Took a while digging around to realize the 8.1 doesn't have an external PVC valve, but apparently that is the case. It's internal, under the intake. But just as a cross-check, anyone ever seen an external PVC on an 8.1L?
Next question...
I was rummaging thru the engine compartment checking all the Evap/Emissions junk out (cuz that's how I like to spend my spare time), and I noticed I have NO sec AIR pump (back in the rear passenger corner by the a/c canister/passenger hood hinge)... I have a nice big, clean, empty space back where the sec AIR pump goes (it is pictured below). Truck appears original and no loose ends lying around as if someone just tossed it, but...
Does anyone know if sec AIR pump system was installed on all 2001 2500HD 8.1Ls or was it a CA emissions thing perhaps or were HDs perhaps exempt? My 2001 1500 w/5.3 has it with all the fixins, but my 2001 2500HD with 8.1 has absolutely nothing there.