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Old 08-16-2017, 11:24 AM   #1
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Need components for RetroSound

Trying to get some sound into my 71. It still has the tank behind the seat and I don't have plans to move it at this point. I'm just looking for a decent system not show quality. I have purchased a used RetroSound Laguna and am looking for advice on what to pair with it.
I'm thinking 6x9's in the doors (already cut) and maybe pair two 4" speakers in the dash.
I would like to add an amp and maybe sub under the seat.
Can anyone recommend some decent components speakers/amp/sub that won't break the bank and any other installation or set-up ideas.

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Old 08-18-2017, 08:57 PM   #2
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

I'm in about he same boat except my doors aren't cut. I have tank behind the seat as well. I'm definitely going to put two 4" in the dash. I'm thinking about putting components in custom kick panel enclosures. Not sure what brand speakers though. Having trouble finding good enclosures and don't really want to try and make them myself. I also have a retro sound that is not yet installed. Sorry I'm not much help but hopefully someone will chime in.
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Old 08-21-2017, 11:26 PM   #3
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

In my '51 I have a Kicker powered sub, 6x9's and the 3" dash speakers. Since I found a good deal on the powered sub, I decided to buy all Kicker brand, there may be better options for the price. I think it sounds really good.

You can get the sub refurbished half price here:

The 6x9's and dash speakers are ran through a cheap Kicker amp:

Here are the 6x9's I used:
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Old 08-22-2017, 12:08 AM   #4
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

I've upgraded stock entry level late model stereo systems with 6x9 3 way sony's a couple of times and was impressed with the change. $100.00 for a pair was money well spent.

I currently use polk 6" in kick panel i made using tin buckets and a mdf board. Get a bucket with the bottom a little wider than the speaker hole needed. Cut out the bottom, cut slits up the sides all the way around, cant the bucket up at an angle pointing to you when finished. Bend the slit legs at 90 degrees and screw to mdf board. Buy a gallon of evercoat body filler (bondo) and smear around the outside of the bucket to make a teardrop. Sand and paint as you wish. Pack a little fiberfill inside the bucket before you install the speaker. The mass of the mdf and bondo and bucket gives the bass a good sound structure to work off of.

A nice stereo with cheap speakers is worse than low cost stereo with great speakers.
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Old 08-22-2017, 09:40 PM   #5
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

Thanks for you input. I've been too busy lately to do much work on my '68. It's killing me! I will keep your suggestions in mind and post an update when there is some progress. What would you say is the difference in audio quality in a set of 6x9 3 ways compared to... let's say... 6.5" components or a set of 6" s in the kick panels. Can you do 6x9s in the kick panels? Don't think I have read of anyone doing that. I'm looking for overall clarity and full range with a little punch.
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Old 08-22-2017, 10:31 PM   #6
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

My polk momo's were the model that had a separate crossover box for a small tweeter that could be mounted anywhere or centered in the grill over the 6.5's. I use the 6.5's without the crossovers and tweeter. I listen to cd's and minidisc's because of the nice audio quality but as i get older (60) and after listening to screaming equipment at a steamplant the high notes i don't really care for. I run 10" polk woofers behind the bench seat, no amp yet, and all i do is use the fader for front/rear balance depending on the bass i want.

I put the sony 6x9's in my dodge minivan and it sounded great, especially because of the rear being open and carpeted, but the highs were a little bright with higher volumes, but ok.

Your question on 6x9 in kick panels would be real tight. As an idea if you like the upper end frequency consider using a good 6-6'5's in the kick panels, woofers in the rear, and then use the stock speaker location at the top of the dash and take the tweeters and mount the two of them side by side on the underside and cant (angle) them away from each other slightly to bounce the sound off of the windshield at you and the passenger. This would be a lot like late model vehicles with tweeters in the "A" pillar (ahead of the front doors). I like to hide as much of my mods as possible and the only speakers they would see are the kick panels. As a side note, highs are usually mounted up high and bass down low.

I love music, both daughters played oboes, and i sold all of my solid state amps and built tube amps, tube preamp, going through klipsch klf 20's with exponential horn tweeters/mids with pairs of 12" woofers. Tube= second order harmonics, solid state= third order harmonics. And i don't have a single mp3 song.

If you would like to try the dual tweeters in the center of the dash i will send you the crossovers and tweeters. These were not cheap tweeters!!

Last edited by 68c10airstream; 08-22-2017 at 10:47 PM.
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Old 02-26-2018, 09:29 AM   #7
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

Go with the nvx qbus8v2. You will get top shelf sound and reliability. Sub, amp, and enclosure for $140 and they sound amazing.
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Old 06-26-2018, 07:02 PM   #8
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Re: Need components for RetroSound

I just recently did mine, used to just have a portable speaker but couldn't hear it when I had the windows down. I got the Retrosound Hermosa as a headunit, a kenwood amp, and 2-5x7 rockford fosgate speakers. Made a custom box and everything fit right under the seat with the speakers facing out. You wouldn't even know there was anything there, which is what I like.
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