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Old 03-16-2015, 05:53 PM   #1
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Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

So my shop is an ongoing project. Its not too old. Now the dang roof is leaking. And........... the rear windows are leaking. I'm thinking with the wind and heavy rain it was pushing in past the J channel on the rear windows?

The roof I really don't know. Once it gets dry I'll crawl up there and have a look-see. It leaked a few months ago and I figured it was due to a fir needle dam. It stopped but now was leaking worse. We did have a couple inches of rain over the weekend. Regardless it shouldn't leak!

Not yet sure how to attack this. Been years and never leaked before. That I recall. Except when it was snowing sideways it pushed in. I added closure strips and some great stuff and ended that. I have to wonder how a pro would handle this. If my builder was around I'd ask them. They are not.
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Old 03-16-2015, 05:57 PM   #2
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Last photo is to show flashing style that is in question on rear windows.
But they are 20' up.

More pictures (rear windows) on here....

Good sealer recommendation's? Or steer clear of sealers?

My head hurts thinking about it.
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Old 03-16-2015, 07:16 PM   #3
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Caulk all the joints. A good clear outdoor silicone will get the job done. All the flashing in the world wont do a thing if the joints aren't sealed.
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Old 03-16-2015, 08:50 PM   #4
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Try to isolate where the water is coming from, at least from a front of shop to back of shop perspective. With metal roofs the leak may not necessarily be in the same spot as where it's dripping.

I keep going to the exterior photo where the shop roof connects to the rest of the structure. That little valley could be it. Is it leaking in that section of your shop? Otherwise, climb up there when it's dry with some silicone caulk and start caulking screw holes and the like. Good luck!
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Old 03-17-2015, 12:17 PM   #5
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

The Roof... This looks like a "standing seam" roof.. (No external screws). Generally these are very good as far as leaks are concerned. I would use a colored silicon as close to roof color as possible and seal the joints where the roof lines come together. This is likely where it is actually leaking.

The window trim will be the same way. Add silicon.

Unfortunately, I agree if this was not sealed properly during construction there is little you can do but add more sealer. The mastic tape and silicon was either not put on right during construction or left out all together. Being this is a pole barn it is likely it was never put on at all.
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Old 03-18-2015, 12:06 PM   #6
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

the way those door/window headers are installed, they depend on the roof overhang as flashing
as installed; the door trim is designed to trap water that hits the siding. nothing correct about that install
caulk will have limited effect and you'll need a lot of caulk to fill the trim. cases of caulk.

metal, wood, brick, shingles, horizontal, vertical and diagonal all flash pretty much the same way
any flashing should not depend on caulking to repel water, caulking should be secondary
here's a pretty good flashing manual for metal roofs and siding; go to page 36 for door header flashing
look through the manual and you'll see everything is applied in layers like a roof and requires no caulk

properly installed flashing will also drain any interior condensation that happens on metal siding
luckily it's a metal building and easily deconstructed to install a Z/L flashing above the door/window
any shop that sells the siding will have Z/L flashing, even home depot sells it

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Old 03-18-2015, 01:25 PM   #7
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Pretty sure I got the 'ol standard trim.

Like this..........
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Old 03-18-2015, 11:50 PM   #8
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Snapped a few pics tonight.
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Old 03-19-2015, 01:43 AM   #9
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

your inner standing seam has been cut to clear your fascia board. you want no cuts in your seam, especially at the bottom of a valley, thats where all the rain is heading, good chance thats where the water is going in. take a screwdriver, pry up the metal they have folded around it, & you will find a hole, most likely your point of entry. there is nowhere else on your roof that could let that much water in unless you had a ripped panel or something.
to cure it, slip a piece of metal up UNDER your valley flashing, & down over past the hole, past the seam an inch or so, on TOP.
your metal is cut a little too close to the valley, with all them trees i bet they clog up a typical pacific northwest rain, your roof is shedding hundreds of gallons every minute, not good to have stuff clogging it's path off the roof.
dont try to caulk it, for the above mentioned reasons, it's only a temp thing, would'nt surprise me if you do find old caulking under there.
dont feel bad, it's ALWAYS the details that leak, but you actually have a quick & simple detail to fix.
seeing how YOU are up there taking the pics, save your money & do it yourself, or if you do call a roofer, dont let them gouge you too bad for something simple...
just some observations, i'm on my 33rd yr in roofing, just down the road from you, why did your contractor not put any underlay under the roof, all the metal manufactors call for it, & it's in most area's up here it's in the building code, Washington's weather is the same here & it would never pass insp. without it. if your heating it too, even if you are'nt, your roof & building will also benefit greatly by having some vents installed.
unless you did the door trim yourself & know exactly how it's done, i wont guess on that. yes, there is a right & proper way it's supposed to be done, but in my experiance, a lot of times when you pull it apart, sadly (for the homeowner) it's not always proper & right....
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Old 03-19-2015, 02:34 AM   #10
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

I'm curious, was this a metal "buy as built" building like you can order or build yourself? If not, ignore this, but I've wanted to know from someone that used one.
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Old 03-30-2015, 09:54 PM   #11
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

I cant imagin the roofing contractor wouldn't warrentie the work. The fact that they cut seam should be enough to go after them for the fix and at least file a complaint with the attorney general, that might make them happy to fix it?

Barring that maybe you can use some epoxy like JB weld or something to fill the cut area and make it water tightJ

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Old 03-31-2015, 02:26 PM   #12
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Thanks for the replies guys.
Been busy with other stuff. Cleared needles off roof and its not been leaking.
I'll take a closer look again when dry.

Building is a custom design and the builder is no longer in business.
Just my luck.

I'll update when that time comes.
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Old 03-31-2015, 06:00 PM   #13
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Re: Windows leak, roof leaks.... what next?

Well that bites. Just like the roofing company i hired to do my house. I picjed a comoany that dad been in business the longest.. they promptly went out of business but the other two i got bids on are thriving..

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