dang guys been awhile since ive been here. lots has happend. never did end up restoring the 69. ended up selling it to buy an attorny for sum trouble i got in. but yea anyways my dad bought a new truck a dodge

. but he gave me the old 87. kinda cool how it work with trucks in my family. this truck has a lot of history. In 87 my grandpa sent my dad to go buy him a new truck my dad didnt like the 88s so he brought home a 87. grandpa bought it. about 10 years later grandpa went out and bought a new truck dad wasnt a part this time dunno why but any ways lo and behold he bought a dodge lol. and the truck was handed down to my dad. now here it is about 10 years later my dad bought a dodge and handed down the truck to me

. i have so many fond memories in this truck with grandpa as a kid. we used to go out on back roads and "get lost" even though i knew he knew where he was even thought i didnt. but hed drive and id tell him what way to turn and wed eventually get home but ya i love this this truck and cant wait till i get to hand this truck down to my kid. ill post pics of the truck probly tomm. since i know your all dieing to see it