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Old 05-04-2007, 01:09 AM   #1
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73-87 Market Value Discussion

There was a thread in the General Section about 73-87s being the next 67-72... Anybody have any solid information on the market values of these trucks?

My guess is the strongest segment is the 73-78 trucks, as they have the original 73 style and look with minor changes through the years. The 79-80 were the transition years. The 81-87 probably have a ways to go before gaining significant value, mainly because some still fall under emissions and the 80's era isn't quite as old or collectible yet. Correct me if you think otherwise, and please don't take these statements as put-downs, they're just loose theories! I love the entire 73-87 generation

From my studying, the truck market seems to be very different from the car market. For trucks, a tasteful and professional custom truck can bring just as much, if not more money, than an all original, #'s matching, low mile truck. Being original isn't quite as important as it is in the old car market. Also, the prices in general are much lower than comparable cars.

These trucks in excellent condition, either original or tastefully modified, go for anywhere from 8,000 to 20,000. However, if the truck is not straight and not running, don't expect much over 5k. Again, this is just from what I've seen browsing sales and completed auctions when I was in the market to buy.

Does anyone have an idea when these trucks will regularly pull in over 20k for a sale? I know that day is coming, but when?

And what type of truck? Will it be the SWB? The barn-find 1-ton in perfect condition? The 454? The factory 4-speed trucks? The special editions? A certain trim model (Silverado, Bonanza, etc.)?

One of the biggest things working against these trucks is the sheer number of them and the huge model run; 73 to 87 is over 10 years, and believe it or not, but finding a relatively rust-free one isn't as hard as it may seem (as long as you live in the south ). These trucks are EVERYWHERE, and I still see 73-87s IN SERVICE at Fire Departments, Airports, Construction Companies, etc.

I have no motives here other than to start a discussion about the values of our trucks and the future values of them. I bought a truck to drive and enjoy, not to sit on and sell 20 years from now. But if the price is right, I am at the end of the day still a capitalist American, and I'm sure we'd all consider selling if there was potential profit!

Your thoughts?
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Old 05-04-2007, 01:53 AM   #2
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

My vote (regarding value) is 73-80 short beds (4x4 or 4x2). Specifically something 77-79 as that's when you got fuel doors verses caps, pw/pl, etc. However, anything round (73-80) is favored by me. . .
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Old 05-04-2007, 06:32 AM   #3
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I figure the 73-87 trucks won't be fetching really big money = 20K+ for at least another 15 to 20 yr's.

Now maybe the factory limited and special edition modles will bring that sooner.

It's with out a doubt the most desirable trucks will be the factory 2wd short bed bigblock trucks the more options the better and the documation to back it up the bigger the $$$$$$.

This is all speculation on my part and i have no official info to back this up.


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Old 05-04-2007, 06:54 AM   #4
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

I don't see their value increasing any time soon least not for 10 years or so. There are too many of them out there, too many in salvage yards, and parts are still plentifull and affordable for the most part.

I do see the 73-80's fetching more money than their 81+ brothers. The 73-80 trucks had more flair in the form of available options and of course the special edition trucks. You could get big blocks in any truck, tachs, buckets, they had 12 bolts in the 1/2 tons (81 did too), funky dome lights , wood bed floors, etc..

The 81+ trucks will go up one day too, but definately the 73-80's will pick up speed first and be more sought after.

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Old 05-04-2007, 07:26 AM   #5
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

You guys have got it soooooo good over there i had to pay the equivalent of US$5000 for mine when i brought it in 2003, 292 six four speed granny box stock suspension and tyres. Check these out a couple of examples of the cost to buy one here in Australia, theres at least 3 on this page and our dollar is worth about 75 cents vs yours.

As you can see there are people even exporting trucks from over there.

The other thing is now that they are making fibreglass cabs, guards, beds etc its only a matter of time before they will press them out in steel lol!!! What I can dream can't I LOL LOL!!!!
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Old 05-04-2007, 07:22 AM   #6
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Just like the Corvette's, as the older ones get more expsensive, the newer generations start to get bought up because they're cheaper.
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Old 05-06-2007, 11:47 AM   #7
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Originally Posted by AceX View Post
Just like the Corvette's, as the older ones get more expsensive, the newer generations start to get bought up because they're cheaper.

A few years a ago there was tons of the 67-72 trucks at the pick-n-pull
5-10 of them in the yard and on you may see one every once in a while.the 73-87 trucks are everywhere in that yard now.

I think the 73-79 swb trucks will be the most wanted trucks
the 81-87 trucks I think will take a few years to catch on
The 80 square headlight trucks i think will be the least popular and a lot of them have been and will be back dated to round head lights.

73-75 blazers i think are already =to the 69-72 blazers.

but the 76-82 2wds will be the next best seller in this group

I like any of the 73-87 trucks
and the 73-91 subs blazers and 1 tons

Please note:this is JUST my opinion and was not intended to put anyones truck or project down
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Old 05-04-2007, 10:29 AM   #8
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

I disagree
Example 1980 was probable the best year for 1/2 ton 4 wheel drives, if I remember right you got a 205 transfer case/10 and 12 bolt axles.
For one tons 87 was the best year because for the weight rateing it passed emmisions with a carb or without a bunch of junk hanging off the motor. Actually 84 to 87 was the best years for heavy 4 wheel drives. About half the production was carb and the other half was fuel injection in 87 one ton 4 wheel drive. You also got a dana 60 and FF 14 bolt with a 205 TC.
The 73 to 79s came with full time 203 transfer cases<that nobody wants> in everything.
In Canada during the 80s everybody had these Chev trucks. I wanted one but could not afford one. Then when they changed the style in 88 everybody kept their old trucks because everybody hated the new ones. I looked for years to buy a second hand with no success. Now that was back east where everything rusts out. Plus I only wanted 4 wheel drive. Two wheel drives where always availible.
Anyway when I moved to Alberta it still took me years to find one and I ended up buying a half ton 4 wheel drive <which I converted to one ton because people hang on to the heavier trucks.
I mean there is a lot of junk type old chevs around but to buy a half decent clean 3/4 or1 ton 4 wheel drive that wasnt thrashed or wrecked at some point. Well its not easy.
Nobody around here wants two wheel drive or a light duty and they are cheap and plentiful.

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Old 05-04-2007, 11:05 AM   #9
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Enjoy it while you can. While it's still pretty cheap. Look at the trends in the car market. 55-57 chevies, first gen camaros, big block chevelles. There was a time that all three of those cars where "plentiful and cheap". That time has come and passed. Now if you want a builder 57 Chevy expect to pay 5-10 grand for a rotted out shell and a title. This is the kind of rusty stuff that I normally poke fun at when somebody around here starts rebuilding a rusty 73-87 truck. But in the 55-57 world it's the norm and happening more often as the original stuff is used up. The only way I see myself owning a 57 Chevy is when I pry the steering wheel from may Dad's hands.

Prices will go up on the trucks, maybe not in the next 5 years but you have to be careful what you wish for. When prices go up on the trucks, so will the prices to the restoration parts and the junk shells to build on. Then everybody will be griping about the prices for stupid things like original 73-80 tow hooks (like the 67-72 $500 hooks) or tach clusters that will fetch $1000 or more.

It's a double edged sword. Everybody want's to have good value for thier rides, but when the value goes up so does everything else. When it happens, you'll see sharp guys avoiding the high cost of SWB trucks by buying LWB trucks and cutting them down like the 67-72 guys are now.
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Old 05-04-2007, 11:29 AM   #10
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

You basically get what you pay for with a 73-87. I figure they still got a ways to go.

Being the next 67-72 ? Who knows. They made the 73-87 for 14 years, which is quite a lot of trucks if you think about it so the numbers are a lot bigger than 67-72.

I know in Texas what I'm about to describe is a threat to the existence of these trucks...the "foreign labor community." They really cherish these trucks because they are simple to work on, the parts can be found just about anywhere and are very cheap. Even if they can't afford parts, it's not to hard to rig up some duct tape and bailing wire to fix something till it breaks again next week. They often get worked to death and don't get taken care of. Just as long as it runs and they can slip their friend at the inspection station a 6 pack to get a sticker, thats all they care about.

Also, people from across the border or in the rio grande valley will come to auto auctions in san antonio, austin, and other major cities looking for cheap vehicles to buy. They flat tow these in caravans all the way back where they rig them into running, throw some paint on them, then sell them. Chevy trucks are of course victim of these but because of the increasing value of the 73-87 trucks or just the desire of Texas residents at the auctions to buy them, these caravans usually get the most beat up and worked to death trucks anyway.

Just an example of how these trucks end up getting worked to death. With the 73-87 trucks going up in value and the 88-98 going down in value, as well as the parts becoming cheaper and lots of them ending up with high miles on the original motors, I think the 73-87 trucks will soon be out of their price range.
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Old 05-06-2007, 09:43 AM   #11
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

It's hard to speculate on what they will do in the future, but I can say without a doubt that 73-79 trucks are bargain priced these days. I recently saw a 70K mile swb in a local trader for $2800 obo. I also saw a 81 2wd blazer with 75K miles that looked new for $3500. At the rod run in Pigeon Forge a couple weeks ago I saw a 67-72 (don't remember the year exactly) which didn't have a straight panel on it and one of the rockers was actualy missing for $5600. No more than 10 steps away was a 73-79 model that looked like new for $5500. These trucks are an affordable way to get into the world of classic trucks!
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Old 05-06-2007, 12:32 PM   #12
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

that's a good discussion.their bound to go up in time.there's still alot of them around here.but i notice the nice ones are fewer and farther between.i see alot more stock condition,daily driver,work trucks in the 81 thru 87 in this see more attention in the area of fixing up/custimazation in the 73-79's.i think the round headlight look seems to make them seem older to the car lovers that don't know model year differences.i get alot of comments from car guys on my truck relating to truck intrest growing in general.especially with lowered shortbeds.they just seem to draw more attention around here.iv'e had both,and 4x4's.but when i dropped mine and added tires and wheels,the comments blew thru the roof.i literally can't go to the store without a conversation or comments but,hey that's cool. i don't think there's any car or truck from this era that i can think of that's wotha hell of alot is there?still not old enough and from a mass production era before quality control was a big thing i think we get caught up on here because were all lovers of that era chevy truck is,to the car loving public there just chevy trucks still.alot of car shows wont accept anything newer than 72.but that shouldn't stop anybody.i'm way beyond caring too much about what they think.
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Old 05-06-2007, 03:16 PM   #13
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

It really depends on area too. In our neck of the woods a 73-87 SWB in running condition not even looking too nice wont go for less then 2K and Ive seen total junk sold for 3K. One day I seen a 78 SWB 4x4 for sale $800. Called the number and the guy that owned it said he had already been offered $1800 and had a bidding war going on between 2 people at the time. The truck was gone/sold when I drove by a couple hours latter. LWB's go for $500+ bearly running.
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Old 05-06-2007, 11:59 PM   #14
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Interesting that everyone brings up the regional variances... I guess different areas will prefer different styles, ie - Canada wants 4x4s while the warmer parts of the USA will prefer the 2wd trucks...

My only reasoning behind saying the 73-78s and then 79-80s will be more valuable sooner than 81-87s is simply because of round headlights. People think round headlights make a car "old school." It definitely lends some character to the truck, as well. However, given the boxiness of these designs, many people do prefer the square headlights as they fit better.

I have to admit, sometimes I'm tempted to throw my ride on eBay with a high reserve and see what happens.
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:20 AM   #15
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

ive heard the 87 that originally came with the fuel injection is one of the most expensive because only half a year came out with that engine then the following year it changed body style and i've been offered 30 g's in mexico for my truck but still holding tight to it wold probably never sel it i love it
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Old 05-07-2007, 10:45 AM   #16
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Man I didnt realize 67 to 72s were worth anything. I know where there is a 67 to 72 chevy 2 wheel drive LWB thats parked behind a barn.
The farmer parked it years ago because he bought a 4 wheel drive. I think its a 6 cyl. 3 speed on the wheel.
I didnt really look it over that much but the body looks pretty good on it. The truck weas running 20 some years ago when he parked it.
The guy would probable give it to mer if I hauled it away.
Whats a truck like that worth roughly?
Also why are SWB two wheel drive trucks worth more than LWB? On a 4 wheel drive I could see how a swb would be better on really tight trails but on a 2 wheel drive truck why would swb be better?
Even 8 foot beds dont give you that much room for cargo. Im kind of going back and forth with the idea of putting a flat deck on my LWB just so I can haul more.
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Old 05-07-2007, 07:41 PM   #17
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

The price difference between SWB and LWB is comparable to the difference between 2dr and 4dr cars. If you aren't buying/building for utility purposes you are more than likely going for style. The SWB trucks are just more sporty and desireable. Sure if I was building something to work out of I would probably go with a LWB. Until that time I'm sticking with cruising SWBs and using the LWB ones for parts.
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Old 05-10-2007, 10:16 AM   #18
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Around here the 4x4s are worth a good amount, at least considering what you'd expect them to sell for. You can get a clean 88-92 or 93 for less than you can get a clean 84-87 for. A local friend had a 43k mile 87 3/4 ton with a 4" lift, and 33" tires. Due to the milage, the truck was in phenominal condition. It sold for $15k. Any shortbox half ton around here that isn't rusty can fetch $7-8k. I feel lucky that I nabbed my 87 1 ton 454 for $4500. Since buying it I put in a lift kit, but now it needs 2 gas tanks, some body work and brake work... and I still got offered $5500 AFTER I told the guy about everything it needs. Now I just need to find time to put those gas tanks in and get the brake work done so I can start driving it again
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Old 05-10-2007, 06:03 PM   #19
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

well i gave to much for my truck. but i allways wanted a true big block with buckets and console. and finley found it and i got 6500.00 in it the way it sits right now and just traded a 69 short bed for a good 79 sb truck last nigh because i like the 77-79 better. and i know my truck will be worth something one day it got a lot of options on it the only thing is the option sheet is missing but i call the last two men to own it and they all say it was gone when they got it and i am the 5 owner and the first 2 owner is dead.
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Old 05-11-2007, 11:18 AM   #20
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

Everybody will argue with this but yesterday I picked up an Alberta auto trader/ $5000 and less. I cant see where 67 to 72s are worth that much. Not two wheel drive LBs anyway. The 67 to 72s where not any higher than 73 to 87s
My 81 Chevy one ton 4 wheel drive, I have about $14,000 just in new parts in it and I havnt done the body yet. But then on the other hand a new Chevy would cost at least $60,000 around here and as far as im concerned I have a better truck.
The only problem is the price of fuel. We are basically almost at $5 a gallon in Canada right now. If the new ones get better mileage/ well that would be a good reason to get one. But then again spending $60,000 for a new truck isnt an option for me.
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Old 05-13-2007, 11:03 PM   #21
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

around NC they are getting higer for nice trucks
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Old 05-14-2007, 03:07 AM   #22
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Re: 73-87 Market Value Discussion

I've been hunting around for a beat up old 73-80 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4, and honestly, I've been shocked at the asking prices on many of the trucks out there... They used to range from 200 - 1000 bucks for a beater, now they start at 1000 bucks, and go to 20 000 for a freshly restored truck!
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