Well, I finally got around to showing some pics of my latest purchase. It is a 72 cst. The pics were taken in the shop I found it in. It looks better now than it does in the pics because I have been cleaning and removing the p.o. handywork like the cb, whips and the fenderflares
. It also had one of those boxes on the inner fender for converting the alternator to 110. I have also put on a set of ralleys that I painted white. As you can see by the option sticker it is pretty loaded. Before anyone asks, it is not an original feathers blazer. It was repainted by the p.o. in the early 80's and he had those sticker put on. It was originally a "special" paint according to the option sticker, which is kind of a light brown. It says "special" on the firewall in the engine bay too. I'll try to get better pics later when I get it outside.