John, one thing to consider about new memers posting so much is that they are here and looking at every thread trying to get up to speed and in doing so they are sharing there opinions for the first time on many of the threads that are old to you and me but new to them.
I know when i was new i would read back 30, 40 even 50 pages aometimes to gather information instead of just asking a question that may have already been answered and thats why you see new guys bringing up old threads is because they come across them for the first time and want to add their thoughts to it.
I agree with most of what you say on here John but i think your off base if your assumptions about new members and i think that kind of attitude is the VERY PROBLEM people are speaking of here.
Mixup speaks the truth and has been here long enough to know how things work so he's no newb "trying to change things to his liking" but rather just trying to make this board a better place for everyone and if that means a little change then i think everyone should get on board with it because when people stop posting because of fear of insults then the information runs dry and this will just become another board full of bickering.
Just somthing to think about.