07-07-2012, 08:49 PM
Catchy title goes here..
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Rockwell, NC
Posts: 39,824
Member Tiers
There seems to be a bit of confusion to what member tier sellers should be using.
Below is a copy and paste of the member tiers. Please feel free to PM if you have any questions. We will be contacting members that are in the incorrect tiers and helping them get where they need to be.
As always thank you for your support.
Due to a growing increase in members that are selling a volume of parts, the forum is now offering new vendor pricing to accommodate those needs. This will give members several different subscription levels based on the quantity or frequency that you sell items. These new tiers of membership will allow you to make a short term upgrade when you have the need, or take advantage of the savings that a longer term has to offer.
As always a basic membership on the forum comes with no charge. You may post a reply in any of the Classified Forums. You will not have the ability to offer items "For Sale", "For Trade", or make a "Wanted to Buy" or "What's it Worth" post.
Your basic membership includes the following-
Registered Member : free
All members registered to the message board.
As a registered member you can-
Post new threads and replies in message areas.
Post replies only in classified areas.
Upload photos to the photo gallery.
50 PM storage after XX Posts
100x100 avatar size
If you are the "Occasional" seller that is just cleaning out your surplus of parts left over from your build, you will need the Premium Member subscription. This will allow you access to start threads in any of the Classified forums.
Your Premium Membership includes the following-
Premium Member: $25 per year, $15/ 6 mo
As a Premium Member you enjoy all the benefits of a Registered member.
You have the advantage of-
Premium Member banner under name
Bold Blue name color
Access to post in our classified system.
Limited to occasional selling of leftover parts
larger signature
175 PM storage
120x120 size avatar
Upload animated avatars
Upload photos to photo gallery
Upload photos to profile and create albums in profile (personal galleries)
Ability to change user title
Post visitor messages
Create social groups
Post events to calendar
View who's online
Set self invisible
For our members that like to buy and sell frequently, we have added a new membership level that will fit your needs. This will allow you to take advantage of the growing demand for selling used parts on here as well as Craigslist, eBay or other off site sources.
This is designed specifically for individuals that want to offer primarily used parts, manufacturer small parts, or offer services at an affordable price. It is not to be used for location or internet based businesses that offer parts or services as a primary source of income. The Forum Staff will be available to help determine if you meet the guidelines.
Your High Octane Membership includes the following-
High Octane Member: $130 per year, $75/ 6 mo, $15/ mo
As a High Octane member you enjoy all the benefits of a Premium Member.
This level of support allows members to sell more than leftover parts.
You can sell unlimited used parts or some new parts.
You may advertise your off site listing on eBay, Craigslist, etc
This is not for traditional business vendors.
For our members that are employees or owners of a business that would like to take advantage of the huge volume of customers this site has to offer we have what you need. We can help you increase your sales by promoting your product. We provide you the ability to offer weekly or monthly promotions that will be showcased in related forums. You may add a logo to your signature, or a direct link to your site. You will be promoted on a supporting vendor list as well.
Your Gold Vendor Membership includes the following-
Gold Vendor : $275 per year, $140/ 6 mo, $25/ mo
Gold Vendors are the vendors whom support our site with a single account. As a Gold Vendor you will have all the benefits of the Premium Members.
This level of support allows these additional features-
Advertise a business in the vendor forum, signatures, and in replies to posts.
250 message storage
signature pictures (500x100)
viewable on site vendor listing
Weekly or Monthly specials highlighted at the top of selected forums.
Platinum Vendors are the vendors who offer the greatest support to our site. In return we will customize a Vendor package to fit your needs. Compare our traffic flow and costs to realize how effectively and efficiently your business can be promoted. Please contact the Forum Administration with your ideas and allow us to design a package that works best for you.
Your Platinum Vendor Membership includes the following-
Platinum Vendor: email accounts@67-72chevytrucks.com for pricing
As a Platinum Vendor you will have all the benefits of the Gold Vendors
This level of support allows these additional features-
Animated or stationary banner ad in rotation at the top of the forums.
Multiple vendor accounts for employees, not to exceed 5 accounts.
300 message storage
And more, please contact the staff to discuss your Platinum subscription options.
These changes are going into effect July 1, 2009. This applies to all subscriptions from July 1, 2009 forward. We will not be going back and changing existing subscriptions, at this time.
We do reserve the right to change any account subscription at anytime.
You can subscribe one of the following ways;
Using PayPal via subscription http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/payments.php
or snail mail with a check/money order
Joshua Brady
PO BOX 154
Rockwell, NC 28138
Please include your board name on the payment.
Also If you are a vendor, or sell parts as a side business more than just leftovers from your project, please read the rules and subscribe as a vendor at http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/payments.php