Door Rod Clip Information Needed
I never could open the passenger door of my 67 from the inside. This weekend I took the door apart and found out that the rod that goes from the inner door handle to the latch was disconnected at the latch. The little clip that hold it in place has vaporized. Thinking that I was pretty smart, I got a clip from the extra driver's door that I had and tried to put it on the passenger side. After about 1/2 hour, I decided that the clips are different from right to left. The lock rod clip is also different.
I am sure I could get a new clip from one of the vendors but I would like to get my door back together tonight. Does any one know if NAPA or some other autoparts store sells these clips? I also thought about going to Home Depot to see if there is a retainer that I could just push on. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I may just drill a hole and insert a pin. This is not a show truck, I just need something that will work. Thanks, Paul