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Old 02-20-2009, 05:04 PM   #1
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T56 in a 60-63

Anyone running a T56 in a 60-63? I`m currently looking for a project truck from 60-63 and I`ve got a line on a LT1/T56 from a Z28 camaro form on of my Harley customers. I`m also keeping a bench seat but it will be out of a 91 chevy truck. Any input would be great.
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:31 PM   #2
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Re: T56 in a 60-63

Hey C10owner,

I'm preparing a T56 for my 65 so I don't know all the ins and outs of the install. But the shifter on the T56 is way back and would interfere with a bench seat. You can relocate the shifter to the inspection port more than a foot forward of the usual location and keep the bench. I did it myself with a kit from Keisler Engineering.

It is a job since the transmission has to be completely disassembled. I have a thread on it.

The other big issue is the hydraulic clutch. I installed a hydraulic master cylinder. I have a thread on that as well.

The really nice thing about the T56 is that in sixth gear you can cruise at highway speed with a 3.73 rear end at very low engine speed - read very good gas mileage. I have two T56 automobiles with 6 litre LS motors and get 23 mpg average driving back and forth to work with over 400 HP.
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Old 02-21-2009, 12:12 AM   #3
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Re: T56 in a 60-63

TR, Thanks for the info. It`s very informative. I got a friend who is a 30 year GM tech and a transmission specialist so disassembly isn`t a problem. It`s good to know they have a kit for it though. Have you fit the trans yet? Does it require any tunnel mods?
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Old 02-21-2009, 11:26 AM   #4
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Re: T56 in a 60-63


I am busy prewiring the truck for the LS2 while keeping it on the road until the last minute. I am trying to use all the electronics that came with the LS2 like fly by wire, cruise, OBDII, ... So I hope I can keep the downtime to a minimum. I am looking forward to that high gear cruising.

As far as tunnel mods, I am keeping my fingers crossed. The T56 doesn't sit as high as the TKO 5 speeds. I think it will go.

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Last edited by TR65; 02-21-2009 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 02-21-2009, 11:48 AM   #5
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Re: T56 in a 60-63

Thanks again for the info. I`m actually a little more excited about finding a truck and doing the swap now that you have showed me the shifter thing. What kind of stick does it come with? I`m going to use a 91 chevy bench seat which is a little shorter than the stocker.

Another question is about the clutch master cylinder. Did you have to make the holes for it? the early trucks came with a hydraulic clutch so I`m wondering if I can make one of those work. The Wilwood you used is very clean and probably alot mor reliable and probably cheaper too. I`m waiting on my tax return so I can buy a truck but I`ve got a few scouted out. I`m going to pm you with a couple more questions that aren`t related to the trans. Thanks again.
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Old 02-21-2009, 11:59 PM   #6
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Re: T56 in a 60-63


I have an original 60-66 4-speed shifter rod that I have cut off and will weld an end on it to bolt to the T-56 shifter stub. I have an original knob and boot for it as well. I want it to look like the truck has the old granny gear four speed.

Yep, I had to put the holes in for the clutch master cylinder. I am trying to make this engine / transmission swap with as few modifications to the truck as possible. But there have to be some holes added. I don't know if the old hydraulic master cylinders will work with the T56 but I would sure try it if I had one in an earlier truck.

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Last edited by TR65; 02-22-2009 at 12:07 AM.
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