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Old 07-21-2003, 02:06 PM   #1
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Angry Quite an experience on Saturday!

Well, I had a rather "exciting" ride home from work Saturday.

I was driving home in the '77 Woody and I looked in my RV mirror and saw a late model Ford Taurus zipping in and out of traffic doing what appeared to be double the posted speed limit. I thought to myself..."oh great, another car full of stupid teenagers". Well the light turned red and I stopped and there was another car next to the left of me, stopped as well. Along comes the Taurus and stops hard on the brakes getting VERY close to my back bumper. Kind of pissed me off but didn't really give it much more thought. The light then turns green so I accelerate normally, as does the car next to me. Well the kids in the Ford are getting impatient and I can tell they want to get around us...but I'll be damned if i am going to speed and let them carry I just keep cruising along doing the posted speed limit. The next light turns red so I come to a stop and the Ford is still behind me...still on my bumper (the other car is still next to me). The light then turns green and I accelerate normally again and as soon as I cross the intersection (the road goes to three lanes there) i switch to the very far right lane figuring the stupid kids would stay in the same lane and fly by me. Well they flew by me and got stuck at another red light (first in line), a few seconds later I catch up with them at the red light as well (also first in line). As i am sitting there minding my own business i hear them talking at laughing and pointing in my direction...just what you would expect 4 sixteen year olds to do (2 boys, 2 girls). So after a few seconds i get fed up and say "make sure you get Mommy and Daddys car home in one piece...OK". Well they then laughed, a few seconds later the male passenger in the backseat pulls out a smaller size super soaker and squirts me in the face with water. i am like "real cool buddy" in a sarcastic voice...of course he had nothing to say back. The light then turns green and i take off rather quickly (just wanted to get away from these morons), well so did the we had a short little race...if you can call it that since the Ford performed rather pathetically! Surprise surprise, the next light is red as we are side by side once again. Getting fed up with these idiots i decide to turn right at the light and lose them (keep in mind I am tired, it is hot out, and want to go home). Before I can turn right the kid then decides to shoot me again (but he missed) so I yell..."why don't you head over to Target there and get some Oxy Clean for your zit face!" (he had baaaad acne). I then turned right and they went straight.

So I am now on my way home, free of punks and ass-holes...or so I thought.

I decided to stop by a gas station and pick up some sodas for myself and my fiance, along with a glass of ice water (it is hot out remember). I go get the goods at the gas station, and as i am coming out I notice they are in the parking lot across the street waiting for me..."oh great" i say to myself. So I just carry on about my business and head home. Well of course they keep following me (it has been about 8 miles so far since it all started) finally getting fed up I pull the Blazer over and step out. They pulled up next to me and I say "why don't you get out of the f*ckin car so we can talk!". The kid then tries to shoot me I reach back in the Blazer and get out the cup of I am turning around the dumb-ass sees it and closes his i took the liberty of throwing the glass of water on the girl and boy driver in the front seat...SOAKING each of them!. I then tried to pull open the water gun boys door but is it locked, as is the girls door in front. i then ran around to the drivers side and tried to pull his door open (the driver)...but he took off for about 10 feet and stopped. Now I am ready to kick some ass, but rather than risk going to jail I hopped back in the Blazer, pulled up next to them and said "Why don't you ass clowns follow me back to the cop shop MF'ers!!". I then drove back the way i cam (about 4 miles) back to the police station...and they STILL followed me!! So I pulled in the parking lot and they kept going straight. I head around back and find a police officer and tell hime EVERYTHING...including everything I did as well. He then says to me "I would have kicked their ass!", and i said I tried but the damn chicken ****s locked their doors. I then gave him all my personal info as well as their plate number and descriptions. The cop then said I will make a run in the area and look for them...I then said "I bet you $50 bucks they are stiitng out in front waiting for me again.". The cop then hopped in his cruiser and followed me around front...SURE ENOUGH, THE IDIOTS WERE THERE WAITING FOR ME!!! So we both headed over and stopped next to the kids. I got out, so did they, and i said "looks like you got what you wanted!". The police officer then begins to ream them new ass holes (ever see a drill sageant yell at the privates?!). He gave them a good 10 minute holloring (while i am standing right there) totally cutting them down like a dead tree, while getting their personal info such as licenses, phone numbers, parents names, etc. He then looks over and tells me I cn go home. FINALLY , I can head home to my air conditioned house and get some rest and relaxation!!

Needless to say, the whole experience was pretty funny and taught them a pretty good lesson i hope. All I have to say is they are damn lucky the car doors were locked cause I would have had one or both of the boys swallowing their own teeth!!

-end of rant-

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Old 07-21-2003, 02:13 PM   #2
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Old 07-21-2003, 02:24 PM   #3
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funny story man....
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Old 07-21-2003, 02:25 PM   #4
mmmm....Rye and Coke
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Old 07-21-2003, 03:10 PM   #5
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The sad thing is they probably didn't learn their lesson. Not until they get their asses beaten will they understand. They obviously were not too smart if they hung around the police station.

I understand you not wanting trouble. I had a friend once that would have just punched the freakin' window out if they had locked the doors on him and then commence to lay a serious beating on them. They're going to piss-off the wrong guy one of these days and lay their buts in the hospital.
Scott Shelbourne
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Old 07-21-2003, 03:23 PM   #6
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A guy my dad used to work with decades ago, who later became the leader of a fairly well known and large gang (which I'll leave nameless) was bad mouthed or otherwise seriously pissed off by some kid while driving down the road. He got out, and when the kid locked his door and started laughing at him, he did just that, punched the window out, hit the the kid in the face a few times then drove home.

The next day at work, after this guy had told what happened to his coworkers (not the boss fortunately) the boss came in and told this story about how some idiot punched his son at a red light "for no reason".

hehe, the guy was apparently pretty nice as long as you didn't ask for trouble.

The point is, it happens, and these kids will eventually run into someone like that, who will teach them not to be dumb ****s.
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Old 07-21-2003, 03:57 PM   #7
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Haha, if that happened to me, I woulda followed them around, then when they parked and left the car unattended, I would have hooked up a tow-chain and ripped the driveline out of their POS.
But then again, I'm pretty insane.
OR, at the point that he squirted you in the face the second time, I would have taken a brick (I carry bricks in my cars for this reason) and tossed it as hard as I could directly at him...window up or down, it's still gonna do damage.
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Old 07-21-2003, 04:00 PM   #8
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AWESOME story.....if that would have happened here in Jersey-FUGHETTABOUTIT!
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Old 07-21-2003, 05:27 PM   #9
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Thumbs up

Its punks like that, that give the rest of us Teens bad reps.
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Old 07-21-2003, 08:11 PM   #10
mike reeh
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XLNT story!!

I commend your self control! Man if I would have gotten squirt in the face, it would have been all over for them. I dont like to screw around on the road, I get very angry very fast at stuff like that.

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Old 07-21-2003, 08:27 PM   #11
swervin ervin
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As my Daddy used to say, a good ass whooping wouldn't hurt'em.

It's probably a good thing you didn't get into the car. Then their parents would have jacked you up on charges.


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Old 07-21-2003, 08:55 PM   #12
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Like I said, they are lucky their doors were locked and I might be a little lucky as well. Our court system (united states that is) sucks and caters to the criminals if you ask me. If I would have gotten ahold of one of them I'd STILL be there punching his lights out!!

I actually surprised myself as well, in the past I would have damaged their car or something...but for some reason I just played it cool and led them back to the police station so the "professionals" coud finish the job.

I wish I would have reached in the car and pulled the keys from the ignition and threw them over a house as far as i could. This would serve two purposes...

1. They would have been forced to exit the car and i could have gotten my mitts on the squirter and driver and beat them two like a red-headed step child!

2. They would no longer be able to follow me and I could have been on my merry way while they hunt for the friggin keys!

Oh well, maybe next time.

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Old 07-21-2003, 09:24 PM   #13
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I've always carried a bunch of cheap "throwaways" 12" adj wrenches since my biker days for clowns like that.
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Old 07-21-2003, 10:38 PM   #14
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haha thats great. i kinda had the same runin not to long ago. it was with a blue/primer/unpainted body kit honda crx. i was on the freeway coming home from work when this guy is tailing me in the middle lane forever (even when the passing lane is clear). i break check this guy and he nearly hits me. he slams on his horn and flips me off. then for the next mile hes flashing his highs and honking his horn. so i turn into the slow lane, and then into the sholder. he does the same. after stopping for a second i powerbreak the s*** out of my truck. you know how it is with that peg leg burn-out. i cant see the guy anymore and i take off back onto the freeway (i had to stay on the sholder cuz i couldnt see if there was traffic coming). but looking back that was a real stupid move on my part, cuz that could of created an accident, but the wind wasnt blowing in that direction. but that guy soon enough catches up to me, and the rice rocket rage starts again. my exit comes up and i get off the freeway, yay look whos still fallowing me!!! we come to a light where there is a two lane left turn, so i take the outside and he takes the inside. i have my window down, and he starts bit**ing at me. i just turn up my subs and look at him while shaking my head pointing at my ears. i durn off my cd player and say "what do you want?". he goes "i saw that intercooler badge, and wanted to rip you up with my honda". im like "uhh, your a peice of sh** driver, so id like to see you try". hes like, "after we make the turn, its on". i say "fine with me, that means ill get a rolling start to let my turbo to spool up". soon enough the light turns green, and there is no way in gonna let this guy win. im hauling a** right as the road goes straight, and this dude is 1/2 car behind me. after my first gear winds out about 35 mph, i hit 2nd and hear the tires squeak. now hes back 2 lenths. my turn is coming up and i hit the breaks. i take my turn and hear him pass me, RICER FLY BY!!!! ahh i really cant stand thoes guys.
just to let you know, after rethinking what i did, it was rather stupid on my part aswell. but i just had to teach this guy something. also my truck does not have a turbo, that intercooler badge was just a inside joke for when i had a rusty muffler and it had that sound of a blow off valve. my friends deemed it the name, "intercooled". but i have a flowmaster 40 series now.
engine wise, my truck is a stock 305 with 50000 miles. it does have ram air with a k&n and flowmasters.
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Old 07-21-2003, 11:34 PM   #15
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You're a lucky guy!!!!
There has been a few hundred cases of that happening and the kids pulling out a gun and unloading it in you.
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Old 07-21-2003, 11:54 PM   #16
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Originally posted by Mike76251
You're a lucky guy!!!!
There has been a few hundred cases of that happening and the kids pulling out a gun and unloading it in you.
Trust me, if you seen these four clowns you wouldn't think they could tie their own shoes! These were your typical 16 year olds, one of which who probabaly just got his license, and were out having a good time (in Mom and Dads car) their eyes. I am by no means a violent person and never get caught up in these type of situations...but these kids were looking to piss someone off and were successful...but ended up losing in the end. Besides, all of this happened in broad daylight with people everywhere. I am a very good judge of character (been working with the public for over 10 years) and knew these pillow-biters were all bark and no bite and knew I could easily outsmart them..and did a good job at that.

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Old 07-22-2003, 02:40 PM   #17
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Just when you think people couldn"t get stupider, stuff like this happens. I would have rammed into them.

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Old 07-22-2003, 04:02 PM   #18
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Sounds like you handled it pretty well.
Wonder how the kids will act towards you if they see you again.

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Old 07-22-2003, 04:04 PM   #19
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Since when is it self defense if you shoot first?
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Old 07-22-2003, 04:38 PM   #20
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Great self control Jeff. If it had been me I would have probably grabbed the pipe under my seat and would have gone back with it and scared them with it. But then with my size it's not hard at all
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Old 07-22-2003, 06:59 PM   #21
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