WEST COAST: keep the email comin
in case anyone missed the previous posts, were plannin a get together at the Good Guys Summer Get Together in Pleasanton CA, May 31-June 1 of next year
ive already got several emails and what were going to do is all call and reserve our spot at the same time, on a date to be later announced, and that will put us right next to each other in the show.
so just email me at gabet40@hotmail.com or PM me to get on the email list for the latest info
Current owner of 2016 2500 Silverado Midnight Edition.
Former owner of:
69 1/2 ton, change from long/fleet to short/fleet, shaved door handles, shaved tailgate, 4/6 drop, power windows, 700r4
72 blazer, 350 with Holley Commander 950 DFI, crane energizer cam, 350 tranny, dual sanderson blockhuggers/magnaflow exhaust