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Old 05-22-2005, 02:13 PM   #1
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What the hell happened?

Yesterday , I sprayed a chassis in a booth wearing a mask ,

I was using POR 15, I sprayed it all , went well

a couple of hours later , I was shaking like crazy , wearing 2 shirts a hoodie and a jacket, I was still freazing ,went home just lied on the floor woke up 3 hours later dripping in sweat, went to bed tossed and turned all night

woke up feeling hung over and I have a funny tate in my mouth

what the hell happened, it was like an instant severe flu hit , what can I do today to feel better , what else can I do to prevent this in the future?
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Old 05-22-2005, 04:45 PM   #2
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i dont know but that scares the crap out of me

if i were in your shoes i would see a doctor or call poison control or something
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-'99 Honda Prelude. vtech/5spd. no pipe, no intake, bone stock. awaiting new top end.
-01 GMC Yukon SLT 5.3 dented and scratched with a noisy tranny.

Take off that Von Dutch hat before i stab you with a 000 Mack.
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Old 05-22-2005, 05:47 PM   #3
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yep... I would go see a docter, paint related or not. Take care of yourself
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Old 05-22-2005, 05:52 PM   #4
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you can't use a regular breathing mask for shooting POR15-has isocarbonates or something like that that a regular filter mask can't filter.

if you haven't talked to a doctor yet, I would make it a priority. bring in a can of the paint so the doctor will know what's in your system.
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Old 05-22-2005, 06:01 PM   #5
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I searched the POR-15 website, they really don't give much info. the only knowledge I have is from guys on THIS board. here is what I found at

"Do use an organic vapor particulate respirator, NIOSH/MSHA approved when spraying POR-15. If you are spraying in an enclosed area, you must use an air-supplied respirator"

"must" isin italics and bold on their website. does their disclaimer indicate if you're shooting in the driveway for example, you could wear an organic vapor respirator and achieve adequate protection?
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Old 05-22-2005, 06:29 PM   #6
sweet n rare67
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Definately go see a doctor. For any one else i would suggest shooting this stuff outside. I shot my frame outside with masks on and my friend and i both felt sick to our stomachs thats night...On the up side the frames turn out great!
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Old 05-22-2005, 08:44 PM   #7
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Frame looks good, Me not so much

its like the flu hit me times 1000 last night

after have a shower for an hour I feel better/
I would sometimes feel like this after spraying foam insuation or bedliners, I havent touched either in a year or so, I have a feeling its directly related to isocyanites

if it persists Ill be on my way to the docs
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Old 05-22-2005, 09:12 PM   #8
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after some reasearch I have concluded I have this

hypersensitivity pneumonitis

No more Iso's for me, seems a have become sensitized to them after spraying liners and such

Good news is , Ill be allright I just havfta ride it out!
1964 Short box
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Old 05-22-2005, 11:24 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Slammed66

if it persists Ill be on my way to the docs
Those are the STUPIDEST words Ive ever heard on any site!!
Go to the doctor get yourself checked out!!!

I happen to know someone that their life has completely changed because of dangerous chemical/fumes. You happen to know what its like to be 25 yrs old and learn that you MIGHT be lucky to make to 40? Dont be pigheaded like me
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Old 05-22-2005, 09:43 PM   #10
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I have also had the same feeling just not a severe. The first time it bothered me was using a roll in bed line in tthe floor of my cab I could hardly finish the job I was so dizzy. I Use to be able to clean my spray gun and the laquer thinners would not bother me. Not after 2 minutes I feel dizzy and start having a hard tiem focousing. I never thought to wear a mask when using thinners buit now I have a sensitivity.
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Old 05-22-2005, 10:43 PM   #11
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Sound like Zinc poisoining. Same symptoms I had. Froze to death for 2 hours then sweated like h&ll. Get well. Later, Mark
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Old 05-23-2005, 07:10 PM   #12
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hey eric post that link to the mask stuff on the chevelle forum, scares me everytime i read it
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-'99 Honda Prelude. vtech/5spd. no pipe, no intake, bone stock. awaiting new top end.
-01 GMC Yukon SLT 5.3 dented and scratched with a noisy tranny.

Take off that Von Dutch hat before i stab you with a 000 Mack.
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Old 05-23-2005, 11:04 PM   #13
low burb
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For sure, POR-15 has iso-cyanates. YOU MUST WEAR SUPPLIED-AIR when spraying them to avoid them. Nothing filters them out. They can cause long term damage. It just isn't worth it take a chance. If you were applying with a brush in good ventilation you might get away with a mask, but why take a chance? Your health is far to valuable. You young guys are bullet-proof, I know, but you do want to get old, don't you? Sorry for the rant. Safety is drilled into me at work and I can't see doing anything differant at home. Hope you feel better soon.

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Old 05-24-2005, 01:07 AM   #14
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I have to tell you, the thought of it makes me shutter. It is absolutely freightening to think of being exposed to so as much of this stuff to make that happen. Either that mask was not fitting properly or something, I am not kidding, I would RUN to the doctor and figure this out.'

I have painted for 30 years, a lot of it years ago am embarassed to say with too little protection. Yet I have never had anything of the sort happen to me. You had to get one heck of a large dose.

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Old 05-24-2005, 01:49 AM   #15
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I am feeling MUCH better tonight , from my reasearch , I have comluded that I became way over exposed when I sprayed bedliners and foam insullation on traveltrailers, the company I worked for didnt give a **** about me , I ran the buisness, they refused to get me a helper, I was working 18-19 hours aday for 12 dollars an hour, they always promised if I did this then we could........

anyway, they saftey equipment was marginal, I tried my best but they would never upgrade it for me, I ended up putting out of my own pocket for a bunch of stuff, they did have a fresh air setup they bought used and worked very poorly, Yea, I wo0rked myt ass off as they promised me the big dollars when I got the company out of debt ( which I came damn close to doing) which never paid off as the owner was stealing the money from my shop to pay the bills at his other larger business, which folded and took mine down with it ( a blessing in disguise)

anyway it seems I became sensitized to iso's and this is my bodys way of saying stay the hell away , it has scared the hell out of me.

I am quite pissed off now at my privious boss, I know this has cost me , if I were to have an attack like this again there is a chance my lungs will swell and I would die .

IM only 21 , and to have had this experience not as severe in the past, at the liner shop, and now ,is a real eye open , I should have been more carful .
I will preach the ways of propper breathing apperatus,

Life is too short I know this at the age of 10 I watched my father pass away due to cancer, I will do everything I can to prevent this from everhappening should I ever have a family of my own.

I consider my self lucky today
Id like this to be an eye open for the rest of you, work safe and work smart, the risk isnt worth anything.
Matt Davies
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Old 05-24-2005, 09:39 AM   #16
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Matt, I have a good friend who became iso sensitive. I suggest you do what he did, QUIT painting, FOREVER. I hightly recommend it, QUIT. In his case (about 20 years ago), he earned his living supporting his wife and three little girls. But seeing those three little girls grow up was more important than how many toys they had so he took a lower paying job as a parts man. He has since managed parts departments in dealerships. He still delivers parts to where I work and he has watched two of his girls marry, and have his grand kids. The last girl is still working on her masters.

Life is WAY too short guy, at 21, hell, there is nothing stopping you. DON'T SPRAY ANOTHER THING!

You don't have to leave cars behind, make photography your passion. Take up chess, become a sports fan, SOMETHING, ANYTHING but spraying paint.

1948 Chevy pickup
Chopped, Sectioned, 1953 Corvette 235 powered. Once was even 401 Buick mid engined with the carburetor right between the seats!
Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

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Old 05-24-2005, 10:12 AM   #17
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since I quit the liner shop I rarely spray anything

I dont plan on leaveing automotives as its my life and passion, I have however taken up metal working and welding in a big big way , and I wear a mask in the shop too.

I plan to further my metal fab skill and maybe make somthing out of it, eventually, to earn a dollar I am seriosusly considering heavy duty mechanics.

right now Im the yard guy for a classic chevy truck parts shop

its a pretty cool gig.

I will however say that it'll be a cold day in hell when you guys pry my mack 00 and 1 shot out of my hand!
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Old 05-24-2005, 12:41 PM   #18
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Slammed I hope you get 100% better. I've read this and now I'm looking into safety equipment. I'm only 22 and I want to be around to enjoy my truck.

Get well,
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Old 05-24-2005, 02:55 PM   #19
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I bought a used fresh air system even though I only hobby paint but boy I am glad I did. I loan it to my buddy as he does this like I do. It can be a bit of a pain dragging the hose and stuff around but I found I can really concentrate much better not breathing the fumes and not worring about not breathing as much during the painting I can just breath deep and normal. You might look into one used? Anybody for that matter...I too had read what Eric had posted a year or 2 ago and decided it wasnt for me (the sickness part)
good luck!
1968 Custom Chevy with turbo charged 5.3 gen III 4l80e swap
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Old 05-24-2005, 10:10 PM   #20
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Slammed66, welding can be JUST as dangerous as painting!! Thats how i got the problems I got. I overexposued myself to welding fumes at the age of 18-19, spent 2 days in the hositpal. Finally at the age of 25 I found out that I have a rare form of emphysema.

This rare form basically attacks your own body!!! My lungs have become so sensitived that the white blood cells are eating away at my lung tissue, my body is self destructing.

Am now at the age of 27 and my lungs function at the low 40 percent range. That equals out to a male in his 70's that was a smoker for 50 years.
Each morning I take two different inhalers to help open up my lungs, allow them to breathe easier.
Each week I do self infusions or shots of a lung steriod

Not sure I should post this pic since am sure there are a few perv's out there. But this thing was inserted into my chest, its basically a quick coupler for the needles. Instead of inserting a needle into your hand you just insert into this thing.
Picture a plastic bottle lid sticking out of your chest REALLY!!

Trust me do NOT be a dumbarse when it comes to your own personal safety.
I could go on and on how it has affected me but Ill spare ya...Eric

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Old 05-24-2005, 11:30 PM   #21
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thats enough to make me not want to go to work tomorrow
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-'99 Honda Prelude. vtech/5spd. no pipe, no intake, bone stock. awaiting new top end.
-01 GMC Yukon SLT 5.3 dented and scratched with a noisy tranny.

Take off that Von Dutch hat before i stab you with a 000 Mack.
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Old 05-25-2005, 12:32 AM   #22
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Man, thats sick :S

Glad I always wear my organic respirator for even grinding rust...

I got mild zinc oxide once, and since then, I've been anal about having my resipirator on... I am trying to convince my father's company to sell me one of their used air tank masks, but I have not had much luck yet.
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Old 05-25-2005, 12:33 AM   #23
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Man Eric, that should make a guy change his ways! Thanks for thinking so much of us to post it.


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Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

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Old 05-25-2005, 12:47 AM   #24
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Eric: Thanks for posting that pic.

I had a very good friend that damn near died from overexposure, he thought he didn't need a good resperator. Ha, WRONG!

Maybe now some of the guys that don't believe that this can happen to them will pay attention.

Just my .02


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Old 05-25-2005, 02:32 AM   #25
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Would anyone be so kind to post a thread on here about proper resporators, I am wanting to know what I should buy for when I am welding and grinding, basicly when im in the shop, I wear glasses if that makes a difference if some one would do a break down and what you need for what application, I would GREATLY appreciate it

Eric man , wow , I really appreicaite you posting that it realy drives home the point. Life is Just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy to short ,

Take Care . Matt
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