So i have this new idea instead of doing a crossmember drop to cut up where my top bag mount is now about 2 inches or a little less.Strait across the. Weld a flat piece of steel across where i just made the cut with about 3/4" tab all the way around. So you can bolt the bag mount up. Then cut a piece of pipe bout 1 inch or so or less at the angle you need to make your spring square at ride hieght. Weld the pipe to another piece of flat steel and bolt it up to the where you cut the crossmember. What this will do is sit the crossmember all the way on the ground with 17's wheels. Right now my front sit about an inch off the ground. Then I can use my sway bar again because it wont let the bags collapse all the way. Hit the existing crossmember. Do you guy think this would work and not mess up the steering or ride.