Input on cam/fuel system selection.
I am building a little 383 street/bracket engine for my 64. I have narrowed it down to 3 cams and cant make up my mind from here. All 3 are Comp Xtreme solid rollers. I am looking at the Xr280r, Xr286r and the Xr292r. The motor has 6" rods and should be pushing roughly 10.2 to 1 with Dart Iron Eagle 200cc heads. As it sits I have 2 options for fuel system. First is I have my old set up which is a Race Demon 750 on a Strip Dominator. Or I can swap that set up for a weind tunnel ram and 2 450 holley's with all the linkage. I am leaning more towards the XR280R with my single 750 but have always wanted to do a tunnel ram. Plus I have a few ppl telling me the 280 is to small for my build and that if I do the tunnel ram with the XR292R that it should build 50-60 more hp and torque across the powerband with out needing much more stall. they say either way i go the 280 is to small and I should do atleast the 286 if not the 292. I would like to keep my stall speed to 3000ish give or take a little. Oh and I will be spraying this motor on occasion, no more then 150-200.
As for what I want out of the motor... I would like an Honest 475-500hp and about the same torque, on motor, with out it being totally miserable to drive on the street. I only run an alt and have manual brakes so manifold vaccum shouldn't be to much of a concern.
Any input would be appreciated.