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Old 04-30-2004, 12:07 AM   #1
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Thumbs up High 5 to Josh (rant about another board)

[rant mode on]
I just wanted to say thanks to josh (the site owner) thanks for keeping it real.

I don't know how many of you stray away from the site, but I have been posting at a few other sites for a while now. (maybe I am addicted to this whole thing?) on the truck pages of , I have been noticing some posts missing, and just kinda figure I never posted what I thought I turns out, the a-holes were deleting my posts.

Turns out, you can't say anything about mentioning the previouse owner of my truck...the dope smoking old man.

Can't be to say in a thread, "I'd get rid of the stock split rims if I was in your shoes, they are junk, no one will want to mess with them, and they can kill you or anyone around you if they are not mounted properly."
Aperently, that was rude.

If someone says something about "I've been needing to replace my horn button, just never got around to it'
and you reply with, "I have one for you...PM me"
Nope, can't do that either.

I know I have stepped on some toes, and when it is brought to my attention, or when i notice it, I try to make good on it, and make sure the offended party knows I ment nothing personal about it, my opinions are not shared by everyone on here, and hey, lets face it, sometimes I play around too much...however, Josh lets us work out our problems, or at least try to work them out, before he steps in and lays down the law.

I was even told that the quote of the week does not belong in my signiture.

Again, Josh, this place is awsome, and you (and all your helpers) are doing an outstanding job.
And I won't stray again....I am sorry.

[/rant mode off ]

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 04-30-2004 at 12:28 AM.
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Old 04-30-2004, 12:12 AM   #2
get up! stand up!
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you got that right. i've tried several other similar sites and i feel very close to heaven right here. i ain't movin'!
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Old 04-30-2004, 12:22 AM   #3
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Not to downplay the ppl who frequent the board here's more than just Josh who makes this place awsome.
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Old 04-30-2004, 12:25 AM   #4
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Longhorn how could you stray!!!!!!!!!! I post on other site's but the are family cause they also belong to this site ..... All threee are great site's but this one has the most traffic.... And I agree that josh has been doing a great job......

MEMBER #6377

72 k-5 daily driver 6'' lift 35'' 350-350-205 slowly getting rust free.

Project "7DEUCE"

check out my build

Tim Powell..R.I.P EastSideLowlife..... R.I.P..
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Old 04-30-2004, 12:28 AM   #5
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I remember once someone posted something like "How much is my truck worth?" on the Chevytalk board....the admin deleted it because it sounded too much like an ad. The guy wasn't asking if anyone wanted to buy his wasn't even his truck! He was askign how much his brother should ask for his truck

I like this board much, much better
'72 Chevy C10 Mild 350/TH350/3.07. Ochre/White. Old high school ride.
'70 GMC C2500 '62 327 4bbl/SM465/4.56-geared Dana 60. White/White. Project or parts truck.
'97 Saturn SL DD. 1.9/5-speed. 40+ highway mpg
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Old 04-30-2004, 12:35 AM   #6
get up! stand up!
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let freedom ring! if you can't ask questions what do we talk about? hands down this place is worth my time and if i ask a stupid question then i definately need answers not ridicule. i have longhorn man to thank for my invitation. i'm trying to get my dad over to the 47-55 msg board but he refuses to touch my stepmoms computer.
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Old 04-30-2004, 01:04 AM   #7
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you think chevytalk is bad? try posting on pirate4x4. I haven't had one of my posts deleted there yet, but you do one thing that violates their protocol and approximately 10-15 members with high post counts will jump your sh*t and proceed to tell you how stupid you are, and how you should have done a search first, etc etc etc...and then then, they will talk about how bad it is to "pad your post count"...and isnt yelling at each and every n00b pretty much padding?

that site is good though, because there is a vast amount of knowledge available there, you just have to know how to work it. also, they have some neat forums, like a newbie forum and a Free Stuff forum.
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Old 04-30-2004, 01:44 AM   #8
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No offense, but if you don't like a "family oriented" site, and don't like to follow rules, then by all means, don't go to CT. CT happened by a fluke and as an experiment, now look at how large it's become. Possibly one of the largest forums on the net, automotive related that is. Yeah, they have some quirky rules, but it's still a great site with some of the nicest, most knowledgable people you will come across. I've met more people off of CT than here. If it wasn't for CT, then our club probably wouldn't even exist. They have such a huge load of traffic, so they added a "classified" section for parts and cars. Yeah, it's different than what you are used to but, it's not that hard to hit the PM button when you see someone needing a part to help out their proejct and you have what they need. Not every site can be just like the last, it would get pretty boring quite quick.

The administrators/moderators don't just go around deleting posts they don't like. If they don't fit within the rules, they will either edit or delete the post in question. As long as the e-mail you provided in your profile is valid, then 95% of the time, you will get an e-mail (or even PM) explaining why your post was edited/deleted.
Fawker Fab three seater rock crawler buggy 498 BBC/SM465/203/205 doubler, propane, 5.13's, 42" PB Rockers

'66 C10 - The new hot rod

'77 3+3 Dually - 12 valve 4wd conversion tow rig project

'28 Ford 2 door sedan street rod

RevLimit Offroad

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Old 04-30-2004, 01:59 AM   #9
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I was lurking on the bunker over at Chevy talk, the other day when I seen or should I say read, When this happened to you.. It sounds like an R/C site I "WAS" on "RCuniverse" If your post didn't have Direct relationship with R/C or Say R/C in the post they would delete it.. Too stupid for me,,,,, I know what you mean..
Josh, and the Moderators here are really cool that way, ( and in many other ways also) It's a great shoot the bull board..

Thanks Guys for keeping it as it has been..

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Old 04-30-2004, 02:00 AM   #10
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I have also heard terrible things about ChevyTalk ... ehh ... who needs em ... I got this one!
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Old 04-30-2004, 02:08 AM   #11
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Well I like this place right here. I took a look at CevyTalk but it was way too uptight.
72 Cheyenne Super 4x4 SWB
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Old 04-30-2004, 06:31 AM   #12
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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[originally posted by 67_SS396...[/b]
#1...but if you don't like a "family oriented" site, and don't like to follow rules, then by all means, don't go to CT
#2 If it wasn't for CT, then our club probably wouldn't even exist.
#3 not that hard to hit the PM button when you see someone needing a part
#4 The administrators/moderators don't just go around deleting posts they don't like. If they don't fit within the rules, they will either edit or delete the post in question. As long as the e-mail you provided in your profile is valid, then 95% of the time, you will get an e-mail (or even PM) explaining why your post was edited/deleted.
#5 No offense, but...

Lets see here....
#1 Wess has a family oreented site, and so does Paul, and I have never had any problems. I have no problem folowing the rules, but when you say Pot, and some one colplains that theyer kid should not have to read about drugs...I can't help bus say to myself, "If you'r kid can read, then your kid NEEDS to know about drugs...don't shelter them from the cold truth of the world...blah blah blah." It's not like I was giving step by step on the making of crack cocain...I just called some one a name...some one who does not exist on the internet.
#2 "Our club" is, acording to Josh, older than I would say it is the other way around.
#3 True, it is not too hard to hit the PM button...however, with there set up, it is very easy to not notice that you have PMs, and then they go unnoticed. A little tiny thing blinking at the top of the screen just makes me think of an add.
#4 Yes, they DO delete without saying anything...and no they do NOT PM you nor e-mail when doing it. Otherwise, I would not have asked who deleted my post, (and there woulda been no responce) in the middle of the thread about A/C and cooling questions.
#5 Don't worry about it, in reality, it is difficult to get me offended.
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Old 04-30-2004, 07:03 AM   #13
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You have some very good points. Tony just run's a very tight ship especially since they have almost 18,000 members. It's his site, so he'll do as he see's fit. They periodically go through updates trying to make the site more user friendly. So from time to time, some of the options are a little more difficult to manuver through than what most are used too. If I remember right, when you recived a PM, the software "used to" notify you other than a blinking light at the top of the page. I agree, that the way it is now, is kind of a pain. Sometimes it takes me a day or so before I realize I've received a PM.

I would like to clarify one thing, when I said "our club", I meant our local car club. Most of our members came from that site. If it wasn't for CT, then us Founding members probably would never have met.

I know a few of the moderators/admins. over there. One of them is actually one of our top members. They do try their best to notify members when their posts are edited/deleted. Sorry you were one of the few that didn't get notification.

I was on this site for about a year before I found CT, but am quite thankfull for both sites. They both have more information to offer than I'll ever use and I'll toss my .02 in when I can.
Fawker Fab three seater rock crawler buggy 498 BBC/SM465/203/205 doubler, propane, 5.13's, 42" PB Rockers

'66 C10 - The new hot rod

'77 3+3 Dually - 12 valve 4wd conversion tow rig project

'28 Ford 2 door sedan street rod

RevLimit Offroad

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Old 04-30-2004, 07:08 AM   #14
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I wont go there anymore after they deleted some of my posts either. Some guy was wanting to know about polishing aluminum. I know what works and doesnt, but since I told the guy to throw the Mothers in the trash can, I got trashed.......LOL (The Mod told him to use Mothers).
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Old 04-30-2004, 07:10 AM   #15
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Staying from here is like cheating on your wife..............

50 lashes and bread/water for 30 days....

Maybe take away 10,000 posts...?
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1977 Blazer 2WD For Sale $3000.00
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Old 04-30-2004, 09:09 AM   #16
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I think this site is pretty much a" family " site.Very little,if any, of what is said on here is as bad as what kids hear and say in school!What is nice on this board is that no matter how "stupid" the question is,somebody will answer without busting on You.We have all been rookies and just learning about mechanics,and trucks in general.
70'c/10, 71 suburban4x4 402bb, 72suburban 4/6 drop, 72k/5 4x4 blazer 4" lift 35 tires
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Old 04-30-2004, 10:24 AM   #17
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I've been hanging around on CT in the '60-66 truck forums, and I've noticed that posts get moved a TON of times. Someone asks an engine question on his '60? Moved to the performance forum. etc, etc.

From what I see, this forums gets a TON more traffic than there -- maybe it's all in the car sections at CT?

In any case, I doubt I'll ever get the post count over there that I get here. Here people answer my questions.

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Old 04-30-2004, 10:26 AM   #18
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I have checked around some other sites and i have come to the conclusion that no one site is easier to maneuver, has more knowledgeable members, more members that are willing to help anyone out no mattter how stupid the question, or has as good a mix of people and humor.... Thanks guys!!!!
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Old 04-30-2004, 10:35 AM   #19
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I actually frequent as much as I do this site, but mainly for 55-57 Chevy car information. I've found a lot of great information over there and everyone seems very friendly. They do run a tight ship over there but then again there isn't any drama or pissing matches like there is over here frequently. I do wish they had a "parts board" like this site has, but then again they don't have one to reduce conflicts that will most likely arise.
Jason - '67 GMC swb | '57 Bel-Air 4dr hardtop | '56 210 4dr Wagon | 2000 GMC Sierra
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Old 04-30-2004, 11:03 AM   #20
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Originally posted by Slammed67
.....I do wish they had a "parts board" like this site has, .....
You are required to pay their membership fee before your allowed to post for sale items there.

Which reminds me, Its about time for my annual donation to Josh's board.

I will say this though, When it comes to all the different models of chevys, CT has the most answers I've found.


Last edited by DennyB; 04-30-2004 at 11:06 AM.
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Old 04-30-2004, 11:51 AM   #21
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I've been told.....

...I'm an all or nothing type of guy and it applies here as I don't stray. I've registered as a member here and will stay a member here. I have "lerked" on other boards reading anything of use but I find no need to be a member as I like the way Josh runs this site and it has generally the best of everything message boards need to function productively for both knowledge and enjoyment.

Thanks Josh for a Great Board!!!

Brian Smith - "Born To Lose"
1969 Chevrolet K10 LWB Fleetside - Proud Owner For 22 Yrs - 1 of 208 Built & Sold In Canada!- 283 V8/350TH/NP208, 2" All Spring Lift, 32" Good Year MT/R's.
1972 GMC K2500 Custom LWB Fleetside - Proud Owner For 3 Yrs - 1 of 571 Built & Sold In Canada! - 350 V8/SM465/NP205, 4” Rough Country Lift, 33” Interco TSL Thornbirds
2007.5 GMC Sierra SLE 2500HD 4x4 - Proud Owner For 17 Yrs- 6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel/Allison 1000, 2" Lift, 33" Mickey Thompson MTZ's.
2008 Yamaha Raptor 700r - Proud Owner For 15 Yrs - ITP Mud Lites.
2015 John Deere 1025R - Proud Owner For 8 Yrs - 24HP Diesel/H120/54D/260B/SB1154.
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Old 04-30-2004, 12:23 PM   #22
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Perhaps I am naïve, once I find something I like; I stay there or return there. I find no need to wander about. This site has the answers I look for and I attempt to help when I can. I must admit there is enjoyment in visiting here and for a guy who doesn’t use the computer in this way that’s hard to admit.

I have said before and will continue to say, thanks to Josh and the members here.
1971 Chevy Cheyenne 383/350 LWB 2wd

Built to use, and look good.
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Old 04-30-2004, 01:31 PM   #23
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I'll have to agree with Longhorn. I used CT for a year or so before I found this site and I will never go back.
'Way too many rules that some members spend their day watching for infractions so they can jump on you in public or delete your posting--and no, they don't tell you why! As far as I'm concerned, those people need to get a life. Their "classifieds"??.........they're a joke!--you get more responses here in an hour than you will there in a month. They may have more members, but they spend their time chastizing each other rather than posting useful information.

Stepsides look like real trucks!

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Old 04-30-2004, 01:39 PM   #24
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This is GREAT site.
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