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Old 01-16-2012, 05:25 PM   #1
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turn signal assembly removal

1970 c20 350 auto

My shifter has been hard to pull lately and last night I finally managed to snap it. I got the shift lever off and could just spray it with some wd40 and put in a new lever, but I want to take it apart and clean it so it won't happen again.

I got the steering wheel off, now i need to get the turn signal assembly off. It seems I need to use a puller on the bracket holding the turn signal assembly in place? or is there some other trick? After that piece has been removed I assume I will be able to clearly see where the shift lever attaches and throughly clean it?

Thank You
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:59 PM   #2
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Re: turn signal assembly removal

Could it be that the shifter is having a hard time because of what is inside the transmission (or linkage) rather than what is inside the steering column?
That's Medium Gold. You just want to see Ochre.
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:11 PM   #3
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Re: turn signal assembly removal

The sleeve gets all built up with gunk. If I remember correctly, the switch and bearing on top comes out easy (no puller). I am pretty sure you have to take the shifter mechanism at the bottom of the column apart too. Then the piece you need to clean pulls out.

I'm sure someone can correct me and explain this better. It's amazing how fast I forget things. I just had this apart 4 months ago.
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I once pulled an intake manifold for a cam swap... ended up with a full on drag car that ran in the 11's.
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:42 PM   #4
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Re: turn signal assembly removal

You "MAY" need a puller to get the steering wheel off.Then the turn signal has some screws to remove.You can see down into the column from there to clean/lube.Check the bushings on the shift rods and replace if needed.
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:46 PM   #5
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Re: turn signal assembly removal

Check and make sure that the plastic pionter on the gear shift indicator is not broken and has fallen down into the column. I had two in two days do it and the shifter would work fine if I were to go anywhere from nto low but would'nt go into reverse or park both time I found this I was able to pull out the offending broken parts and ended the problem. That would be frre to check and easy to do
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:29 AM   #6
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Re: turn signal assembly removal

I have the shift lever out and it broken so I know that is it. it was having a hard time moving front to back, between gears was smooth. It actually broke with the truck in drive so I had to use a screwdriver on the assembly under the hood while someone shifted it into park.

I pulled off the steering wheel and the 3 screws holding the turn signal assembly in place. It looks as if I need to remove the cover and the assembly at the same time because of the hazard switch, or do I remove the bearing first then i'll have enough room to move the turn signal assembly out? 'Comes out easy' is always fun on something that has been assembled for 40+ years.
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