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Old 01-28-2003, 11:47 PM   #1
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quest about edelbrock?

I recently installed an elect choke kit on my 1405 and replaced my fuel pump(mechanical) here are my questions

1. how do you set the idle mixture using the two knobs above the two vaccum ports.
2.I have a clear filter going to the carb and it never seems to be full of fuel. It also has bubbles and seems to hesitate whe i depress the gas pedal.
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Old 01-29-2003, 12:54 AM   #2
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Two adjust the screws the right way you need a vac gauge, first set timing, then screws, turn slowly till you get higest vac reading, as far as the glass fuel filter they are fine for holleys but as far as the elde DONT DO IT it will cause your needel and seat to plug and stick had several problems and called edel tech line they said to throw away they are for looks only and can cause a fire if it is the type you can replace the filter inside, but they did say that you can leave it, if you place a normal inline filter before the glass to catch smaller paricles
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Old 01-29-2003, 12:22 PM   #3
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I had a glass fuel filter on my 1405, which I also have in-line with my 1901 Edelbrock. I have not had any problems related to the fuel filter.

As far as those two idle mixture screws are concerned, you can go to and search for the owner's manual for your carburetor. In it, you will find all of the instructions for adjusting your carburetor, as well as other tuning tips. My warning to you, is the same I tell everyone: when you turn those two screws in, be careful not to allow them to bottom-out with sufficient force to cut grooves in the tapered tip. If you do, you will have a buncha trouble getting your engine to idle properly.
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