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Old 10-20-2018, 12:53 PM   #1
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Buying a old car/truck

I have a question

When I go and look at old GM cars and trucks to purchase, why does the owner always ask.


This question really pisses me off! In my opinion, it is none of this persons business what my plans are for the vehicle or what I do with it once I buy it! His only concern is weather or not the cash/check clears!

I would like to hear your thoughts. Thank you.
Brian Ritter
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Old 10-20-2018, 12:58 PM   #2
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Well, not sure it warrants being p.o.'ed, but, you have to consider that owners that ask that question (and you're right, many do) have probably owned it for a long time and it's become almost like a family member. In other words, the vehicle itself means a lot to them. Has nothing to do with your plans for it after you buy it in reality - but they may indeed not sell it if you tell them you're gonna lower it and chop the bed, etc - or they may at least not lower the price when the haggling starts. So, really, the best answer is probably - "I'm just gonna enjoy it, it's a great old truck - thanks for taking such good care of it all these years" if you're seriously wanting to buy it. No need to tell them that your definition of "enjoy" involves a sawzall.
Even if it is sacrilege.
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Old 10-20-2018, 01:40 PM   #3
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I would guess you have never sold a solid classic vehicle that you have put energy and dollars into only to find it a month later for sale on Craig's List missing the engine and other parts. Then 6 months later you find it stripped at a u-pull it yard because the guy you sold it to couldn't get his asking price so he scrapped it. So yes it is something I ask when selling the vehicle along with other questions about how they might approach certain repairs or other such things. I have walked away from buyers when I didn't trust their intentions. Old vehicles that have survived need to be looked after so they will be around for your children and grandchildren to enjoy. Your attitude about what the seller should be concerned about really only applies to common vehicles less than 20 years old.
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie and everyone else at Superior Performance for all their great help.
RIP Bob Parks.
1967 Burban (the WMB),1988 S10 Blazer (the Stink10 II),1969 GTO (the Goat), 1970 Javelin, 1952 F2 Ford OHC six 4X4, 29 Model A, 72 Firebird (the DBP Bird). 85 Alfa Romeo
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Old 10-20-2018, 02:33 PM   #4
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by HO455 View Post
I would guess you have never sold a solid classic vehicle that you have put energy and dollars into only to find it a month later for sale on Craig's List missing the engine and other parts. Then 6 months later you find it stripped at a u-pull it yard because the guy you sold it to couldn't get his asking price so he scrapped it. So yes it is something I ask when selling the vehicle along with other questions about how they might approach certain repairs or other such things. I have walked away from buyers when I didn't trust their intentions. Old vehicles that have survived need to be looked after so they will be around for your children and grandchildren to enjoy. Your attitude about what the seller should be concerned about really only applies to common vehicles less than 20 years old.
I guess I just dont understand why you care, and what gives you the right to ask, and you would miss out on a sale if that person wasn't going to follow your wishes?
Brian Ritter
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Old 10-20-2018, 02:47 PM   #5
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by bbrriiaann1973 View Post
I guess I just dont understand why you care, and what gives you the right to ask, and you would miss out on a sale if that person wasn't going to follow your wishes?
I care because I am a third generation car restorer and have been taught that as an owner of an old vehicle you have a responsibility to save the vehicle for the future if you can. And as the owner of the vehicle I have every right to ask about its future. And as far as missing the sale there are lots of other buyers out there for the stuff I own.
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie and everyone else at Superior Performance for all their great help.
RIP Bob Parks.
1967 Burban (the WMB),1988 S10 Blazer (the Stink10 II),1969 GTO (the Goat), 1970 Javelin, 1952 F2 Ford OHC six 4X4, 29 Model A, 72 Firebird (the DBP Bird). 85 Alfa Romeo
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Old 10-20-2018, 03:09 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by bbrriiaann1973 View Post
I guess I just dont understand why you care
...this is the pivot point right here.

When you understand this....and the guys here are trying to impart the reasons why...then this will make more sense.

All good
....for some men, there is experience, skill and effort....for the others...there is visa and UPS LOL
1966 Chevy 1/2 ton (Florida- Red/white)
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Old 10-20-2018, 03:52 PM   #7
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I have owned my Gmc for six years. I have modified to my liking, put alot of sweat equity in it. I have dragged it across country and have been through thick and thin with it. I WOULD NOT ask the buyer what their intentions are but I would be more apt to part with it if I thought that the buyer had similar feelings and intentions as I do. I know that I will never get out of it of what I put into it. It's just a truck, that is (for now) in my care.
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Old 10-20-2018, 05:22 PM   #8
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by bbrriiaann1973 View Post
I guess I just dont understand why you care, and what gives you the right to ask, and you would miss out on a sale if that person wasn't going to follow your wishes?
People have irrational attachments to material things. Myself included.

As far as the sellers rights go. Until he signs the bill of sale/Title, I guess he can say or do whatever he or she pleases. Its up to you as to whether or not you buy the vehicle. Just as its up to him whether or not he sells it to you.

Some people in this world are down right ignorant about their views on what others should be able to do with their own property. So I can see how instances like this happen.

I have found that the best mind set is " When in doubt, leave it out" Don't give any more info than you have too.

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72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

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Old 10-20-2018, 01:50 PM   #9
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

A word of advice: A lot of these old vehicles mean something to the seller and it matters to them who it's going to and what's going to be done with it. As odd as it might sound as a seller I decide who the vehicle is going to not necessarily someone who just happens to have the money. The seller has just as much discretion as you do. When you're out looking at old cars and trucks as a buyer it's likely you're another person in the hobby and of course the seller is interested another person in the hobby and your take on the vehicle in question. Most of the time it's just being social, always fun to meet another person into the same cool stuff. But if you are a money sniffer and that's the only real reason these old cars and trucks interest you don't expect a warm reception. Just because it's an old car on craigslist doesn't mean you can take the same attitude you might in a retail store buying a shovel.....

Just my two cents .....

Steve weim55 Colorado
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Old 10-20-2018, 02:09 PM   #10
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I've always told 'em what they want to hear. I bought a '75 Valiant to replace the engine and drive train in his '70 Dart, which was in much better shape. The seller wanted to see pics after I was done. I should have sent him one from Pick Your Part! I was that guy, this one time. I usually buy to fix up, though.

Just like when we sold our last house, the wife didn't want them to rent it. She was assured that they wouldn't. About a month after it sold, it was up for rent! Ain't my house anymore, I wouldn't care if they burned it down, except for the waste factor.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

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Old 10-20-2018, 02:29 PM   #11
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I have a old truck that my dad purchased when I was 5 days old. That truck will be with me until I die, but if I had to sale it I wouldn't give to ****s who buys it or what they do with it.

Normally when someone starts asking me what are my intentions after I buy it, i just try to ignore them. If they push me for a answer I tell them its really none of your business.

There are plenty of these old cars and trucks to choose from so normally I have 3 or 4 to choose from. So it's the sellers loss.

So follow up question, what would you do if you realized that a buyer lied to you? Did something crazy to it after the purchase!
Brian Ritter
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Old 10-20-2018, 02:40 PM   #12
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by bbrriiaann1973 View Post
I have a old truck that my dad purchased when I was 5 days old. That truck will be with me until I die, but if I had to sale it I wouldn't give to ****s who buys it or what they do with it.

Normally when someone starts asking me what are my intentions after I buy it, i just try to ignore them. If they push me for a answer I tell them its really none of your business.

There are plenty of these old cars and trucks to choose from so normally I have 3 or 4 to choose from. So it's the sellers loss.

So follow up question, what would you do if you realized that a buyer lied to you? Did something crazy to it after the purchase!

A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you're not going anywhere till you change it

When buying a classic vehicle some people care about it because they have a lot of "Sweat Equity" into their vehicle. For example if you told me you were going to chop the top off the truck after purchasing it I would not sell it to you
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Old 10-20-2018, 04:34 PM   #13
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by bbrriiaann1973 View Post
I have a[n] old truck that my dad purchased when I was 5 days old...
What are your future intentions with it?
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Old 10-20-2018, 04:52 PM   #14
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by vt05091 View Post
What are your future intentions with it?
Heh heh heh. It's like when a dad asks what your intentions are towards his daughter. The little smirk is all I need to give. "Yeah, I'm dating her because she acts like a shrieking harpy from the third circle of hell and is uglier than 7 days of bad weather!". Dad don't need to ask that question. It's the same set of intentions he had for his dates, back in the day.

I had a '68 Skylark GS California that I sold a few years ago. I gave the guy a complete list of all the new parts I had put on it. He bought it and rebuilt the front suspension. Did he not look at the list and see all that stuff was new!? Oh well, it's his money.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

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Old 10-20-2018, 05:11 PM   #15
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by vt05091 View Post
What are your future intentions with it?
As you can see I take very good care of my old truck! But if I get to my 80 or 90 and I have to sale it the person who gives me the money has every right to do what ever they want to it! Even if they wanted to make patio furniture out of it.
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Old 10-20-2018, 03:39 PM   #16
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

This is a sort of funny thread as it turns out.

When I sell my truck, I'll definitely have the right to ask that question, or any other question I want including where did you get your last haircut. If I don't like the answer or get on the receiving end of some attitude, oh it's no longer for sale. To the scrapyard my truck will go and I'll watch it go in the crusher, if I need to get rid of it and there's just one buyer left in the world and he questions my right to have a conversation. If a successful sale is done, I will have to be happy with whatever happens to the truck.
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Old 10-20-2018, 04:25 PM   #17
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I had a 62 suburban that was in really solid shape just need an engine and other odds and ends. I had a guy offer me full price and he was ready with a transport company to pick it up, but he was going to cut it in half and cab it into a crew cab. I told him I couldn’t let him do that to it and I wasn’t even attached to it. Had t a couple weeks and was flipping it. As stated above people get attached or they simply just don’t want a nice original piece getting molested and scrapped because, to me, it’s about the preservation of these old things because they can all tell a different story. It’s a simple question asked by about 95% of the sellers I buy from, and I’ve bought a lot of them. it’s pretty quick to get a sense of what they’d like to see happen to it, and I’m sure many in here have told the little white lie just to get it bought at the right price and that’s just business. Every one has a different vision for the pickups they build or cars but as long as I have cash in hand and I know it’ll be going to a good home I let them go. But like the suburban I had I couldn’t let that happen to it. Now I’ve got rusted out heaps that if someone can find a use for then go for it lol. Not sure why that’d upset a person but to each their own.
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Old 10-20-2018, 05:23 PM   #18
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They may not care what you are going to do with it, but are curious. It could just be a 'conversation starter' type of question. They might just want to know if they should start watching the Barrett Jackson auctions so they can say "Hey, that used to be my truck!"
1972 C10 LWB, 350/350

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Old 10-20-2018, 05:35 PM   #19
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Conversation, that's the one thing I dont want when I am combing over a car or truck. I know the game, distract them so they might miss that one thing they are trying to hide.

I am very focused when I go look at vehicles and I am not there to make friends. I am there to go home with metal or to see if the vehicle is worth it!

I dont want to know the history of the vehicle, who had it, what it had originally, I want to see what it has now and what is the condition of it now!
Brian Ritter
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Old 10-20-2018, 06:29 PM   #20
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I really like these kinds of threads
Get to learn a lot about other members

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Old 10-20-2018, 06:34 PM   #21
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I, personally like the conversation
When buying
Selling trucks

Most of us have the same passion————
So the conversation comes easy

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Old 10-21-2018, 11:20 AM   #22
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by Chevyland View Post
I really like these kinds of threads
Get to learn a lot about other members

Yep! Love the dancing guy too...
California 65 GTO---Texas 64 burb 283 ---Oklahoma 67 CST SWB BBW wood bed 327 2004r---New Mexico 72 k10 350 350 auto---Georga 72 short step project
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Old 10-20-2018, 08:37 PM   #23
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I too ask the questions when selling. I sold my 67 CST this spring and turned the 1st two guys down because I didn't like what I heard. I just said I don't think this is the truck for you. The guy I sold it to after he bought it asked me why I sold it so cheap. I said I wanted it to go to the right guy. I called him up 3 months after he took it and asked how he liked it. He said he barely drives it because either his wife has it or his 17 yr old son. Makes me think the right guy got it.
1967 Oshawa built LWB Fleetside. 327,3 OTT, 515 Vermilion, CST, PS, PB, Shoulder Harness, Tach,Vac, Speed Warning, Choke Delete, Manual Throttle, Fawn interior. Dealer installed A/C 04/2015, N34 Rosewood Wheel 06/2023
Members who I have met personally. Metaldoc, chevnkevin, 62 Longbed, 72LHorn, 72MARIO, YBNORML, TBONE1964, Classic Bowties, Chevemall, Dagnabbitt.
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Old 10-20-2018, 10:24 PM   #24
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

I parked my truck outside a couple weeks ago because I was working on a different project. Some guy come up and asked if I was selling. 'I don't know make an offer after you look at it'.

Made a bunch of noise about having one already, chopped, bagged,slammed, ......and my hearing went out.

I went back to my project and closed the gates.

That's what attitude gets ya from an old guy.

You don't have to care, but you won't be hanging around long enough to work a deal.
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Old 10-20-2018, 10:37 PM   #25
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Re: Buying a old car/truck

Originally Posted by Resto-Rand View Post
I parked my truck outside a couple weeks ago because I was working on a different project. Some guy come up and asked if I was selling. 'I don't know make an offer after you look at it'.

Made a bunch of noise about having one already, chopped, bagged,slammed, ......and my hearing went out.

I went back to my project and closed the gates.

That's what attitude gets ya from an old guy.

You don't have to care, but you won't be hanging around long enough to work a deal.
I dont understand what you mean, was him telling you about his truck that annoyed you? Or was he comparing yours to his and implying that your was inferior? Did he just want to chat and was using the old "is it for sale?" as an icebreaker ?

I get folks that just want to chat about the trucks all the time. Some are better than others, but I usually try and accommodate fellow enthusiasts.

68’ GMC shortbox

72' 2WD Blazer

67' LongBox C-10

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