Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Chris, and I'm with Cooper Film Cars, a division of Cooper Classics, LTD in New York City. We sell Classic Cars and Trucks in Manhattan, and we also rent them out for photo shoots all over the United States. When I'm looking for a specific car sometimes I'll head over to a forum and post what I need. You can read more about us at
www.cooperclassiccars.com . I try to keep things short and sweet, so I won't come across as spamming. Just trying to keep my clients (Polo, Jcrew, etc) happy by finding the car or truck they need, and also give the opportunity to someone to showcase their vehicle. We understand the time and effort (and money...) it takes to restore and maintain a car or truck, and its nice to see that work pay off. We always pay the owners for their time, and every shoot is completely insured. We have a database full of vehicles, so if you'd like to register feel free. Thanks for your time.