Took my 1983 Suburban in for its yearly transmission maintenance. For some reason they decided to put down the driver's side window and it decided not to go back up
. Brought the vehicle home on a typical grey, wet November day in Seattle with the window stuck in the down position, no garage, street parking only. Took the door panels off and after a number of frustrating hours troubleshooting the system I was able to determine that power was getting to the motor. Very hard to do that with the windown down. I was able to give the motor a good quick smack with the ballpeen hammer and up it went.
Got the replacement motor and am ready to go to work. Naturally the GM shop manual would be a great resource if I knew what I was doing and just needed a reminder and the Chilton's useless. Anybody got any experience with this particular maneuver? Any tricks, tips, warnings, step-by-step instructions anyone would care to share with a determined amateur, who knows just enough to be really dangerous, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks