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Old 06-29-2011, 05:40 PM   #1
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Shipping Problem

Scott's hotrods has been kind enough to let me pay extra money for shipping to get my parts that are 4 weeks late here by the weekend. To top it off, this is stuff they TOLD me was shipped on Friday and still hasn't been shipped. Gotta love 'em!! The only one there who has been straight with me is Justin.
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Old 06-29-2011, 06:39 PM   #2
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Sorry to hear this....just another vendor I will NEVER do business with....tired of promises that are not kept, and lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE!
Should have been to your door next day on their dime and 10% credit for the delays they have caused in your build.That is how I would have handled it if I was the business owner...


Originally Posted by bruin_d View Post
Scott's hotrods has been kind enough to let me pay extra money for shipping to get my parts that are 4 weeks late here by the weekend. To top it off, this is stuff they TOLD me was shipped on Friday and still hasn't been shipped. Gotta love 'em!! The only one there who has been straight with me is Justin.
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Old 06-29-2011, 06:51 PM   #3
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

I tried to give them a chance to redeem themselves and make it right. They said it would ship today and I would have it sometime next week. I hung up the phone and thought about it for a minute. I called back and said, "You know, I really need this by the weekend. How much is it going to cost me to next day air it? " I was thinking they'd say, " don't worry about it, its our mistake, we'll take care of it." NOPE! They gave me the price and said, "would you like us to put this on the same card as your original order?" I chuckled a little, said SURE, and hung up the phone. I'm still fuming about this whole thing.
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Old 06-29-2011, 07:20 PM   #4
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Well, no better place than this forum to make everyone aware of their business etiquette. I apologize to you for what you have had to go through....and at the same time thank you for opening my eyes as to what vendors to use, and which one's NOT to use!
Hang in there man, the build is coming along nicely......despite vendor delays, etc..

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Old 06-30-2011, 09:36 AM   #5
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Originally Posted by bruin_d View Post
Scott's hotrods has been kind enough to let me pay extra money for shipping to get my parts that are 4 weeks late here by the weekend. To top it off, this is stuff they TOLD me was shipped on Friday and still hasn't been shipped. Gotta love 'em!! The only one there who has been straight with me is Justin.
Hey Chief,

We have a 'bad deals' forum here that you can put information like this in to help others evaluate certain vendors. Have you dealt with a Scott's member that's a vendor on this site? If so, that all should be brought to light there as well....Thanks and I hope it gets there this weekend!
Geoff with a G
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Old 06-30-2011, 12:33 PM   #6
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

This was a problem that evolved because of a few reasons and none of them being Mr. Bruins. When he initially ordered I told him it would go out in a few days and it did not it took 8 business days or close to two weeks (3) by the time he recieved the product, which is not acceptable. I personally had no clue until he called because I am in sales not shipping but this is no excuse I should have followed up. I gave Dennis a decent discount and a free bulkhead for him being a member and for him serving our country, well needless to say the bulkhead did not ship because the bulkhead I wrote up and the one Justin thought I meant where infact two different pieces again not an excuse this was me not being 100% yet, which every day it seems you learn something new in this industry. Dennis then called and told me he did not recieve the bulk head which was last friday I said if you went through all the packaging and it wasn't there I will get it right out (yes I did say those words) well come to find out it didn't ship because there was a slight lack of communication from myself to my shipping department and a lack of product knowledge on my part. The bulk head they where assuming I meant was attached to the remote fill reservoir and the one I was reffering to was the rectangle style that mounts to the fire wall.
I am sorry this happen to you and I am sorry you where caught up in a learning curve for me, unfortunately we are a small shop that works on hand written invoices not a huge computer data base and I don't find out a mistake happend until it's too late. Dennis I personally know how this effects a build and I know how such a small part can hold up the entire proccess... I would like to make this up to you but understand if you would just like to part ways because to be honest if the tables where turned I would feel the same way because it is not your problem you just want your parts, I've been there and I was fuming... I hope all goes well I tracked your package and it is still scheduled to be there tomorrow.... have a great 4th
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Old 06-30-2011, 02:03 PM   #7
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

My props to Jon for stepping-up, and at least admitting their errors.
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Old 06-30-2011, 02:42 PM   #8
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Aaah, the old "hey, were sorry...or my mistake" after public outcry and possible loss of income. I would appreciate the gesture more if it never had to be said here in open forum, and the business handle the transaction with respect, directly with the customer, so the customer could be here and do nothing but praise how great a possible bad transaction was made right!

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Old 06-30-2011, 02:53 PM   #9
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

no not at all actually this was said via pm to the customer yesterday. This was my mistake not Scott Hotrods and I want that to be clear, I am still some what new here at Scotts and I do not want my mishap and lack of product knowledge to reflect on Scotts since I am the one that made the mistake due to my lack of product knowledge... . I have been in the industry for 12 years primarly suspension so brake components, steering etc. I am still learning every day... I have always figured it be right to be completely honest this was not dennis's mistake or any one else but mine.
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Old 06-30-2011, 06:43 PM   #10
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Mulk-You are 100% correct. He deserves a little bit of credit for admitting it was all his fault and not a company wide problem (at least I hope it isn't...)
Budnikguy is also right though. The situation could've turned into a positive for Jon/Scott's Hot Rods had there been some kind of follow up with me or YOU guys eating the shipping. I'll be honest, Nate at Porterbuilt has been late sending me parts. I sent him a nasty email one Saturday night because my rear drop member was late. He texted me about 3 minutes later saying he was going to call me in about 10 minutes. This was like 1030pm. He called, apologized, told me what had happened, apologized again, and told me he was going in early and staying late until my stuff was done. He sent me 2 passenger side motor mounts. I called him up, he apologized, and immediately sent me a new set (now I have an extra set of passenger side motor if anyone needs some, hahaha).

I called you 2 Fridays ago to ask you when the heck I was getting my stuff. You told me it shipped. I asked you for the tracking number. You said your were out back and couldn't get it to me but you were going to be inside and you would pm me in like 20 minutes. I called 3 hours later, because I still had no tracking number, and you had left for the weekend for a show. I ended up talking to Justin that day who said that he hadn't finished building them yet, how could it of shipped already. I called you last Friday to tell you I didn't receive everything. You told me "it'll ship today". I asked you 3 freakin' times, "Are you sure its going to ship today? Are you sure? Are you sure?" You said yes every time!!! It didn't ship until yesterday after I called again!
In conclusion:
1. If you guys are such a "small shop", there is NO reason why you couldn't personnally follow up on and order where you already had a customer with a bad taste in his mouth.
2. You guys should've eaten the shipping. You should have never let me pay to get it here "faster" when it was already very late. That right there is where you lost my business.
Bottom line : everyone seems to have shipping problems and they are all very nice parts. However, its what you do after the mistake that determines whether you're a good business or not.
Now, on a lighter note...Jon, you have successfully helped me delay wiring my Burb while writing this and I want to thank you. As I've stated before, I HATE F¥¢KING WIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 06-30-2011, 07:28 PM   #11
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

PM sent Dennis... I'd like to rectify this....
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Old 06-30-2011, 08:16 PM   #12
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Very big of you to step out in front of the bullet for Scott's. I have always felt that anyone that works, represents, and or sells product for a business (be it a waiter at a restaurant to a sales person at a jewelery store) represents that business and is trained to be able to inform, sell, and serve the customer. Anyone that has ever worked for myself has been a representative of my business and reflects directly on my business name, positively and negatively.
I have not done business with Scott's and am by no means slamming them....just expressing honestly how I feel. If bruin d received his product and feels completely satisfied, then that is all that matters...but, all Vendors I am sure understand the power of open forum discussions as we are their target audience/customer...please keep CUSTOMER SERVICE in the forefront off all your thoughts so things do not deteriorate like this did.

Originally Posted by jon@scottshotrods View Post
no not at all actually this was said via pm to the customer yesterday. This was my mistake not Scott Hotrods and I want that to be clear, I am still some what new here at Scotts and I do not want my mishap and lack of product knowledge to reflect on Scotts since I am the one that made the mistake due to my lack of product knowledge... . I have been in the industry for 12 years primarly suspension so brake components, steering etc. I am still learning every day... I have always figured it be right to be completely honest this was not dennis's mistake or any one else but mine.
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Old 06-30-2011, 08:57 PM   #13
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

bruin just checkin out your build and am happy to see someone gettin in front of the bullet for scottshotrods and wanting to make it right(hopefully that works out) I gotta tell ya though grant customs and wes at classic heartbeat will always get my bussiness(along with porterbuilt) I have had problems at grant and classicheartbeat and they sent new items asap and ate the shipping. They made me want to come back for more and made it right..

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Old 06-30-2011, 10:15 PM   #14
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Originally Posted by gcburdic View Post
Hey Chief,

We have a 'bad deals' forum here that you can put information like this in to help others evaluate certain vendors. Have you dealt with a Scott's member that's a vendor on this site? If so, that all should be brought to light there as well....Thanks and I hope it gets there this weekend!
First off bruin d, I ask again for you to re-read my above post and follow the listed link to post your issue in the 'bad deals' forum....I'll have admin to merge the comments from Jon and you from this thread. That way this can be seen by not only those following along with your build but by others and will be better monitored by staff.

For others chiming in, if you have a beef with Scott's I ask that you also post your own thread or add to 'bruin d' once he gets it going....Thanks for your cooperation!
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Old 07-02-2011, 02:45 PM   #15
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Re: jon@scottshotrods

Received a phone call from Justin (the owner) at Scott's Hotrods. He apologized for the condition of the manifold that was sent to me and is next day airing me a new one. We talked for about 40 minutes about the entire situation and hot rods in general. There was no arguments or disagreements from either of us. He recalled every conversation I had with him to the "T" which I find pretty impressive coming from someone who has probably talked to a hundred people since he talked to me. As I stated before, Justin is a stand up guy who tells it like it is. No BS. He is currently typing up a lengthy response that he went over with me over the phone to make sure this doesn't turn into a he said she said situation.
Now, to be completely honest, I am undecided about whether or not I will do business again with Scott's Hotrods but I don't hold any grudges against Jon and Justin and am not going make it my mission to spread hate and discontent about the shop as I've seen happen on other forums when similar situations happen.
Time to get back to wiring.....
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Old 07-02-2011, 02:50 PM   #16
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Re: jon@scottshotrods

Hello to all I am going to add some info here and I want all to see my side here and where I stand.I am open all comments from anyone here as well.

Dennis placed a order with us on 6/01/11 thru Jon who is my sales manager at my company.

First mistake Jon made was he told the customer his parts were shipping out very quickly
and Dennis would have them very soon.

This did not happen and this was also when Dennis called my shop on june 17th 2011
in the morning he spoke to Jon on the phone and asked him if his parts shipped out yet.
Dennis told me that Jon told them they did and he would call him back to give him a tracking number on the parts.

Jon did not call him back before he took off the Fathers day roadster show that weekend.

Yes this was a BIG MISTAKE !

That afternoon on june 17 th Dennis called my shop again and my office manager paged me in the back of the shop and I spoke to Dennis the first time on the phone I was not
aware of what was going on between Jon and dennis at that time.

When Dennis and myself were talking on the phone that day I explained we are just finishing up a large batch of under the dash pedal assy and we do have parts pulled for Dennis and I am going to try and send them out to dennis today and this is when Dennis explained to me all the e-mails and p/m he was having with Jon.

At this time there was never any excuses or B/S stories why they did not go out before.
I told Dennis the truth and also told Dennis I would be calling him back that day to let him know If we can get it out which was a friday.

I called Dennis on the phone that afternoon I explained to Dennis on the phone not thru a e-maill or a p/m that all is packed up except our remote master lid and wilwood pro valve.I can send all out now if you want me to and on monday I can send out the wilwood pro vavle and remote master lid to you if you want me to do that.

Dennis told me he would like all of his parts to be shipped out at once and also asked on how long it would take to get here I told him it would take 4-5 working days and you would have all parts by thursday or friday of next week.He was ok with that and told me to ship all parts out on monday.Which i did that on monday after Fathers day.

One more thing to add we had all of our remote master lids and wilwood pro valves in out trailer at a show that weekend.This was explained to Dennis as well.

Dennis also explained to me he is in the military and will be transferring to differnt location.

Dennis also asked me why Jon told him that his parts would ship out when his order was placed or when he called that day of june 17 and spoke to jon.

I at that time never made any excuses or b/s on why they did not ship out and also explained I need to speak to jon about this and also explained to jon is a great guy and cares about his customers.I cannot put any words in his mouth on what he said or did not say.

Dennis understood this and had no problem with that at all.

Lets go a week ahead now Dennis got his parts and called Jon that friday of next week
and said I did not get all my parts and was missing the bulk head.

At that time Jon walked out in the shop and asked myself and one of my other guys if all the parts were shipped out and we both told jon they did and that was where it was left.

Well Dennis called the shop a few days later and I spoke to Dennis myself and he explained to me he did not get a bulk head with his order and he asked jon for it and he assumed he was getting that with his order.

I told him you did get all your parts and also said becuase I saw what was packed in the boxes that went out to you.

Dennis said to me then at that time I did not get the remote billet manifold the one that is on your website.I said to him yes this was never paid for and this sells for $124.00 he says yes I know that but I told jon I wanted that and this was in my e-mail I sent him and p/m to.I told Dennis then at this time If Jon said that I will honor that and we will ship it out to you he said thanks.

Dennis calls back at the shop and wants to know how much it would cost to send it out overnigt.I asked and it was $45.00 and Dennis said I will pay for that.I gave the phone to Jon and he tells Dennis it would be cheaper to send it out two day and you will still have the part before the weeks end.Dennis paid $30.00 for the shipping at this time and his part left that day Ups.

Jon went out to parts room and packed our remote bulk head and Jon say there was no scratches and if there was he would not send it out like that.

On the next day he was given a refund on the shipping for the bulk head of $30.00
and dennis was aware of this as well.

To add this all of the parts he got was a given 15% off discount off of retail.Here is what he paid for.

Scotts under the dash pedal assy $199.75
master booster $189.00
Scotts single remote res $72.25
remote master lid $50.00
line kit and fittings $80.00
bulk head N/C military
wilwood prop valve $41.00
shipping $45.00

But there was a mistake done on this order By Jon not Dennis
1st the single remote resv will not work so we gave him our Dual remote resv at the same price that he paid for on the single and he saved $37.75 there

2nd On the invoice that Jon wrote up it says bulkhead only Not Scotts remote bulkhead.
The problem here we have two styles one that is a an bulk head which he got the first time and the other remote bulk head we machined out billet that sells for $124.00

Hopefully you can all see what has happen and can all undertand what is goig on now.

This is the bottom line I spoke to Dennis today on the phone for about 25 min and explained what I am doing here and read this to him and he said that is fine with me.

I also told him I will send out a Remote bulkhead on tuesday after the 4 of july NEXT DAY TO HIM AT NO CHARGE!!!!!!!!

At the same time I will send out a call tag for the remote bulk head he has there now that looks like it was dragged thru sandpaper.Dennis said that would be great and he also said thankyou for calliing me today on the phone and telling me this.

As you can see here we stand behind our products and service here ALL TIME AND VALUE ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS WE HAVE EITHER IF YOU SPEND $1.00 OR $500,000

Thankyou for reading this and please if you have any questions please ask.


Last edited by Scottshotrods; 07-02-2011 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 07-02-2011, 04:56 PM   #17
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Re: Shipping Problem

Good to hear that you have satisfied the customer! As in life and business, we all learn through the mistakes that we make....and I am sure this has opened your eyes to how important every aspect of business is and how your business is looked upon based upon how you handle all transactions good and bad Will be great to follow bruin d's build with your supplied products.

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Old 07-02-2011, 08:53 PM   #18
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Re: Shipping Problem

Justin I gotta say your a stand up guy.. I have never done business with you only drooled over your rides at the portland roadster show.. I gotta say id give ya my business any day of the week..

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Old 07-05-2011, 06:20 PM   #19
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Re: Shipping Problem

To keep all informed here I called Dennis and left him a mess on his phone that his new
remote bulk head and fittings are going next day air today to him at no CHARGE and we also issued a call tag for the remote bulk head that is coming back.

To add to this we at Scotts Hotrods will stand behind anything we sell and manufacture in house.

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Old 07-06-2011, 06:11 PM   #20
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Re: Shipping Problem

New part received with fittings as promised.
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Old 07-06-2011, 07:37 PM   #21
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Re: Shipping Problem

Now get out there and get to work.. =)

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Old 07-06-2011, 09:26 PM   #22
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Re: Shipping Problem

Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72 View Post
Now get out there and get to work.. =)
I did. Check out my build thread...
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Old 07-06-2011, 10:20 PM   #23
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Re: Shipping Problem

Justin and Jon thanks for following up on this issue. Regardless of how this all got started, it ended with the customer being satisfied. That is customer service at it's best.
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