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Old 09-21-2013, 04:50 PM   #1
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Drifting to the right when braking

I have replaced the following:
Steering box with new red head
Ball joints
Steering stabilizer
Master cylinder
Calipers twice
Rubber brake lines
Leaf spring bushings
F/e alignment
Wheel bearings
Adjusted rear brakes
New front pads

Can anyone tell me why it drifts to the rt when I apply the brakes?
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Old 09-21-2013, 05:06 PM   #2
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

It drives great the only problem is it drifts to the right when you hit the brake.
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Old 09-21-2013, 09:41 PM   #3
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

Maybe a little air in the left caliper? OR L. rear is adjusted differently than the R. and engaging a little sooner. Grease on linings or pads. Must be something minor, you've replaced a lot of pieces. My Nova ran me crazy years ago and I finally just stood on the brakes at about 60 mph. Stopped sideways. I don't know why but the brakes didn't pull any more. Guess I scared it.
Dad always said, "Son, WISH IN ONE HAND, and ......."
Current toy trucks:
'71 GMC 1500 SUPER CUSTOM short/step, orig. dk. blue, 350/700r, ps,pb, A/C
'72 Blazer 2wd, ochre & white, 454, tremecTKO 500 5spd. ps, pb, A/C, tilt

Last 10yrs of hobby vehicles, had a FEW more in the 50yrs. before these:
'66 Plymouth Belvedere City of Miami cop car clone.
'70 Nova 406"sb, 13.5-1, solid roller, Brodix, p.glide/t.brake, back halved, 9" Ford, spool 4.88, cage,ladder bar/coilover, 10.5 tire....... SOLD!!
'67 C10 short/step side mount spare -- SOLD!!
'72 Jimmy 2wd, 350/350, ps, pb, fun driver, lots of bondo & a shiny red paint job..... SOLD!!
'69 Nova 350, 4spd, A/C, ps, p.b, ...SOLD!!
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Old 09-22-2013, 12:00 AM   #4
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

2 wheel or 4 wheel drive?

are you sure its just not crown in the road causing it?

if its 2 wheel drive make sure the wheel bearings are not over tightened... doubtful
if its 4 wheel drive it could be the front differential or a u joint... doubtful

who did the work? you? a shop? a shade tree mechanic? what is your skill level?

it looks like you just keep throwing things at it... without really looking at the problem.
it could be as simple as corrosion in the metal brake lines. it could be as simple as the caliper slides or pins not being smooth and lubed. it could be the l/r proportioning valve(if you have one), how was it bled? what color is the brake fluid?

are the brake lines proper? back /front/left/right

going in reverse and applying the brakes does it still pull?

does speed matter? and does it pull or is it just a slight drift? is drift consistant? have you swapped the front tires and does it follow the tires?

does it drift all the time or just after driving for a while?

yes i can tell you at least a dozen reasons why it could drift... we need more info to help you.
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Old 09-22-2013, 12:11 AM   #5
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

One reason that our K5's pull to the right when the brakes are applied is because of the push pull design of the steering.

It was noted in a driving review of a later model K5 on an episode of Motortrend TV.

The short drag link, connection between the steering arm and pitman arm, is influenced by the change in spring compression. As the spring is compressed the relative distance between the steering arm and pitman arm increases assuming that the drag link is level to the ground. IF the steering wheel is kept in it's centered location then the static position of the pitman arm causes the steering arm to move away, turning the wheels to the right. And you're headed for the ditch...

This might not be your problem but it is a condition that effects 4x4 truck out there with this type of steering. The softer the spring and the heavier the braking the more this issue will show itself.
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Old 09-22-2013, 11:56 AM   #6
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

Sounds like a simple brake pull. 9 out of 10 times it comes from the front brakes. 90% of the time it will be a bad brake hose at the caliper, or a bad caliper, or the rotors need to be turned. Jack up the front and get both tires off the ground. Have someone apply the brakes while you turn the tires by hand. If there is a delay in brakes being applied (or released) from the time that the pedal is pressed (or released), its either a bad brake hose or a caliper piston hanging up. It could be air, you might try to bleed the system. If there appears to be no hose, caliper, or air issues, then I would take the rotors off and have them turned (resurfaced). Also be sure and rough up your pads before putting them on your freshly turned rotors. Lay a piece of sandpaper on a flat surface (concrete floor, bench top) and rub the brake pads on the sandpaper until they're roughed up a little and make sure the pad surface is flat.
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Old 09-22-2013, 12:45 PM   #7
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

When going in reverse it drifts to the left when going forward it drifts to the right. The steering wheel stats straight and there is no pull in the steering wheel, it just drifts to the right. it doesnt matter the speed, its obviously more noticable at higher speed becaucse of traveling further to stop. The parts I've replaced needed to be replaced due to being worn out. After all that's been done this is where I am. It does not have a lt/rt proportioning valve but does have a front/rear proportioning valve. Could this be the problem? If so how do I check the valve?
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Old 09-23-2013, 07:57 PM   #8
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

When you hit the brakes does your front end dive a lot? If you shocks and springs are soft or worn you will get bump steer which turns you front wheels right on bigger bumps and hard braking. Does it turn slight right over bumps? At least it reverses itself in reverse to the other direction. Have you manually adjusted your rear drums to make sure they are grabbing at same time? A bad front soft line to the calipers will make it drag to one side as the pressure will expand the line instead of pushing the piston in the caliper. Just a few things to look at.
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Old 09-23-2013, 09:12 PM   #9
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

The front end does not dive when braking. I've thought of this and had the springs rebuilt. One worn part has lead to another, all the parts that have been replaced have helped but it just drifts to the right while braking. I don't think it's in the front end. I jacked up the rear and the right brake was grabbing before the left. I loosened the right and tightened the left. Now the left is grabbing first and the truck is still doing the same thing.

There is some slop in the right rear wheel, I assume a bearing. Could this be my problem?
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Old 09-24-2013, 02:09 AM   #10
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

That definitely won't help the problem. Ive heard that almost all pre 87 Chevys have a slight pull to the right on braking. Some do not but some are more detectable than others. Mine somehow doesn't seem to do it. I have 3/4 ton comversion with 4 wheel disks though now. When I got it 13 years ago I don't remember it doing it either. Is the a lift in the springs. Maybe that changed camber. Does it make any noise when you brake. I've heard of a guy that had his spring center pin break and cause weird issues since the axle can slightly move when the suspension twists.
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Old 09-24-2013, 07:12 AM   #11
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

I have owned several blazers and never had this problem before. I just purchased a 71 and it does pull. The previous owner told me. He replaced one caliper and it started doing it. He said maybe he didn't bleed well enough. Not sure. I am just now getting around to bleeding the calipers
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Old 09-24-2013, 05:27 PM   #12
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

If it wasn't bled correct it will Have problems too. Start at rr then lr then rf and finish at lf caliper. May need to get the old fluid all the way through the system to flush it out and start over. Then you know it's good.
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Old 09-25-2013, 06:48 PM   #13
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

Just make sure the master cylinder stays full when bleeding. That way more air doesn't go through the system. Seems like you covered all the hard parts already.
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Old 09-26-2013, 10:58 AM   #14
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Re: Drifting to the right when braking

It sounds like you have a brake drift/pull from a brake problem to me. What if anything changed when you replaced the calipers from the new ones to the second new ones? Are both brake hoses, left and right, orientated correctly, meaning, not lopped or twisted. Did you bleed the brakes again after the test drive? Sometimes air will take a while to move through to the bleeders and it takes a good drive to get it out.

When it drifts/pulls, does it straighten out before coming to a complete stop or continue to pull all through the whole stop?

What did it do before any of the parts were replaced? Pull/drift or not?
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