Old Black & Blue....The Rolling Bruise...70 K-10
Howdy all, I'm finally back to let you know what I've got done to date, ask for advise on future work, & post photos of my process so far! I'm doing a minimum budget, zero cosmetic only upgrades, on my 70 K 10, that I picked up for only $2500 a few years ago just before beginning my chemo, & culminating with a bone marrow transplant once I was in remission from my stage 4 non- hodgkins mantle cell lymphoma in August 2015. I started to discuss this restoration back then, but treatments & other events made continuing too difficult, so I backed off till now when I finally started feeling better, was able to complete some process' enough to be interesting to others, & was able to take some before & after photos along the way, which I will begin to post once I get that figured out, since I'm a techno- neanderthal to the bone. I'm sure some of you can relate to that kind of problem...LOL...... I'm approaching my 2 year remission anniversary & all has gone well with no infections etc. except for a mild cold recently, so my compromised immune system has performed as well as anyone could hope for along the way!.... This restoration has been a blessing in that it was difficult physically many times along the way, but mentally it prodded me to get out there and accomplish things that made me stronger & provided satisfaction that helped me battle depression/anxiety that unavoidably come with my circumstances encountered!.... That's enough for this introduction, & I'll return soon with more about this very odd path of restoration that I'm undertaking due to both budget concerns, & planned use for Old Black & Blue!
 70 Custom K-10 LWB w/ mild build 350
Sm465 & 205 +GM truck 12 bolt rear
Dana 44 up front....3.08 ratio
33" 12.50 15 on 8" rims
46" front leafs
52" rear leafs