It's been a while since i've posted any thing,so hers my 2cents..I recently got a transfer to day shift(6a.m.-2:30p.m.)..Now that i have somewhat adjusted to the hours,I have decided to put an end to the REGRESS on my 50..So far i have installed and welded up both sides,floors,floor braces,kickpanels,inner & outer cowl panels,and both cab corners...(that wore me out just typing it ..LOL,It was extremely intimidating at times,but I managed to get it done..It seems that everything that you want to repair,requires you to rebuild whatever else that part touches(cab corners,had to patch up inner cab corners)..Doing all this reaaly strengthened up the ole heap..Now i am going to finish up patching the pass. side lower door pillar,and the 20 or so holes in the firewall,that won't be necessary..Also i filled in the fuel fill,drivers side cowl vent,and pass side louvers on the soon as i get all this out of the way I can get started with all the good stuff,plumbing,fitting, and body prep and chassis painting..It's good to be over the hump..(the structural work had me scared to the point I almost bought another cab,but figured I can do it,bit the bullet,dove in and got it done.And definitely improved my welding skills..(still got a ways to will post pics as soon as bettr half gets back from wally world with some new batteries for the camera..Good luck to all of you on tour projects..