Thanks guys for all the advice.
I used ZEP 45 penetrant around the rim of the drum and some hits with a light ball peen hammer on the front of the drum in between the studs as suggested here. I did some light tapping around the rim of the drum also. I thought for a moment the parking brake was stuck as the driver's side was reluctant but she came on off.
I sprayed the springs, etc. with brake cleaner and evac'd my garage until tomorrow. I tossed the cardboard I used to catch the run off outside into the rain.
I plan to disassemble, use my dremel and wire wheel to clean up rust, then put back together.
GOOD NEWS! While in neutral (brake off) the hub turns easily by hand. I assume this means my rear end isn't stuck. Wes at Classic Heartbeat had warned me about the possibility of condensation getting in there and causing major problems. It appears that it has not. (