I couldn't go back on my word. Just saying it's not for sale does the trick.

I did have a girl offer me $11 for it the other night. It was all she had. That was cool.

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Old 02-24-2008, 01:36 AM   #17
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I was on the other side last July when I bought mine. I had been asking my boss for about 8 years if he wanted to sell his truck (which he owned for 28 years). Finally I just told him to call me when he was ready to sell it. Once he was ready I was his first call. I had a price in my head that I was willing to pay for it, and asked him what he wanted for it. He told me his price and I was willing to pay it. I knew this had been his baby, and it probably was'nt going to be easy seeing her go, so there was no negotiations. I just paid his price which I thought was fair. Made it much easier for him. Of course he knows me so he knows that I will take care of her.
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:06 AM   #18
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

The trick is to have something that everyone hates.

I have had a couple guys come up to me at gas stations and ask me if my truck is for sale. I tell them that I haven't thought about it, they gave me their phone numbers and told me to call them when I wanted to sell. I haven't dialed them up yet. Those people would never purchase it anyways, it is their ego talking when they meet you.

I did have a kid offer me a $1000.00 for my show truck, once. He was a little miffed when I told him that the rims and tires cost more than that, not to mention the drivetrain was worth five times that---we did not talk the cost of paint. His dad had taught him that everything can be purchased CHEAP, you just have to haggle the seller down. Of course, dadddy did not tell him that he had to find someone that was interested in selling.
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:20 AM   #19
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

havent gotten any on my truck yet, mainly cause its been sitting in the garage most of the time, but before we moved we parked my dad's 66 gmc (which still needs lots of work) in our bac parking lot 4 about 7 maybe 8 years. about twice a mounth someone would knok on the door to see if it was 4 sale, but he always said no. hav yet 2 see a crazy one though.

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Old 02-23-2008, 11:30 AM   #20
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I have my 72 Blazer up for sale right now.

I have been asking 18,000 for it. I was down at one of the buisness I do some sub contracting for the other day. The owner of the company comes in and says "I will give you 5 grand for it right now" What a dick.
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:38 AM   #21
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Ive had probably 20-30 offers in the past few years (while I was driving it daily) ranging from 4-5k to 12-15. I actually seriously considered the one who offered me 15, but I have way too much of my blood sweat and tears in my 72... not to mention the family history. I doubt ill ever sell it.

When I have track numbers on the window, the offers come about twice as frequent. lol.
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:40 AM   #22
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

I have people ask me to sell my stuff every now and them. The most irritating was a manager I worked for in high school. He came up to me one day and asked me if I wanted to sell my Camaro. I told him he didn’t make enough to afford a car like that. He told me he was watching them on eBay, they were going for at most $3000. He then informed me it was a 1973, and it was brown. I told him there must have been another Camaro in the lot because mine wasn’t a 1973, Brown, and was not a $3000 car. He kept asking me if I would sell it, I just kept telling him I wouldn’t even let him ride in it for that. I added a picture of it, if anybody else sees it as brown let me know, I’ll get my eyes checked.
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:30 AM   #23
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by Mint68 View Post
I have people ask me to sell my stuff every now and them. The most irritating was a manager I worked for in high school. He came up to me one day and asked me if I wanted to sell my Camaro. I told him he didn’t make enough to afford a car like that. He told me he was watching them on eBay, they were going for at most $3000. He then informed me it was a 1973, and it was brown. I told him there must have been another Camaro in the lot because mine wasn’t a 1973, Brown, and was not a $3000 car. He kept asking me if I would sell it, I just kept telling him I wouldn’t even let him ride in it for that. I added a picture of it, if anybody else sees it as brown let me know, I’ll get my eyes checked.

you should have spray painted that 73 camaro brown and sold it to hime for 3K
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:49 AM   #24
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

i have a truck that has been at a mechanics shop about 100 yards off of a major highway in kansas for a couple of months, every time i check on it, he tells me the number of people that have stopped by and asked if it was for sale. I just tell him and them (if they call me) that i have owned that truck longer than i have known my wife, and wouldn't have anything to drive if i sold it

but the comments above are correct, most people who ask don't really want to buy anyway
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:54 AM   #25
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

i had a mazda 323 years ago that i bought at a tow yard for 50 bucks, the thing ran like a top and used gas like an electric lawn mower! lol! any how i bought it to get to work for a month while my burban was in the shop getting a new set of gears and some paint, well i got the truck back and didnt have room for the mazda, so i put a 4 sale sign on it. i had a few offers but this kid kept bugging me to sell it to him everyday after work! he said he was getting his license in a month and he needed a car to move to l.a. i didn't buy his story until i saw his lic the day he got it, and he offered me 500 for it. i wanted 1000$, he then offered me 550, then 600 then 700, at 700 he started to cry and give me a sob story that he wanted to meet his dad for the first time in 17 years and needed a car to start fresh down there. he pulled out 650 cash stuffed it in my hand and told me to count it. he said he could borrow 50 bucks from a friend down the street and ran back with 50 more green ones in his fist screaming, i got it, i got it! so off he went in the little white mazda with 300 bucks worth of reg and smog work and a fresh tank of gas. i told him to change the fluids before he went to l.a. and he said he would and that he would always keep the car in good care. like i gave a crap, lol.... well about 6 months later i got a notice in the mail from a tow yard in san diego stating that there was a lien on the car and it would be sold at auction in 45 days..... ha! he got his moneys worth i guess!!
i never forgot that car, best running 50 dollar car i ever had


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