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Old 08-15-2004, 01:43 PM   #1
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Transfer Case/Slip Yoke Question

I jsut recently put a 4 inch lift with 33's on my 1990 Fullsize Blazer. I got a whole brand new driveshaft rebuilt and balanced. Now that I have finished it I jacked up the rear end and put it in gear and when I get to abou 35+ MPH there is a loud binding/grinding/rattling noise coming from right where the yoke goes into the transfer case. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what this could be and how to fix it cause I am takin this for a 2.5 hour drive to college in a week. I thought about a transfer case drop kit but I dont know anything about those. It says to just drop the crossmemeber but will the transmission and engine allow for the inch of drop that the instructions want and if so will that inch fix my problems?
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Old 08-18-2004, 10:31 AM   #2
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Are you saying with it on jack stands and in the air you get the noise??
If thats what your saying, your binding the driveshaft at the joints..

Do you take this off road???
If you do, for giggles you could lower the T-case ( should have stock spacers above on the inside of the frame with the bolts.. If not you could get a lowering kit.
Is your rear differential pinion properly angled to the transfercase???
That would cause it also..Some people get that with 4" blocks installed.. Not all kits give the proper pinion angle..

There are some things to check..

I would say if you don't go offroad I wouldn't worry about it for now before your drive.Deal with it later, unless it happens with regular driving..
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:51 PM   #3
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I dropped the transfer case with the stock tihngs and that fixed the problem but it brought about antoher little interesting thing. This didnt happen til I dropped the tranfer case. Whenever I go over a bump or a dip or whatever on the road and the truck bounces the slightest I get a vibartion right in the gas pedal like a massage chair kind of vibration. It goes away as soon as the truck smoothes out. I looked under my truck an my exhaust runs under my transfer case and theres only about a 1/2 inch gap there so I think it might be the exhaust hittin the transfer case and then sendin that up to the gas pedal. thats my only real thing I could think of cause it didnt happen until I dropped it. Also when I am in reverse I get the same deal except its all the time and not just when I go over bumps. Does anyone have any input on this?
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:52 PM   #4
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oh ya and my differential is angled lift kit had angled blocks so thats fine in fact with the transfer case dropped its like almost straight with the drive shaft.
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