The old truck is earning it's Keep
Well a couple of weeks ago I posted that a new small block and tranny were going into my old 72 and a scabbed together front clip was going on to get me by for a while. Well the old girl is running strong very strong and even though I had a few tense moments during fire up and run in all is working very well so far. I have a few hundred miles on it now and used it this weekend to haul 36,000 lbs of water on my trailer (6 loads)and 1000 lb of rotted manure for the garden. It performed like a trooper. I am taking it real easy with the towing as everything is still pretty fresh and tight. It sure feels good to have the truck back on the road even if it does look like a circus wagon.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Last edited by StingRay; 05-14-2005 at 11:21 PM.