I found this board while having a meltdown last Thursday, trying to figure out a gas tank problem. Now you all have added years onto the work I need to do to my truck. Just wanted to say Thanks!!!
Just a few things I need to do that I didn't know about until last Thursday would be relays on the headlights, intermittent wiper switch conversation, Autometer dash conversation or LEDs for the factory gauges and LEDs for the tag lights, side markers, interior lights, brake & running lights. I have also decided to finish the custom kick panels I started so long ago, try to find a seat that is more comfortable, etc etc etc....
Really you all have a great board here and lots of information, I put you in my Favorites as soon as I found you. I am sure you will be hearing much more from me, as I have lots of thoughts, questions, rants, ideas about these trucks.
OH, my truck is 72 C10 longbed Cheyenne, slightly lowered in primer (that's another rant)