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Old 09-18-2003, 09:05 PM   #1
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Question 71 GMC VIN # Is this right?

Just bought a 1971 GMC 1 Ton. The Vin Plate on the door post and the model decal on the glove box door match:

Vin Plate on door: CE303S11XXXX (rivets are original)

Model Decal: CE36003 (also gives the VIN as CE303S11XXXX) and states the wheel base as 133" which it is.

Title gives the VIN as CE303S11XXXX and 1971 GMC TRK

Here's the question: What gives with the VIN here? The 5th digit is the year code and should be a "1" (maybe a 0 if it was a 1970 sold in 1971) NOT a "3". Also the 4th digit is the model code so what is a "0" the code for? I don't find a "0" as a model code anywhere.

Where is the "hidden" VIN location on the frame? I'ed like to see if they match.
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:14 PM   #2
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71 gmc vins are a little different

C= conventional cab
E= Eight cylinder
3= 1 ton
03 = cab and chassis ordered
S= St. Loius plant
1= 1971
1**** is the sequentail part of the vin

look on frame top a little behind steering box for the stamped same last 6 or so numbers
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:32 PM   #3
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here or close too
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:48 PM   #4
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another pic
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Old 09-19-2003, 12:38 AM   #5
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Talking Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Thanks Rod, this really had me going. I'll still check the frame to see the #s match but at least now I'll wait until daylight to do it.

Even being a retired LEO I could just hear the Sheriff saying "Rightttttt, you bought it that way."
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Old 09-19-2003, 02:41 AM   #6
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Exclamation Chassis Vin Number

Is there also A vin number stamped into the chassis on a 1972 pickup C20 like i saw on the previous pictures or is the VIN number only in cab and glovebox???????
If so where can I find it......

1972 Chevy Pickup longbed 502ci Th400

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Old 09-19-2003, 11:31 PM   #7
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A partial VIN number is in that location I am pointing to up there.
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Old 09-19-2003, 11:53 PM   #8
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There is also a number stamped on top of the frame about where the drivers door is. Can't remember if it matches anything though?

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Old 09-20-2003, 10:28 AM   #9
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Yeah there another vin on top of frame ... but you would have to remove the cab to see it... so thats two and there the same number.
And I admit I borrow lots of pics to show people things.. I dont even have a digital camera... so probably 97% of what I post I have saved somewhere down the line. I cant credit all the orginal photographers.. I cant remember them ebay has been a good source for my pic collection also.... actually i have a better collection than I see in many books. And at least mine is continually updated and verfied high percentage accurate.
The last part of the vin number is stamped on all truck frames except 67 frames...maybe some of the 67... but majority not.
Its only the last part of the vin because the rest of the would match nearly every other truck.. the only thing different is actually the sequence number of the truck. Usually you get from the year number onward. But remember a 70 GMC has a letter Z to identify year a 1970.

so for say a 1/2 ton chev 72 vin of CCE142F123456

you would see 2F123456 on the frame.
So even if you only see a frame laying in a scrap yard you can tell its a 1972 made in Flint Assembly Plant.

It's not like I haven't taught a few people a thing or two on these trucks...LOL.
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