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Old 08-24-2004, 07:27 AM   #26
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:18 AM   #27
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I gotta agree with the parts store 20 question routine. The best one for me was when I decided to put a GM internally regulated alternator on my Mustang. I had the alternator part # and went to the parts store and asked for it by part #. Then the questions started: what year?, "that won't help you". I need to know what year, "ok, 1970". What model? "Ford Mustang". This is for a Chevy not a Ford. "No sh!t junior, now, just sell me what I asked for."
Just Passin' Thru
Some projects are like herding cats; others are like putting out fires; this one was like herding cats on fire.....
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:07 AM   #28
Dude...I'm a CHICK
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Parts stores!!! Went into Napa, to get a head light for my husbands step side GMC, I needed a LOW BEAM light. They (and their computer) tried to convince me that the combo high/low beam light they were trying to give me was the one I needed, (not to mention that it was half again as big as the RIGHT one) They tried to convince me that the chevy/GMC trucks did NOT have 4 head lights. Nor seperate high/low beam lights. I said CHEVY trucks didnt, GMC trucks did. I had MY GMC Burb right out front and there was an old 72 sitting in the parking lot next to theirs for Petes sake!!! I finally convinced them and got the right LOW BEAM light,,, GEEEEEEZE... and they WER'NT kids!!!
"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates

'71 GMC Suburban 4x4
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:48 AM   #29
Fred T
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I also hate the "chain" parts stores. I have a mom & pop store that I do as much business with as possible. They cost a little more, bit it's worth it for the service. Only problem is they're not open on Sunday. Have a brother-in-law that used to manage a Napa store. They can be good stores, but it all depends on the owner & manager. Many of the Napa stores have gone to hiring the brain-dead, like AZoned and Orileys. Try going into an Azoned and buying parts for a 52. I've even been told they don't make parts for anything that old.

There is no such thing as too much cam...just not enough engine.
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Old 08-24-2004, 10:21 AM   #30
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I have a bunch. Besides wiring and A/C, I have to deal with a neighbor that lives his car fantasies through me. I swear every time he sees me out in my shop, he comes over and stands about 8 inches from me and yammering away about how he's gonna do this or that to his car. "I'm gonna put a 502 and a 5 speed in my truck with nitrous and twin turbos and a blower, and a lift kit with a 4 inch drop and big and littles under it with 20 inch rims and, and, and .......Oh yessss!" Than he makes sure to say "I'm like you" Good grief, I don't know anybody that is "like me". Then he wonders home to sit on his back porch. Ths guy is 50 years for goodness sake!
If nothing else, we can all serve as a bad example.
We don't know what we don't know.
The world needs ditch-diggers too.
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Old 08-24-2004, 11:01 AM   #31
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Ooh I have one! When you grab for the air hose or extension cord & it will snag on something when you drag it across the floor. I always think...I could never do that on purpose EVER!...

When you lose the wrench you just had in your hands 10 seconds ago...

Oh ya, the parts store guy can be fixed with "'84 GMC, 1/2 ton, 2wd, grey, 4 tires, dent in rear fender,cracked windshield, black seat..." & then ask if he needs any other info after he could have just listened to you when you ask for a "long small block oil filter"...corn
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Old 08-24-2004, 11:35 AM   #32
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Anything electrical is my pet peeve I absolutely hate working on it.

Besides that the only other peeve I have is writing or answering a thread in ALL CAPS, is that really necessary?

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Old 08-24-2004, 12:08 PM   #33
Dude...I'm a CHICK
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Oh yeah, Blinkers... that one buggs the crap outta me too!!!

"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates

'71 GMC Suburban 4x4
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Old 08-24-2004, 12:19 PM   #34
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People who get so specialized, with their own little vehicle, that they have no patience with anyone else who doesn't know everything about it, like they do. Especially people who are rude and put down others trying to do their jobs in auto parts stores. Give em a break. Remember they have to deal with about 20,000 different vehicles---and people like you.
Phone: 360-956-7170
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Old 08-24-2004, 01:08 PM   #35
1969 GMC
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Originally Posted by saulgoode
Besides that the only other peeve I have is writing or answering a thread in ALL CAPS, is that really necessary?
Or, When People Type And Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word. That Is Kind Of Annoying, Too.
1969 GMC K2500
1996 Honda Accord
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Old 08-24-2004, 01:35 PM   #36
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A long time ago I went to a parts store and asked about a cam for a 77 350. Guy asked if I wanted one, or both of them..... Ended up him confused looking thru 20 different books telling me the engine has 2 trying to tell him its not a over head cam engine. I can understand ppl who work there having hard time with parts....but when you TELL them exactly what you want, and they swere they are right and your wrong, that gets on my nerves.
54 Chevy Bel Air 4dr powerglide
54 Chevy SWB
58 Chevy Big Window SWB Fleetside project
58 Chevy LWB 235/4spd
76 Chevy Nova 350/TH350 4.88's *10kmiles on "new" engine
79 Chevy 4x4 SWB 350/4spd 3/4 ton
81 Mazda RX7
84 F@!d Mustang
96 F@!d Ranger 2.3L/5spd
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Old 08-24-2004, 02:14 PM   #37
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I hate the people that think they know everything. I spend hours and hours reading up in books, looking online, and talking to professionals about just a single part conversion (camshaft for example), then some nobody comes along and says that EVERYBODY else is wrong and that I should get ______. Parts guys are included on this. Just last week:
Me: "I need spark plug wires for a 75 corvette." (HEI thing)
He asks me all sorts of bs questions I can't answer because I don't have a 75 corvette.
Him: "Well what are they going on?"
Me: "I'm putting them on my 72 truck because I've converted it to HEI."
Him: "You're truck is supposed to have these wires ________."
Me: "Those would be the correct wires if I still had points, I don't, I have HEI, and so therefore I need the spark plug wires from a 75 corvette."
Him: "The spark plug wires would be the same for those two vehicles so you should just use these. (tries to hand me the ones for my truck)."
This is were I've hit the end of my patience. I "gently" push him to the side and take over his computer. I find the part number for the 75 corvette spark plug wires and go behind the counter and grab them. I take both sets out of the box and set them on the counter next to each other (one set is massively longer than the other, different boots for the distributor, and one has a coil wire (we all already knew this on here though)). Then I say "Do these look like the same %$@#ing wires to you?"
Him: "......................."
I just paid and left.
Now the thing that gets me the worst (and I've gotten to the point of trying to hit them) is when you're getting on the highway. You're in the onramp, with a car right behind you getting on the highway as well. The onramps land ends pretty quickly with nowhere to go and there is a lot of traffic coming. And this mother %&@#er!!! behind you floors it and jumps into the lane right beside you and then doesn't let you over. WHAT THE &%$@ !!!!! They knew that I didn't have anywhere to go and that I would have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the guard rail. Not to mention that now I can't get over because I'm going too slow to merge with the buttload of traffic that was on the highway. I've gotten to the point that when I see them starting to try that I jerk my big a$$ truck over right in front of them so that they have to slam on their brakes.
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Old 08-24-2004, 02:48 PM   #38
Mike Culpepper
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There are many but the #1 today is.....People who feel EVEYTHING is someone elses fault. No one takes responsibility!
'72 Cheyenne LWB 350/350

"The sun don't shine on the same dog's ass all the time." - Catfish Hunter (commenting on why he was not able to pitch another perfect game).
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Old 08-24-2004, 03:00 PM   #39
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toddtheodd...ive done that too. Go to look for something that has been changed from the original, and just use another year/model of car to get the part. Then they ask you questions and sometimes you dont know them, so you tell them its going on a certain car, but the part is off of something else. And they try to sell you the wrong part.
54 Chevy Bel Air 4dr powerglide
54 Chevy SWB
58 Chevy Big Window SWB Fleetside project
58 Chevy LWB 235/4spd
76 Chevy Nova 350/TH350 4.88's *10kmiles on "new" engine
79 Chevy 4x4 SWB 350/4spd 3/4 ton
81 Mazda RX7
84 F@!d Mustang
96 F@!d Ranger 2.3L/5spd
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Old 08-24-2004, 03:23 PM   #40
The LuvShack Garage
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Moderate to Nice Eating Establishment with Poor / Worthless Service, I can
get by if the food is so so, maybe I won't go back, But with Crappy Service,
it just Drives me Insane, and it is Usually my Favorite Places to Eat.

Of course, Where else, But only in The Greatest Place on Earth, USA
Owner/Op: "TN Classic Transport Carriers"
The Toy: "Square Vette" 72 Hybrid Blazer
Toy Barn: "LuvShack" 40 x 60 x 20 Shop
Tow Piggy:"Maddy" 88 Silverado 3500
Hauler: "Feathers" 14 Aluma 8218T
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Old 08-24-2004, 04:15 PM   #41
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All these are great, but I discovered a new one the other day when the husband of one of my wife's friends had a problem with his work truck. I guess my wife told his wife I'm good with a wrench. She bullies her husband to call me and ask some questions. When I tried to help him he got all defensive, and argumentative about what I was saying. Never mind the fact that his pathetic S10 pickup has a blown head gasket and he just spent $3000 to "have it fixed". He told me I didn't know what I was talking about because his mechanic didn't say exactly what I said. I more or less vowed to never help him again.

You see, now that my friends or maybe even acquaintences know that I "know things about cars" they'll ask me for help and stuff. That in itself is not bad at all. In fact it's great!, but when they ask for help and I'm willing to spend the time to work it out with them, AND they get defensive, or start arguing with me about what I know or don't know, or start humming and hawing about what I've just told them it REALLY makes me mad. I'm just being objective and I'm truely trying to help. I'm not in this for the ego boost. But when they say things like this:

"Well....yeah, but I just don't know about that...."


"Sounds reasonable, but I'd have to check that out for myself"

THEN WHY DID YOU BOTHER TO ASK ME IF YOU'RE SO F%^KING SMART? I spent the time to learn how to do this stuff right. They're not willing to spend the time, but once I tell them something to be helpful they make a proclamation like they're going to go invest all this time to confirm what I said...

Drives me crazy. It makes me NOT want to help now I think I know why car enthusiasts get grumpy after a while.
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
'69 3/4 ton Custom 20 2wd-350ci/4sp Manual
'99 2wd 5.7 Chevy Tahoe
Seattle, WA.

Last edited by COBALT; 08-24-2004 at 04:17 PM.
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Old 08-24-2004, 05:12 PM   #42
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how about going to the parts store and it taking longer to wait in line for the part than to do the whole job!That realiy sucks!or finding out right in the middle of your job that one of your friends or family did a swing by and borrowed the only damn tool that you needed!or making a second trip to the parts store and waiting your turn in the eternal waiting process (it only seems this way when you are under the gun to get it done)

1972 C20 cheyenne Super 402 BB/400 turbo LWB A/C Tilt, Cruise Control, Saddle tanks, Tach
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Better to burn out than it is to rust
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Old 08-24-2004, 05:54 PM   #43
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Ok, what about this one. I'm sure we all get it. There's even a little saying to go with it. "Why buy a truck when your friend has one."
The second I bought my 72, people started coming out of the woodwork wanting stuff moved or hauled around.
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Old 08-24-2004, 06:00 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by toddtheodd
Ok, what about this one. I'm sure we all get it. There's even a little saying to go with it. "Why buy a truck when your friend has one."
The second I bought my 72, people started coming out of the woodwork wanting stuff moved or hauled around.
I had that problem to so what I did to solve was this. Sure no problem that will be $50.00 for the day. Plus milage.
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Old 08-24-2004, 07:49 PM   #45
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How about when you need to go to the parts store,your in a hurry,but you got some wise guy slow plokin in the fast lane.You eventually get around him and get to the store and go in just to find out they don't have the bleeder screw's they said they had when you called and asked if they had them.So you go to another store and ask for your part and this Bobo says,"Why don't you just clean the old ones out?"I had to say "because my truck is 32 years old and I don't mind spending $2.75 on it.Just give me the parts."And it still takes the guy 15 min. to get the part.
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:48 PM   #46
Got Light Emitting Diode?
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order spark plugs for a sb 400 in a 68 chev. they are quick to point out that 400s dont come in a 68. then you tell them it is the same as a 350. bicker fight nag finally you get what you want. i go in now and establish that i know more than they do. "I have a 68 chev 1/2 ton 2wd long bed, sb 400 out of a 73 caprice and a th350. power steering, no a/c with MSD distributer" they usually listen then.
One time i went in and was ordering something and was leaning over the counter to see what the guy was looking up and he started yelling at me " I HAVE WORKED HERE FOR 20 YEARS AND I HAVE NEVER HAD SOMEONE SO DISRESPECTFUL TO LEAN OVER MY COUNTER AND DOUBLE CHECK WHAT I AM DOING!"
My responce "HAHAHA you have worked the parts counter for 20 years? HAHAHA" and left.
1968 1/2 ton 2wd lwb 6 lug disc and bags up front. Next c notch and rear bags

'02 Chevy Silverado LT ext cab short bed 2WD 5/7 drop on 22's(the family car)

1993 Cherokee work ride/weekend wheeler
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Old 08-24-2004, 10:23 PM   #47
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People who butcher the English language, and do foolish things like putting an apostrophe after a noun and then an "s" to show what they think is the plural form. Example: "truck's" . This shows possession, not plurality. I see this much too often on this board.
Oh yeah, I agree with cornfed. Every time I drag an air hose or drop cord it catches on everything. If I wanted it to do that there is no way in hell it would. I guess it's (contraction of it is) Murphy having a permanent perch on my shoulder.
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Old 08-24-2004, 10:30 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by 3rdGenrationChevyman
yeah, sounds familiar... but with me I get the truck all apart & THEN realize I forgot something...
I third that!!!! I've done that soooo many times I don't even want to think about it anymore!

Not so bad though when you have a 2nd vehicle to get the parts.

I remember once, I had bought brake pads for all around on my car, back then I only had the one vehicle. I had JUST enough time planned out to change them, and then get my arse to work. I had the damn front torn all apart, and realized the auto parts place gave me the wrong pads!!!! I had to put it all together again, go get the new ones, and redo it all!! I was late for work.
2007 Saturn Aura - hey it WAS a GM product
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Old 08-24-2004, 10:55 PM   #49
Sisyphus was my mentor!
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What pics my bum is when I'm collecting the parts I need to do a job or two on my car/truck on a weekend & I get the job all apart & I open the sealed ("you cant return this once this part's box is opened") box only to find that theyt gave me the wrong parts.
-TWO 1967 GMC 910's. One with L6/3-on-the tree and the other with 355 w/435hp & a 700r4.
-a 2013 Honda Civic as my "sensible" car
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Old 08-25-2004, 12:00 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by PICKMUP
People who get so specialized, with their own little vehicle, that they have no patience with anyone else who doesn't know everything about it, like they do. Especially people who are rude and put down others trying to do their jobs in auto parts stores. Give em a break. Remember they have to deal with about 20,000 different vehicles---and people like you.
I think you missed the part about simple, I don't expect counter kids to know anything about my trucks, but I prefer not to give my life story for a non-year specific item like an 1157 bulb or a set of plugs I asked for by number. Didn't mean to step on your little toe.
72 C10 10 yr.daily driver
68 C10 18 pit
72 Nova all original
99 H.D. Heritage[sanity check]
71 VW topless bug[summer fun]
"When I have the money, I don't have the time ; when I have the time, I don't have the money.
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