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Old 03-29-2009, 03:13 AM   #1
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Talking add some useless info here

well i had a thought lets all share something strange or odd we have learned with or about our trucks think hard we have all had something strange on them or something strange go wrong .....i will start off with one i decided i wanted to put a late model chevy blower motor (heater) on my 65 to get more output (blow harder) which they do but 2 odd things with it were one you have to buy a new wheel for it and then mod it ...about 12 bucks and a half hour not bad to get warm when its in the teens out but the one that blew my mind was the fact of when the fan was on and i cut the key off to kill the truck the blower motor backfeed the ignition and delayed the truck shuting down buy like 5 seconds ...the fix simple but took me a year to think it out a diode in the power wire and bam fixed it only lets current flow one way to the motor and not back away from it just one little odd bit from my useless info i have learned but someone somewhere i am sure has that prob and doesnt know the fix so there it is
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Old 03-29-2009, 08:22 AM   #2
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Re: add some useless info here

I've got one along those same lines.To get the assorted lights to work on my truck I had to do some wiring.The PO had the alt. hooked up with two spade connecters where there's usually a plug.No problem,just hit the HELP shelf at my parts store and walla!WRONG!The wires on the plug were bass ackwards from the way they were on the alt so I hooked them up that way.The truck started and charged fine but would not shut off so I took a pick and swapped the wires around in the plug,easy huh.WRONG!Now the truck has(still) a key-off drain.Hook the wires up correct-no drain but truck wont shut off and vice-versa.Buddy of mine came over and said "I had that happen and used a relay switch to fix it".We stole a switch off an outboard motor and hooked it to the igniter wire and it works perfectly(even if it's now a Chevyrude!)
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Old 03-29-2009, 01:52 PM   #3
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Re: add some useless info here

Here's one Ive never seen anyone mention, but I bet a bunch of people know. If you're into lowering your truck, you can NOT get your rear wheels/tires bolted on unless you jack up the frame and let the rearend down. Im always dickin' around with about 3 jacks and two jackstands to get my wheels bolted back on....usually after Im tired from rolling around on the ground all day. Nice frustration.......
66 LB >
.......posted via stationary device
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Old 03-29-2009, 07:57 PM   #4
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Re: add some useless info here

well i have to add a good one that just happened to me a few hours ago not a real prob but it gets your attention my truck has the 4 speed trans we all know how the shifter is held in the trans well i took it out to get my big head under the dash to work on my brake rod but i put it back in never locked the ring on it ...was driving along went to pull it back in 4th gear i jerked it right out in my hand and yes it was not in gear had to coast off the road and put it back in and you guessed it nothing in the truck to lock it with this makes you feel just as stupid as the time i went to a quick lube and the guy in the pit said what kind of truck is this i said a ford he said(thought he was joking with me ) o-ok and well 15 min went by he tried and tried to put a ford fl1a oil filter on it killed the treads had to call the dealer to get the filter nipple delivered and you guessed it I had to fix it ...atleast the oil change was free they closed that place up like 2 mos. later i can see why ...!...!...!
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