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Old 05-19-2002, 12:41 PM   #1
Pumkin Truck
Thats just prime!
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Post Do most of you all see our trucks like I do?

Or am i weird? Yesterday i was having a conversation with my pa and i told him that when i look outside i see his '02 truck parked next to my 69, i see both of these trucks as everyday drivers, not distinguishing my 69 as a classic, But when i am on the road or at a carshow i will see a 69 camaro or mustang or chevelle or nova or what have you, and to me, those are classics. When i see trucks like our 67-72's, to me, they are just trucks that were made to be driven, whats up with this?

1969 Gmc swb stepside Wimpy six soon to be a 500cid cadillac!!(as soon as i figure out if it is one?!!!)

*69 GMC short bed stepside with a wimpy six that can barely pull itself.

*99 Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1 Bad 5.7ltr LS1
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Old 05-19-2002, 12:50 PM   #2
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you're a sick man.... I hope you get the help you need... hehe

'72 short step, 350, 700R4, tilt, ps, pdb, a/c, lowered coils, etc., other work in progress... San Diego, CA

'72 short step, 350, 700R4, tilt, ps, pdb, a/c, lowered coils, etc., other work in progress... San Diego, CA

72 Stepside Project
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Old 05-19-2002, 01:44 PM   #3
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not weird, but i see 67-72 chevy trucks as a classic, and for the most part made or built to drive. i have seen many that was not a "daily driver".the trucks are very dependable, low maintenence and people drive em'every day.just my 2 cents .


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Old 05-19-2002, 01:46 PM   #4
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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I see them as driveable classics.
Fun to own, fun to drive.

'69 G.M.C. 350/350. Trying to clean up the left over damage from the Dope-Smokin-Old-Man
I've been dubbed the Longhorn Freak/Fanatic/Expert, I just hope I can live up to it.
FINALLY got the HORNIAC...a '70 one ton Longhorn with a Pontiac 350/350 and lots of 'personality'. Check out The Longhorn Webite.
My name is Andy...not Randy...I'm in Ohio...Not Illinois...close enough?
Columbus Ohio

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Old 05-19-2002, 01:50 PM   #5
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I second that. Drivable classics

Tough trucks that you dont have to baby around even after restoring.

Pictures and more...
'71 LWB
350/350T, PS/PB
Special options? Yes, RUST... Need some?
Webmaster/Team owner
Garrett - Olathe, Kansas
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Old 05-19-2002, 04:30 PM   #6
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these trucks are 100% classic..... period, if the 69 cars are thne so are the trucks.
not everyone views these as such though, im used to hearing such terms to describe them as junkj, old, pos, junker, etc, but thats just cuz of where im at, no one cares,.

good luck

Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
*many GM parts bought, traded, or sold -am parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme and 84 SE Firebird T5 3.73

current fleet: -71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07- assembling currently
-90 Cavalier
-84 Z28
-'90 Corsica 3.1L- selling or parting out and '82 purple Trans Am- storing away *Paint is overrated* © RSS Enterprises 2000

[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited May 19, 2002).]
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Old 05-19-2002, 06:05 PM   #7
14.1 @ 96MPH
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I dunno, they just seem to be in general more drivable / driven than old muscle cars. No problem with that.

Maybe part of it is the fact that in a lot of ways, modern trucks haven't improved a whole lot from them! I mean, look at the basic designs, not much has rear axle hung either by leaves or coils...the front suspension is nearly identical, except for angles and positioning of parts (i.e. the shock-within-spring of my mom's 1997 Suburban)...standard improvements in the driveline and interior...

Project 1970 - soon to be seen at

Project1970 - LS1 Swap Complete!
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Old 05-19-2002, 06:43 PM   #8
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They seem to hold there value, especially the ones that are in excellent condition. Those are worth more now than they where new.
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Old 05-19-2002, 08:39 PM   #9
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They made ALOT more of the trucks then the camaros, mustangs, ect. 5 million trucks were made from 67-72, and i don't think they made as many camaros as that. But yeah, i drove my truck for 3hrs today, and not one problem. I love it, lots of fun to pass newer vehicles going uphill on the highway .


"Another proud owner of one of the coolest trucks ever built"

My Daily-Driver: '72 Chevy LWB Custom/10. Rebuilt 350, roughly 300 HP thanks to a 204/214 duration cam, Edelbrock Performer intake and 1406 carb, headers, and 40 seires Flowmaster mufflers. Ochre with a white top. Lots of fun .

'72 Chevy C10 Mild 350/TH350/3.07. Ochre/White. Old high school ride.
'70 GMC C2500 '62 327 4bbl/SM465/4.56-geared Dana 60. White/White. Project or parts truck.
'97 Saturn SL DD. 1.9/5-speed. 40+ highway mpg
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Old 05-20-2002, 12:30 AM   #10
O'l Buck
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These trucks were inteded to do some work, and mine does alot of work, it won't be hauling wood and pushing round bales around anymore after it's painted, but it does a good job of that right now. I recently dealt for the 67 K-20 my dad has had since 76. It will get a flatbed and do the work from now on. I also have a 67 cutlass convertible, and it comes out of the barn and takes me to work whenever the weather is nice. I just can't see letting a driveable vehicle sit around. Especially as much fun as the classics are to drive.

"In the words of Motley Crue, This will always be my home sweet home"

Ol' Buck: '72 Chevy 1/2T 4x4 shortbox stepside 350/350auto on '84
ralleys and 31/10.5s

Angel girl: 67 Cutlass convertible
330, 3spd stick

Greener: 90 GMC Jimmy
Chad Stephens

no name yet: 72 442 under serious construction
my site:
67 K-20 350, SM465, Eaton rear, 4.56 no spin option
00 Dodge 2500 4x4, 24V cummins, 5 speed

South Central Nebraska
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Old 05-20-2002, 08:29 AM   #11
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Around here, most of the camaros, etc. are already restored, so of course they are rare to see everyday. But these old trucks...I've only seen one that I would call a classic driving down the street, and he was coming from the sharonville car show. But most of the time when I see our trucks, either they're still workin hard, or somebody is trying to get it back in shape (like my truck). But my town is turning into a prep town. Corvettes (C5's) are just about on every street corner, Porsches and BMW's are just as common. Heck, the other day I saw a red Ferrari 360 Modena goin down the street. Then I go home and look at my driveway. Two broken down ford escorts, and my truck. Needless to say I feel out of place in my own home town!

- Adam L. Vogel
University of Cincinnati
White 68 GMC short, fleet, 350/TH350, 67-8 chevy grille, 5-lugs, front power disc brakes, power steering, a/c (not complete yet)

My truck site
IM= newt0

Ethel - The Legend Continues...

Ethel has been sold.
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Old 05-20-2002, 11:41 AM   #12
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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You need to pay someone to remove the two'll bring up the property value!!!
J/K man.

'69 G.M.C. 350/350. Trying to clean up the left over damage from the Dope-Smokin-Old-Man
I've been dubbed the Longhorn Freak/Fanatic/Expert, I just hope I can live up to it.
FINALLY got the HORNIAC...a '70 one ton Longhorn with a Pontiac 350/350 and lots of 'personality'. Check out The Longhorn Webite.
My name is Andy...not Randy...I'm in Ohio...Not Illinois...close enough?
Columbus Ohio

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Old 05-20-2002, 02:37 PM   #13
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I see these trucks as a working man's classic. They are easy to work on (well for the most part) and they work hard.
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Old 05-20-2002, 02:46 PM   #14
Pumkin Truck
Thats just prime!
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True dat '67SilverBullet! Today i was mowing my yard and i saw my truck at every possible angle from the corner of my eye adn i realized what makes our trucks stand out. Through these different perspectives i noticed the distinctive fenders, awsome grill, beutiful curves, perfect ride height adn strong structure, something that i dont see on my dads 2002, my trucks full metal body that pops right out when it gets dinged whereas the fiberglass shiny indigo blue paint that covers his makes his look more comfortable and sad to say (especially being a gm,) whimpy. Thanks guys, cant wait for my caddy!

1969 Gmc swb stepside Wimpy six soon to be a 500cid cadillac!!(as soon as i figure out if it is one?!!!)

*69 GMC short bed stepside with a wimpy six that can barely pull itself.

*99 Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1 Bad 5.7ltr LS1
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Old 05-20-2002, 02:50 PM   #15
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Well, those old muscle cars should be out getting stomped on. No point having a car that you dont play with, unless you like collecting fullsize models . Same with trucks, use them as the were meant to be used. My truck is a little too pretty to be using as a true work truck, but to haul around the easy stuff its great. By work truck I mean you can drive it up against a tree and not care (or have a loader "bump" the bed)
Happy Trucking, whatever that means to you .

1970 heavy duty C-10 fleetside sport truck. Vancouver B.C. Canada

"Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high."
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, Canadian Army

1970 heavy duty C-10 fleetside sport truck. Vancouver B.C. Canada

"Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high."
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, Canadian Army
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Old 05-20-2002, 04:59 PM   #16
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Our trucks are classics and are to be drove. Mine always turned heads,still does even it is in the garage,people stop all the time trying to buy it.When it's done I'll cruise with the best.I won't be ashamed.
69 C-10, OWNED 38YRS... 350 over 30, 350 Turbo, 3:73 Posi P/S, P/B Black with red and black int. ''LOVE THESE OLD ''TRUCKS.......
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Old 05-20-2002, 11:34 PM   #17
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Heck I bought a brandnew truck on my birthday last yr. and now I want to sell it and build me a 72 fleetside with a 68 front clip,I just cant keep driving this new stuff!

1971 chevy suburban (BIG ORANGE)
1970,68,90 swb Little BUCKS one day
67/72 truck parts bought/sold

Things happen for a reason!
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Old 05-21-2002, 01:16 AM   #18
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I own a 68 Chev C10 LWB and 94 GMC LWB 1500 trucks and I would rather drive my 68!! The only reason why I bought my GmC was to not drive my 68 during the Body Work Phase!! My dad also owns a 2000 Silverado and all I have to say is that I hate that truck because of Tooo Much Plastic! my gmc has less plastic compared to that silverado and the quality of both silverado and gmc are nothing compared to my 68 in terms of Body Strength!! I prefer A long Lasting Truck over a any Disposable trucks like my 94 gmc and my dad's 2K Silverado !!

Classic 67-72 Trucks are meant to look great, work hard and drive nice !!

Truck #1 68 Chev LWB Fleet w/ Wood Floor (Sucks Gas and Hauls Ass!) and in process of Body Work...

Truck #2 1994 GMC Sierra SL w/ 4.3L Vortec V6, 4L60E Auto!!

1968 C10 Truck LWB Fleetside
1968 C10 Truck SWB Stepside
1994 K2500 Ext Cab Fleetside
2008 Honda Civic Si *lease*
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Old 05-21-2002, 08:30 AM   #19
Desert Rat
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67-72 Chevy trucks are a classic without a doubt,i even make mental note of them,cruising around ill look in yards,fields,farmers land,i know where a whole list is.Just found a 71-72 1/2 4x4 Burb,very nice body,has AC,has 4 flat tires/funky white spokes.if i get it will be cleaned up,roadworthied,a set of ralleys,and relieved of a tach,and then 4sale
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Old 05-21-2002, 08:43 AM   #20
Plain 72
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The great thing is, these trucks are whatever you want them to be. A buddy of mine has a 72 GMC that rarely gets any fresh air. I drive mine every day. To each his own!!!!!

1972 1/2 ton 4x4
1995 S-10 (Gas Saver)
1998 Caravan (Wife's)
1972 1/2 ton 4x4
1995 S-10 (Gas Saver)
1998 Caravan (Wife's)
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Old 05-23-2002, 01:10 PM   #21
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Everyone has their own idea's of the ultimate truck, but I say screw the new one's. $25-$30,000 and steady depreciating after that. You can have a nice 67-72 for a fraction of that. Plus there are millions of new chevy's, dodges, fords, and even pukey little imports out there, but 67-72 owners are of a select few. The Few. The Proud. The...anyway you see what I mean. That's my opinion.......JB

1967 ShortBed
Fleetside 3/5 Drop
Buckets, Console, Tilt
15 x 8 Corvette Style
1967 ShortBed Fleetside
3/4 Drop 350/700R4
Tilt wheel
18 x 8 Torque Thrust II's
Future mods: All new gauges & wood bed
My Zip is 23002
I ship UPS, USPS
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Old 05-23-2002, 01:31 PM   #22
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imagine what you could build for 30K.... droooooooolllllllll
1971 K10 lwb fleetside 402 T350 205
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Old 05-25-2002, 01:36 PM   #23
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Recently my friend purchased a new chevy truck. We were chatting in a parking lot the other day while parked next to each other. Some guy walks up, and says "cool truck. What year is it?" My friend smiles, and responds "it's a 2002" The guy gave him a funny look and said "I meant the old one"
I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
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Old 05-25-2002, 01:55 PM   #24
Pumkin Truck
Thats just prime!
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lol the old one!
*69 GMC short bed stepside with a wimpy six that can barely pull itself.

*99 Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1 Bad 5.7ltr LS1
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Old 05-25-2002, 03:25 PM   #25
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I see them as driveable classics.
Fun to own, fun to drive. and very easy on the eyes! plus i know nobody has one just like mine!

70 swb restored by myself and some help from this bord!!
I hope to drive it some day!! portland OR

70 swb restored by myself and some help from this board!!
I hope to drive it some day!! portland OR
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